meeting the parents

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Dusty POV
My legs were bouncing up and down like mad in Taishiro's car as we make our way out to his families farm on the outskirts on Osaka (I think I spelt that right) his father had made a big deal about meeting me as we had been together for almost 6 months at this point and they were excited to meet me.

"Dusty calm down gummy you're making the car shake!" He chuckles placing his hand on my thigh gently to stop my nervous tick
"Sorry...I'm just really nervous...what if they don't like me!" I say looking out at the beautiful sights on our drive
"Baby they're gonna love least my dad and my brother will... my mom is kinda similar to your old man" he chuckles and that's when my stomach dropped. Since my brother's wedding my father hasn't said two words to me or even attempted to contact me
"Oh great" I mumble playing with my long hair which I had shoved up in a messy ponytail. I had decided go with my black flared jeans, black vest top and my black and white checked shirt which I tied up and left unbuttoned
"Okay we're here gummybear!" he says as we pull onto the small farm. Where I see his family waiting outside for us
"Hey guys!" Tai says as he steps out of the car and I mentally prepare myself before i too step out of the car and stand next to him

"Hey son!" His father says with a smile
"Family this is my girlfriend Dusteena Cyrus" he says putting his arm around my shoulders and I feel my mouth go dry
"Hi! Ya'll can just call me Dusty!" I say with a smile, his dad and I assume his brother smile and me but his mother was dead pan "oh shit" I think so myself
"Gummy this is my dad Hanzo, my older brother Ryota and my mother Suzuno" he smiles pointing at each family member respectively
"It's nice to finally meet you! For a second I thought my brother made you up!" Ryota laughs
"Hey at least he got a girl what's your excuse!" His father argues
"Dusty...that'sa strange name" his mother comments and I awkwardly shuffle
"Haha yeah Dusteena was my great grandmothers name so my mamma and pappa wanted to call me that" I nervously his mother makes a disapproving noise and once again my stomach drops.

"anyway get back to trying to fix that tractor!" Hanzo hisses at Ryota
"Dad I've been trying for weeks! We might just have to bite the bullet and take it go the garage!" Ryota whines and I look over and notice it's  a similar make to the one we had on the farm back home
"I ain't paying $25,000 for the repairs that bastard says it needs!" Hanzo says sternly
" you mind if I have a look" I say shyly and both men look at me confused
"Excuse me?" His mother says unimpressed at my suggestion
"Um well it's similar to the one we had  back on the farm at papa always said that sometimes a fresh pair of eyes could help" I suggest and I can feel Tai smirking down at me
"I've been working on that tractor for over 5 weeks! But sure go ahead little lady" Royta says.

Fatgum POV
My family and I look over at Dusty who makes her way over to the tractor. She looks a little confused before crouching down and picking up one of my brother's tools. Compared to the massive price of machinery she looks so small and cute
"She's just gonna make it worse" I hear my brother sigh
"Meh you'd be surprised I've yet to come acorss something she can't do" I say smiling at her.
Then suddenly the roar of the tractor engine could be heard and we all look over at her with open mouths
"How in the hell!?" My dad days with his mouth literally on the floor but I couldn't help but smirk at my girl who once again proved there isn't anything she can't do! Wiping her hands she walks back over to us
"How did you do that!?" Ryota says looking down at her

"You had one of the connectors backwards" Dusty giggles "it's a common mistake on this kinda would drive my papa and my brothers up the wall until eventually they just bit the bullet and got a different make because they kept putting it on wrong" she giggled
"But if you want I can show you a good way to stop it from happening again" Dusty offers before heading back over to the tractor
"Okay I love her!" Ryota laughs before walking over to where my girlfriend was standing
"I approve!" My father chuckles
"I don't like it...her place should be inside the farm house and not getting her hands un lady like! Nothing like Kikiyo!" My mother hisses and I flinch at her harsh words towards my girlfriend

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