Thursday and Friday

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Thursday Cravings - Fatgum POV
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh soooooo many emails!" I whine clicking through them all and sending what I need to to my wonderful wife....
Who I have actually yet to hear from...
Which is unlike her but I try to not worry too much...


I quickly pick up my phone feeling a little relieved that I saw her contact name on my screen! Her ears must have been buring!

My Gummybear🐻: Hey baby...have you seen my ice cream? I could have sworn I still have half a tub left?
My Gummybear🐻: Hope work is going okay baby 😘😘

When I read that my fucking heart sank...
I did know what happened to it...I ate it and my plan was to replace it before she noticed but I forgot!
I'm a dead man...

Me: Okay Gummy...just remember that I love you more than anything when I tell you this...

My Gummybear 🐻: ......
My Gummybear 🐻: You didn't...

Me: I did! I'm so sorry I forgot to replace it!

My Gummybear 🐻: Taishiro how could you! 😭😭😭😭

Me: I know Gummybear I'm so sorry

My Gummybear 🐻: YOU ATE MY FUCKING ICE CREAM!!!!!!!
My Gummybear 🐻: Now what am I supposed to have my tuna with 😭😭
My Gummybear 🐻: I thought you loved me 😭😭

Me: I do love you Gummybear more than anything you know that 🥺😘❤️

My Gummybear 🐻: Husband who love their wives don't eat their Ice cream and not tell them!

I hate to admit it but the idea of her being angry right now is just absolutely adorable to me! She's just so cute!

My Gummybear 🐻: I'm so mad at you right now!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
My Gummybear 🐻: The triplets are too! They really wanted vanilla ice cream and tuna!

The idea of that almost made me gag. During this pregnancy Dusty's craved some werid stuff...

Me: Gummybear I promise I will make it up to you 🥺🥺😘😘

My Gummybear 🐻: Don't talk to me -_-

Me: Even if I'm getting someone to go and get you ice cream and sparkling water???

My Gummybear 🐻:.....
My Gummybear 🐻: You may speak

Me: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Me: I love you so much Gummybear ❤️

My Gummybear 🐻: I love you too 😘
My Gummybear 🐻: I'm still mad at you 😡😡😡😡
My Gummybear 🐻: But I love you 😘

Laughing to myself I put my phone down and get back to work.
Roughly around an hour had passed when my phone goes off again and I'm greeted with a photo of my now very happy wife munching on a bowl filled with ice cream and tuna.

My Gummybear 🐻: Guess what you're trying when you get home ^-^

The caption read and my stomach dropped

Me: No Gummybear please 🙏
Me: I will do anything as punishment for eating your ice cream but eat that!

My Gummybear 🐻: But it's nice 🥺

Me: I'm sure you find it extremely yummy baby but I'm not eating that!
Me: I will try all of your cravings but not this one

My Gummybear 🐻: Spoil sport

Whew dodge a bullet there! Lesson learned... do not touch a pregnant lady's ice cream with out her permission...

Friday Cravings - Dusty POV
"You know...we still need to pick names for the little ones" Taishiro says to me as he walks in and drops down next to me handing my a big bowl of pickles with a small pot of honey to dip them in.
"Thank you!" I squeal happily dipping one in the honey and taking a bite! The mixture of sweet and salty was just heaven to my taste buds!
Picking up another one I dip it in the honey and hold it up to my husband
"Say ahhhh" I smirk loving the fact he actually agreed to try all of my cravings!
"Uhhhhhhh fine" he groans taking a bite and shuddering a little
"Verdict?" I ask still happily munching away
"Not good...but also not too bad either" he responds reaching forward and grabbing his cup of coffee necking the lot.
"Mmmmm anyway what were you saying about the rugrats?" I ask dipping another pickle in the honey.
"We need to pick some names is what I was saying before you tortured me!" Taishiro chuckles
"Need I remind you know ate ice cream..." I mumble and he instantly pouts
"No no I remember...don't worry lesson learned" he chuckles

"What names do you like?" I ask looking at him
"Um....let me think" he answers pulling out his phone and starts scrolling. There was something about the fact that he had been looking on his own made me extremely happy! He did the same thing with Keiichirou and it was just adorable!
"Ah here it I liked Takuma" he says and I think about it...
"Takuma Toyomitsu" I say out loud before nodding my head "Yeah I really like that!" I beam at him.
"Great one down and two more to go!" He chuckles "we also need to think of some girls names too mind" he says still scrolling.

"Oh um actually baby I've been meaning to discuss something with you about if one of them turns out to be a girl" I say and he looks at me with both confusion and worry in his face
"It's nothing bad relax!" I giggle seeing his face which instantly relaxes at my words of reassurance
"Well....I never mentioned it with Bean because I was like 100% sure we were having a boy, but there's like this tradition on in my family. For like God know how many years everyone on my dad's side only bad boys...
So when I came along it was a big shock as I was the first girl for like 60 years?" I giggle
"Oh wow really? That's kind of cool" my husband smiles at me "so what's the tradition?" He says shuffling so I'm more cuddled into him than our previous position.
"Well as the woman marrying into the Cyrus family kind of lose their family surname it kind of became a tradition for if any girls are born to be named after their great grandmother...however obviously until I came along it was never really put into practice so I was just wondering how you would feel about naming our daughter if we have any after my great grandmother?" I ask

"Ah yeah I rememeber you mentioning you're named after someone in your family. It's Rosie's great grandmother right?" He asks and I nod my head
"Yep Dusteena comes from her" I smile
"So what's your great grandmother called?" He asks
"Her name was Yuzuki" I say and it's clear on my husband's face that he was not expecting that!
"Yuzuki?" He asks and I nod my head
"Haha yeah you and Kimmy aren't the only people from Japan to marry into the family" I giggle kissing him on the cheek.
"Yuzuki Toyomitsu...yeah I actually really like that!" Taishiro smiles down at me with a big smile filling my heart with joy!
After a little back and forthing we finally came to an agreement on three boys names and three girls names!

Now all we needed to do was wait for them to make their arrival which I hope will come around fast because they are getting heavy!

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