another mission pt 2

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Dusty POV
"Okay I would just like to one at any point mentioned how hot it was gonna be!" I whined as I fanned myself...of all the times for my hero suit to be tight and black!
"Aren't you from Tennessee?" Shoto questions
"That's don't me shit sweetie! I'm sweating like two rats going at it in a wool sock" I hiss and everyone looks at me confused
"What does that mean?" A confused Deku looks up at my boyfriend
"I'm still trying to find the subtitle button to be honest Deku!" Fatgum chuckles

"Means I'm super warm Deku sweetie" I giggle "anyway so what's the plan for this mission?" I ask looking over at Endeavour who looks back at me before pulling out a massive map
"Okay so...from what our informants have gathered there is going to be over $75, 0000.00 worth of drugs being dropped of at this dock here tommorow night. So what we need is for..." he then goes on to explain the plan on whose going where and what have you
"Now normally I wouldn't want to split up work studies and their mentors but in this instance I feel like Tsukuyomi and Keres would work well as our eyes in the shadows and our long distance attacks" Endeavour says with what I assume is meant to be a smile
"If of course that's okay with you Tsukuyomi and you Keres?" He asks
"I see no reason why I should object" Tsukuyomi comments

"Yeah I ain't got any objections" I smile
"I would also request that I go with Keres" Shoto says suddenly and I look at him suprised
"Shoto no I need you with..." Endeavour starts to argue
"You need someone with some kind of quirk that can make light if Dark Shadow goes out of that would be either Bakugo or myself and I doubt Bakugo will listen to orders!" Shoto argues back
"What you say you half and half bastard!?" Dynamight argues
"You heared me" Shoto says in a monotone voice and the bickering underways...Shoto and Dynamight arguing and then Endeavour trying to interject. I look at Fat and Rock lock confused who both shrug their shoulders before I take a deep breath
"Alright Endeavour agency! Quite time!" I say loudly and they all shut up instantly

Fatgum POV
We all look at Dusty suprised for a few seconds and I can't believe she actually did that!
"But!" Endeavour goes to argue with her
"Shush!" She hisses again and it was beyond amusing to see the big intimidating Endeavour get put in his place by a small 5ft woman who clearly didn't care if he liked her or not "look I agree with Shoto if dark Shadow is prone to losing control in darkness then it would be smart to have someone with us...I think that should be Shoto especially after I read about Dynamight's quirk he would be better up front with you guys...this isn't a fricking daddy son bonding trip Endeavour we're hear to stop a drug cartel so you three short your shit out because it's too hot for this" Dusty hisses fanning herself and they all shut up again and for the first time I see the number one hero put in his place

"Keres is right...I will be paired with Tsukuyomi and Keres tomorrow night" Endeavour says and I see Shoto nod his head.
"She's still feisty as ever" Rock lock comments making me chuckle
"Oh yeah...she's like a little she demon when she wants to be" I chuckle looking at my little ball of energy who i love so much! It was decided that due to the fact that Hawks and I stand out the most of everyone here that he and I would pair up along with the newbie Tornado. Rocklock and Kami woods would be paired up and Endeavour, Burinin, Deku and Dynamight would be together.
After the meeting ended I see Tornado make his way over to I'm not a jealous kind of guy but there was something about the way he looked at her that I didn't like. So of course I stay close to her to keep an eye on her
"Hi Keres! I'm actually a big fan of yours!" He says excitedly
"Aw that's very sweet of you Tornado thank you" Dusty says with a smile looking over at me and smiling but before Tornado can say anything else to her she excuses herself and walks over to me

"You ready to go?" She asks and I nod my head before we leave the designated meeting place and head back to the small villa on the outside of the island that Endeavour has rented. Due to how small it was we were all asked to share rooms with one another and of course due to us being in the same agency I got Dusty which I definitely wasn't complaining about.

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