Month 5 - Cravings

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Fatgum POV
"Good job today boys!" I say proudly to my two work studies and my sidekick. We had just busted a massive drug smuggling ring for the police so it's been a good night!
"Thanks! Kinda still a little sad that Keres isn't here" Kirishima says sadly and I chuckle patting him on the shoulder.
"Trust me I know!" I say, trust me no one is noticing not having Dusty around more than I am!
"How's she doing with all the symptoms and stuff?" TesuTesu asks
"A lot better actually, her sickness has stopped pretty much all together but now she's just got to deal with the aches and pains that come with the growing bump" I say feeling a little sorry for her. I mean I had a pretty easy job in the baby making process now she's got to do all the hard work for the next 4 months!
"Yeah being pregnant does not look fun!" Kirishima says wincing at the pain he thinks Dusty is in.
Just then my text notification goes off and I pull out my phone to see a message from Dusty
"Her ears must have been burning" I chuckle opening the message

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Baby......

Me: Yes Gummy what's up?

Gummybear ❤️🐻: I has cravings 🙃🥺

Me: Haha okay what do you want?

Gummybear ❤️🐻: the largest thing of peach bubble tea they do! With extra extra lychee popping bobas!
Pork bao buns and an order of Takoyaki please 🙏 😋

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Jellybean and I love you 😘

I chuckle at her message, we've started referring to the baby as Jellybean which I have a funny feeling will stick when they actually make an appearance.

Me: Jesus Gummy! You and Bean are hungry 🤣 now worries got it 👍

Gummybear ❤️🐻: You calling me fat? -_-

"Oh shit...." I think

Me: No I never said that baby don't be silly.

Gummybear ❤️🐻: You know what don't bother -_-

"Ahhhhh Jesus" I sigh putting my phone in my pocket
"Everything okay sir?" Kirishima asks
"Oh yeah all good, Dusty's got cravings so who wants to help gather the food?" I ask with a smile and they all go off to aquire that she was craving. I pull out my phone and give her a quick text

Me: Do you want mochi as well?

My does doesn't go off straight away but soon the familiar ding can be heared

Gummybear ❤️🐻: ....yes please

Me: You done being a Grump? 😉😘

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Yes

Gummybear ❤️🐻: I sowwi 🥺🥺😘😘

Me: You are very very lucky you're cute 😍

Gummybear ❤️🐻: 😁😁

It doesn't take us long to get back to the agency and I tell the boys to wait at the door while I head up and give Dusty her food. I'm about to knock when I hear her talking so me being nosey press my ear up against the door
"Hmmm... dunno Bean that email seems a little harsh" she says clearly talking to her bump.
"You know daddy's gonna be here soon with all the food you want" she giggles and I feel my heart swell. She's still struggling with the pregnancy and she still has days when she feels a little guilty for not always being super happy but she's being a lot kinder to herself now which I'm really happy about!
I was a little worried after what my mother had said she would be constantly worried but I had nothing to worry about!

I push the door open and step inside
"Hey Gummybear!" I smile
"Yay Bean foods here!" She says excitedly
"Rude! You're more excited to see the food than me?" I ask cocking my one eyebrow playfully
"The food didn't suggest I was fat" she pouts
"I didn't call you read the message and came to that conclusion. Which you aren''re pregnant there is a difference" I say handing her the food
"Hmmm....what do you think beanie?" She asks the bump before looking back up at me and giggles
"How was the mission?" She asks poking her straw into the massive peach bubble tea
"It was good yeah, I'll get the boys to give you their accounts so you can do the report okay?" I say and she nods her head
"You're all okay?" She asks looking me up and down
"Haha yes we're all okay I promise! Don't worry and stress yourself out okay?" I smile walking over and kissing her on the forehead.

"What time you heading home?" I ask looking at the clock. Her shift is due to end in an hour or so and I've been a little more on top of actually forcing her to go home and rest...much to my workaholic fiancée's dismay.
"When you get back?" She suggests but I shake my head
"Nope wrong answer...the correct one is... in an hour when my shift ends" I say and she pouts
"You are so mean!" She whines
"Gummy you are the only person I know who gets upset about being sent home at the right time!" I chuckle kissing her on the forehead again
"Anyway make sure you leave on time I will get checking the cameras little lady okay?" I say and she blows her fringe out of her eyes realising that there is no point in arguing with me.
"Alright fine but I'm not happy with you" she mumbles digging around in the bag and pulling out her boa buns.

"You can be angry at me all you want but at least I know you safe and that's all that matters to me" I smile and I see her face heat up at my words
"Okay I see your point" she sighs looking up at me "you all be careful okay?" She says biting into her bun and instantly squealing in happiness.
I have have sneakily taken a picture on her happy face...I will never tell her I took that photo. But I will make it my background because she looks adorable! With one last kiss I leave and continue the patrol for the rest of the night making sure to check the cameras to make sure Dusty's gone home.
To my suprise she has....
"Did mom go home on time?" Kirishima asks. He's been worse than me sometimes with making sure Dusty's okay!
"Haha yeah surprisingly she's gone home!" I chuckle.

The rest of the night was pretty average but there were a lot of villan attacks so I ended up buring through my fat more than I had intended but it's no big deal. I normally tend to return to my normal form before I head home anyway.
"Oh man I'm gonna feel the burn tommorow!" TesuTesu says stretching his arms out
"Nah don't be a baby!" Kirishima teases
"Shut up you dumb rock!" TesuTesu hisses back at him
"Guys...I'm too tired for this please" Tamaki moans changing into his regular clothes. Meanwhile I'm just laughing at the scene unfolding around me when my phone going off suddenly catches my attention.
Pulling it out I see I have a text from Dusty

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Baby.....

I chuckle already knowing where this is going. She's got cravings again!

Me: Let me guess cravings? 😉

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Yes but not in the way you're thinking...

I look at my phone a little confused wondering what she could possibly mean

Me: What do you mean?

Gummybear ❤️🐻: It's kinda only something you can help me with...

With that message it clicked in my head excatly what she was referring to!

Me: Gummybear! 😳😳

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Increased sex drive is normal in pregnancy!

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Now can you hurry up please!? Been dying for the past couple of hours! Tried to maybe get rid of it myself but nothing so I really need you...Like a few hours ago!

I bite my tongue to not laugh at how adorable and direct she is sometimes.

Me: I really love you, you know that? 😂😂😘😘

Me: On my way Gummy 😘😘😘

Gummybear ❤️🐻: Yay ^-^

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