Baby Scan No 2

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Dusty POV
I currently found myself stood infont of the floor length mirror in our shared bedroom, with my leggings pulled down so they sit more on my hips than my waist and my vest top rolled up.
Twisting and turning my body I couldn't help but notice this bump is different from Bean...
For one I'm currently 3 months pregnant with this second child but I'm showing quite a bit...
A lot more than I was when I was with Bean which is quite odd to me...
Also I haven't had any morning sickness  which has been...
Both a blessing and a cause for stress as I've taken so many pregnancy tests because I'm not fully convinced I'm pregnant!
I mean nothing!
Not even a wave of nausea has hit me
Yet being my famous final words I swear!

"Okay Gummy you good to g...what are you doing?" My husband asks with a smirk watching me.
"Does this bump seem weird to you?" I ask and he cocks his head to the one side. Looking at me via the mirror.
"Um....weird how?" He asks walking closer to me and I turn around to face him.
"Like doesn't it seem bigger than it was with Bean?' I ask
He gives my bump a good look before chuckling a little
"Yeah I get what you mean...maybe we're having twins" he smirks making me gently punch him in the arm.
"Ahhh what was that for!?" He pouts at me rubbing his arm
"Don't jinx me!" I hiss at him
"It's highly unlikely that we will have twins gummybear" he laughs
"Not really...I mean you know Wyatt and Tate are twins right?" I say and his mouth drops open
"Wait what!?" He asks shocked
"Yeah...twins comes from my Mamma's side but yeah" I smirk at his face.
"Well you learn something new everyday!" He chuckles earning an eye roll from me.
"Anyway...yes I'm good to go... is Kiri here?" I ask and he nods his head. Kiri had agreeded to come and watch Keiichirou for us while we went for our first scan.
Taishiro was super excited to attend as unfortunately he wasn't able to be at Bean's because of a mission.
It's honestly adorable and makes me melt more beyond belief!

"Mama! Mama! Mama!" Keiichirou squeals happily when I reach the bottom of the staris.
"Haha hi Beanie" I giggle picking him up and holding him close which he happily returns. He's stuck a cuddly little one it's amazing!
"He's such a mommy's boy!" Kirishima laughs
"Yeah funny how his first word was dada" I smirk holding Keiichirou up infornt of my face
"Right you little traitor!" I giggle kissing him on the forehead.
"I just think the d was easier for him to say gummy" Taishiro chuckles when he reaches the bottom of the staris.
"Dada!" Keiichirou says excitedly
"Haha you be good for Kiri buddy okay?" Taishiro chuckles rubbing his hand on Keiichirou's hair fluffing up the blonde curls he currently has which I pray he never looses!
"Kiwi" Keiichirou says pointing to Kirishima as if his dad didn't know who Kiri was.
"Call us if anything happens Baby bolder okay?" I say and he nods his head taking Keiichirou off me
"Don't worry mom I got this!" He beams at me
"Right little man!" He smiles at Keiichirou
"Kiwi!" Keiichirou squeals in response melting my heart.

Fatgum POV
Dusty's leg was bouncing like there was no tommorow sat next to me. A wave of guilt washes over me thinking about how she was probably like this with the first scan for Bean...
She was all alone then as well because we hadn't told anyone about the pregnancy.
"Nervous Gummy?" I ask her taking her hand in mine and she looks up at me with the smile she normally tends to give when she's stressed but doesn't want to impose on anyone....
"A little...yeah I mean I've had no symptoms..." she mumbles looking down at her feet
"What if...I did something wrong and..." she starts but I gently squeeze her hand
"Each pregnancy is different remember...remember how bad your sickness was with Bean?" I chuckle and she giggles a little
"I guess...I mean I threw up so much during that pregnancy that maybe this one decided to give me a break!" She laughs looking up at me again with a happier smile on her face which made me happy.

"Mrs Toyomitsu" the nurse calls
"Oh that's us come on!" Dusty smiles standing up and heading to the room with me following behind her.
"It's nice to see you again! I didn't realise who it was because of the last name!" The nurse giggles a little
"Haha yeah I know we got married" Dusty smiles hoping up on the bed and laying back. I think both women can tell I'm confused because they both smile at one another
"This is the nurse who did the first scan for Bean Tai" Dusty beams
"Ah I see" I smile
"Hi I don't believe we got a chance to meet at the first scan for your first born!" The nurse says with a big smile
"Haha yeah I was kind of dragged into a Misson so I wasn't able to be here the first time" I say still feeling really guilty!
I wonder if she's judging me because I wasn't here the first time
"Oh I see are you a pro hero too?" She questions and I'm a little confused for a moment before realising my hero form and my actual form are polar opposites!
Dusty was trying her best to not crack up
"I am indeed... The BMI hero: Fat Gum to be specific" I smile and I see her eyes go wide at my words
"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I didn't recognise you!' She says bowing her head clearly worried she'd offended me.

"Honestly please don't worry...Dusty did the same thing" I chuckle earing a playful glare from my wife.
"Okay can you lift up for top for me Mrs Toyomitsu" the nurse asks and Dusty does as she asks pulling up her top allowing her bump to show.
"Right this is going to be cold so brace yourself" the nurse laughs and Dusty nods her head taking ahold of my hand and holding it.
I can tell she's beyond nervous right now
" is the little one?" The nurse asks as she continues to push the device acorss Dusty's stomach which looked a little uncomfortable from where I was sat!
"Oh he's amazing! He turned one this year!" Dusty giggles

"Oh wow he's so big now!" The nurse smiles before turning the screen around to show us.
"Okay are your babies!" She says excitedly
I swear I miss heared her wrong and I think Dusty was thinking the same thing...
She didn't just say babies did she...
"Sorry babies?" I ask and she nods her bead poitning to the screen
"That's correct babies... there's one, two and three" she smiles
When she finishes the word three my jaw hits the floor....
I was ready for her to say twins but triplets... Dusty's grip on my hand got tighter and I look over to find her giving me daggers
"You jinxed me" she hisses
"Hey I said twins!" I say with a small smirk and she knows why I'm smirking...
Because whenever she's angry or grumpy
It's so fucking cute!
" is their heart beats" the nurse says turning on the speaker allowing three sets of steady thumps to echo through the room.
Dusty's grip got a little tighter and I couldn't help but smile at the cute wide mouth smile that was now plastered across her face at the sound of the heart beats

I couldn't belive it...
We were having triplets!
Three babies!
Sure it was a shock but we're excited!

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