Tuesday and Wednesday

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Tuesday Cravings - Fatgum POV
"Tai!" I hear my wife call from the living room.
"Yeah Gummy what's up?" I call back from the kitchen. I was getting myself my 4th cup of coffee for the day! If you cut me open at this moment I swear I would bleed neat espresso...
"Can you put some bread in the toaster please! I'm hungry!" She whines making me chuckle.
"Yeah I got you!" I call back, hearing her happy squeals come from the living area.
She melts me I swear! Bean was fast asleep for his afternoon nap which meant we had a little down and quite time until the hurrican wakes up in half an hour or so.
After a few minutes the toaster pops
"What do you want on it Gummy?" I call to her
"Um....I'll come and look now" she answers her voice followed by the sound of her feet slapping against the floor. Within a few seconds my wife who is in full burrito mode enters the kitchen and heads straight to the fridge.
"Hmmmmm....what do I want" I hear her mumble in deep thought.
"Ooooooo mine and mine" she says happily grabbing something and closing the fridge door.

Too say I was suprised to see her clutching chocolate spread and mayonnaise would be an understatement...
But I decide to just see where this was heading...
For all I knew she was throwing one out...
But no...
She spreads the chocolate on one slice of toast and then the mayonnaise on the other before placing the one on top of the other.
Getting out a knife she cuts it in half and then half again before looking satisfied.
She wastes no time I picking one of the small triangles up and taking a bite which causes her to make muffled happy squeals before she takes another bite finishing off the triangle.

"I can feel you judging me Mr. Toyomitsu" she says suddenly looking over at me.
"I'm not judging you Gummy...just..." I say watching her take another bite "actually no no I am judging you" I laugh making her give me her
"I'm not happy" pouty face.
"It's your kids that are making me crave this stuff..." she pouts before her pout turns into a smirk
"Actually since it's half your fault why I'm craving this...you need to try it too" she says walking over and holding out one of the triangles at me.
"Absolutely not Gummybear" I say shaking my head and pushing her hand away.
"It's really nice!" She argues back
"I'm sure you think it is gorgeous but the smell is gross" I laugh
"Stop being a pussy!" She laughs holding the triangle out for me again.
"You are what you eat" I smirk at her and her cute little chubby cheeks go bright red at my words and obviously the memories of last night.

"Just try it please" she huffs before giving me the biggest puppy eyes she can manage...
"God damnit woman not the face!" I whine really not wanting to try this but I do kind of get where she's coming from...
"Okay okay fine" I sigh taking it from her and biting it...
It was just as I expected...
No disrespect to anyone of there who may like this combo but it's not for me! The flavour of mayonnaise does not work with the chocolate and the consistency was just gross.
I necked my coffee as soon as I swallowed it because I swear if that flavour lingered I would have thrown up.
"Gummybear you know I love you more than anything but that is just wrong" I laugh feeling thankful the taste of my black coffee has masked the mayo chocolate taste.
"Haha I love you too" she laughs while she continuesly munching on her chocolate and mayonnaise toasted sandwich.

Wednesday Cravings - Dusty POV
"Uhhhhhhhhh Beanie I'm bored" I groan looking down at my son who was busy coloring on the floor.
"Ooooo want to do some baking?" I ask and Bean nods his head before following me to the kitchen. I pull out his chair which has guards up on the side so he can reach the counter without worrying about falling off said chair!
"Right...should we go... cookies, cake or cup cakes Beanie?" I smile at him
"Hmmmmm" he says putting his little finger to his lip like he was contemplating the world
"Up cakes!" He then squeals clapping his hands.

"Haha okay cup cakes it is!" I smile kissing the side of his head.
We were half way through the very messy baking session when my husband decided to face time time...
Perfect timing...
Using my little finger as it was the only one not covered in some kind of food I slide up the answer button allowing my husband to apper on the screen.
"Hey Gummybear...haha what happened to you!" He says bursting into laughter at my appearance...
When I say Keiichirou got flower, butter, eggs, sugar and food coloring everywhere...
I mean...
It went everywhere!
It was in our hair, I had flour on my face and so did Keiichirou.
"Say we've been baking daddy" I laugh dishing out the batter between the cup cake cases I had already slotted into the cup cake tray.
"Baking dada!" Keiichirou says excitedly reaching out with messy hands and grabbing my phone so he was holding it.

"Oh wow...you being mommy's helper?' Taishiro laughs at how excited Keiichirou was.
"Helper!" Keiichirou repeats loudly
"Oh yeah he's definitely my helper alright... he made sure everything went in the bowl...and in mommy's hair" I laugh but inside I was dreading washing and trying to get the dried ingredients out of my matted hair!
Once I put the tray in the oven, I quickly wash my hands and head over to my little one
"Beanie can I have the phone now please?" I ask holding out my hand for my phone
"No...my dada!" Keiichirou says loudly holding the phone.
"Yeah he is your daddy, but I need my phone please Beanie boo" I say holding out my hand. Keiichirou seems in too mind's as to whether we actually want to hand over my phone but he does.

"Good boy thank you" I smile at him using a tea towell to wipe my screen as best I can.
"Hey baby what's up?" I ask holding my phone in one hand and using my other arm to place Keiichirou on the floor.
"Nothing I just wanted to check on how you were doing" Taishiro says with his cheeks heating up
"Yeah we're all good...I managed to get everything done and I emailed those reports acorss to you did you get them?" I ask
"Um...let me see.....ah yes I got 'em!" Taishiro smiles at me.
"Amazing!" I smile back
"Azing!" Keiichirou calls making us both laugh.
"Right Gummy I have to go but I'm glad you're both okay" Taishiro beams and I nod my head
"Okay baby I'll see you later...Beanie say bye to daddy!" I call
"Bye dada!" Bean shouts
"Say we love you" I call again
"Eee wuv ooo!" Beanie shouts again
"Haha I love you both too...bye Gummy" Taishiro smiles before hanging up.
As soon as I hung up...my craving set in...
I wanted sparking peach water....
We have none in the house...
"No..I can deal!" I say to myself as I continue to clean the kitchen making due to the juice and water we had in the house but nothing was quenching my thirst now matter how hard I tried...
Roughly 2 hours, some messily decorated cup cakes and a twice cleaned kitchen later I still couldn't shake the craving for peach sparking water!
Fuck I'm gonna have to text him...


Me: Baby......

My Baby 💖: What you craving Gummy??

Me: Can you get some of the peach sparkling water please 🙏

My Baby 💖: No worries Gummybear I got you 😘

Me: Best Husband ever!

My Baby 💖: Need anything else?

Me: Nope just lots and lots of water!
Me: I want to drink so much I drown ^-^

My Baby 💖: Gummy you kill me 🤣

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