🏳️‍🌈Tate x Ryota 🏳️‍🌈

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Heyyyyyy! So in honor of June being pride month. I'm going to do a cheeky little one shot story of how Tate and Ryota came to be...so please enjoy!
Strap in everyone because this bad boy is a looooooooooooong one. 3412 words to be excat 🤣

Tate POV
"Oh I have to pee" Babygirl says quickly Waddling away towards the bathroom. I swear I want the ground go swallow me up right now! At no point did she warn me about how good looking Taishiro's older brother was!
I mean
He was beautiful!
"So....you're Tate right?" He asks his voice quite deep
"Haha yep that's me" I chuckle nervously mentally face palming myself
"You are Ryota correct?" I ask but then I slap myself because I remember learning how it's considered rude to automatically start calling someone in Japan by their first name without their permission!

"Oh shit sorry I meant Toyomitsu right?" I correct myself hoping I hadn't offended him!
That would be a great way to start off wouldn't it...
"Haha no it's fine just call me Ryota" he smiles and I swear my heart gives out then and there...
It should be illegal to be that good looking!
What makes this whole thing worse is I can see Babygirl smirking at me out of the corner of my eye.
Sneaky little bitch

And that's how it all began...at my little sisters baby shower...
I would meet a man who would turn my world upside down.

[One week later]

"Tate you done feeding the pigs!?" Papa shouts up the staris to me
"Yeah Pap I did them!" I call back down wriggling out of my top which at this point was stuck to me!
Why was Tennessee so hot!?
There is no need!
Throwing myself down onto my bed I wiggle around hoping to find a comfortable position where I don't feel like I may spontaneously combust!
The sudden noise of my phone catches my attention...
"Strange wonder who that could be?" I ask leaning over to my bed side table and picking up the phone which I had left to charge.
I mean everyone I talk to was in this house with an exception of Babygirl but she normally calls me.

Bringing the phone to my screen I'm met with a Facebook notification that makes my heart leap out of my chest!

Ryota Toyomitsu has sent you a friend request - 2 mutual friends

I blink easily 20 times thinking I may have read it wrong but when I click on the notification I'm taken to his Facebook page. I swear I melt on the spot because his profile picture is of him in a suit...
A god damn suit!
Taishiro and Ryota look extremely similar apart from the fact he has what I guess is his mother's brown hair and his father's blue eyes. He's also 2 inches taller than my brother-in-law to be and he has more angular features.
In a moment of auto pilot I accidentally accepted the friend request

"Oh shit no no no no!" I say hoping to unfriend him before he notices but nope...
He messaged me!

Message from Ryota Toyomitsu

"Ah fuck me" I hiss clicking on the little bubble that was now in the corner of my screen.

Ryota Toyomitsu: Hey Tate! How are you?

How am I? How am I? Try dying on the inside right now! That's how am I!

Me: Oh hi Toyomitsu, yeah I'm okay thanks how are you?

Ryota Toyomitsu: I already told you just call me Ryota! Yep all good back in Japan 😁

Uhhhhhh the emoji's...he's so cute!

Me: I mean...are you sure?
Me: we hardly know one another

Ryota Toyomitsu: Well that's why I added you...
Ryota Toyomitsu: I want to get to know you ^-^

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