First mommy's day!

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Fatgum POV
Trying to get out of bed without waking up Dusty is like mission fucking impossible!
I swear the woman has the hearing of a bat!
Keiichirou can sneeze from his room and she'd wake up!
Somehow though I managed! I was more proud of myself than I should have been...
I lightly walk to Keiichirou's room to find him already wide awake and looking at his feet like he's never seen them before.
"Morning Bean" I chuckle, his little face shoot to the side to look up at me and a massive smile spreads acorss his face.
"C'mhere monster" I smile reaching in and picking him up.

Today was Dusty's first ever mothers day so I had something pretty special planned for her but first was to somehow get downstairs and make her breakfast without waking her up...
"Right munchkin you sit there" I say putting him in his bouncer before heading over to let Toshio out who of course makes a b-line for Keiichirou. Using his little bunny paws he pulls himself up and makes himself comfortable on Keiichirou's legs.
"Tai baby?" I hear Dusty call sleepily and I feel my stomach drop...I haven't even started yet!
"Is Beanie okay?" I hear her call down, I've known her long enough to know when she's half she is right now
"Yeah he's fine Gummy he was just getting a little fussy. I've got him today you go back to bed for a bit" I call up hoping that would be enough.

"I'll come and do it you have work!" She calls down...I don't have work today I actually have the day off but of course I'm planning suprise you I wasn't going to tell her!
" that's okay Gummybear just go back to bed. You never get a chance to lay in" I call up once again and I don't hear her coming down the staris...
"You..." she starts but its cut off by her massive yawn *sure?* she asks
"Haha yes Gummy go back to bed" I chuckle and the relief that washes over me when I hear her walk away and back to our bedroom was unreal!
"Boys I swear mommy's tryna give me a heart attack" I laugh looking at both Keiichirou and Toshio.

Dusty POV
I don't know exactly how long I went back to sleep for but I must have been tired because I never go back to sleep!
I suddenly feel two tiny hands on my face and an open mouth cover the tip of my nose making me giggle.
It's how Keiichirou has started giving kisses and it's so cute! Opening my one eye I come face to face with my son and a gentle nibble on my finger let's me know that Toshio is on the bed too.
Shuffling so I can grab Keiichirou and sit up I hold him infront of my face while Toshio moves to my left
"Well hello you two what you doing here?" I giggle rubbing my still wet nose against Keiichirou's before plonking him down in-between my legs and softly stroking Toshio.

"They both wanted to say happy mother's day!" Taishiro smiles putting a plate with pancakes next to my side of the bed and a cup of decaf coffee.
Unfortunately because Keiichirou is still having my milk at the moment I'm not allowed any coffee.
"Ahhhhh so that's why you got up so early!" I laugh and he nods his head before climbing into bed directly next to me.
"That is correct...I swear I got some grey hairs this morning from you waking up" he laughs
"Yeah you are looking a little grey" I tease gently running my fingers through his hair
"You cheeky sod!" He laughs kissing the side of my head
"Seriously baby you didn't need to do all this!" I smile
"It's your first mother's day gummybear" he reminds me...I had kind of forgotten there was a time before Keiichirou!

"Okay now wait here when I get your presents!" He says excitedly getting out of bed
"Oh Tai you didn't!" I groan
"Yes I did now shush!" He calls back rummaging through the wardrobe before coming back out with two different sized boxes wrapped in black wrapping paper
"Haha I like how you went with black!" I giggle
"The only time I see you wear colour is when it's my stuff!" He laughs
"Okay so the big one is off Bean and Toshio" he says handing me the big one
"Annnnnnd I got you this" he says handing me the smaller one
He gently takes Bean from me and set him down in his lap so I can open my presents.

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