First Daddy's day!

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Dusty POV
"Ahhdhfnrjgrrrr" Bean squeals kicking his feet intensely making him almost head bang in his bouncer
"Haha okay Beanie okay" I giggle as I continue to put together Taishiro's first father's day.
He had made such an effort for my first mother's day I made sure to return the sentiment!
Unbeknownst to him that I've planned a family dinner night where my family have said they will facetime us to join in! Hanzo and Ryota are coming as well as all the boys!

Finishing up with his breakfast I scoop up Bean in my one arm. He's able to sit up on his own now which is amazing! Toshio has gotten quite big now as well do he can actually get up the steps on his own now which is...interesting.
Nothing like walking around upstairs and almost falling face first because of the bun! Who I swear acts more like a dog than a bunny.
I would say I quietly made my way into our bedroom but in all honesty when Taishiro is asleep he's out like a light! I swear a hurrican could pass through our home and he would never know!
I'm a little jealous over the fact he's such a heavy sleeper because I swear you could drop a pin and I would wake up!

Popping the breakfast I made on the bedside table to gently place Bean next to Tai before leaning down and picking up Toshio to also put him on the bed.
Keiichirou gets straight to work waking his father up in the best way he knows how...
Leaning in really close to to his face and talking to him
"Aaagggrrrhhhhhh!" He says loudly while placing his tiny hands on his face.
Taishiro stirs a little and Bean contines to babble to him until he finally wakes up
"Haha morning little man" he says sleepily. He quickly wraps an arm around Keiichirou to make sure he doesn't fall off the bed as he sits up clearly still half asleep
"Morning baby" I giggle
"Morning Gummy" he yawns running his free hand through his hair "What's going on?" He asks still coming around
"The boys wanted to say happy father's day" I smile climbing onto the bed
"I completely forgot" he laughs and I roll my eyes
"Only you would forget Father's day I swear!" I giggle
"I'm still half alseep, tell her bean" he pouts holding Keiichirou out who is giving me a cheeky smile while having his hand in his mouth.

"Ggggmmmmtbrrr" Keiichirou says and of course it makes us both laugh
"Well that told me didn't it" I say in a baby voice pinching my son's chubby cheeks which he 100% got form me.
The older he's getting the more more he looks like his father!
Keiichirou is the spitting image of Taishiro with the exception of my chubby cheeks and blue eyes.
"Anyway give me him before your food gets cold!" I smile taking Keiichirou from him and placing him in my folded legs. Keiichirou instantly gently grabs a handful of my long black hair and begins to gently tug on it.
"You are the best!" Taishiro smiles.
"Come on Beanie let's go and get daddy's presents!" I giggle making sure to have a proper hold on him before I get up
"Gummy you didn't..." he starts but I cut him off

"Finish that sentence Taishiro I dare you!" I say turning around to face him with a smirk.
"Well that told me" he laughs and I giggle before heading out and grabbing the two presents I had bought him.
Walking back in I had Keiichirou back to him before climbing infront of him with corssed legs which Toshio took full advantage off
"Jesus he's getting fat!" I laugh smoothing the bun who looks at me offended.
"This is off Beanie and Toshio" I beam handing him the slightly bigger one.

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