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Dusty POV
"Okay everyone almost ready!" I call up the strais to my husband and son who were busy getting ready for both work and school.
"Almost!" Harimi yells back
"On my way Gummy!" Taishiro calla back.
"Mom can you check my homework?" Harimi calls
"Sure honey where it it?" I call back
"On the table!" Harimi responds.

Heading into out big living/ dining/ kitchen area. I spot his homework on the table. Picking it up, I begin to flick through it. Harimi is an incredibly smart kid, he doesn't need our help with his homework but he does second guess himself hence when we asks either myself or his father to look.
Multiple foots steps catch my attention just as I come to end of the page. Smiling I head out to greet them when they got to the bottom and hand Harimi his homework.
"Look good honey!" I smile "Wait here I'll go and get your lunches" I say heading back into the kitchen and coming back with two neatly packed bento boxes plus a load of extra snacks for hubby because he needs the calories to maintain his large form.

With a few kisses and a few goodbyes, they depart for the day leaving just me, Keiichirou and the triplets. So I began my usual busy day by emptying the dishwasher and refilling it, before I go and spend sometime with my children.
Of course Zootopia was on the TV in the background while Bean played with the bunnies.
Getting a second one was an amazing idea because because Toshio is actually like a new bun!
We actually found Judy (who had originally been called Momo) at an adoption centre. Her previous owner who had kept a load of indoor bunnies unfortunately passed away, all of her buns were separated and adopted off one by one...leaving just Judy.

So now here we are, luckily Judy came already spade or we would have had multiple baby buns by now! I mean don't get me wrong that would be amazing...but the house is already hard enough to maintain without the added stress of 1000's of little cotton tails!

After a very trying morning, of playing and a lovely filling lunch, all 4 of my little ones 's fell fast asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.
This is when I use the opportunity to quickly go around and grab everyone's washing!
Piling the basket up, I proceed to make my way down the steps like I have 100 times before...
But just as I got towards the bottom...
I felt my foot slip on something, I felt a sharp pain and then everything went black.

Fatgum POV
"Man these meetings drag" I mentally groan wishing something cool would come up that required my attention!
Endeavour just goes on and on

*ring ring*

My phone yells and everyone just looks at me
"Sorry I'll mute it" I say brining my phone out only to see it's Harimi calling
"Strange he's supposed to be in school" I think...
That's when I felt it
The sinking feeling....
He knows I'm in work...why hasn't he called his mom?
"I'm sorry its my son, do you mind?" I say and I think from my tone Endeavour knew I wasn't going to take no for an answer. I love being a hero don't get me wrong and my job is important to me...but my wife and kids will always come first.

"Sure" Endeavour says with a nod so I quickly get up and Excuse myself. Shutting the door behind me I quickly answer my phone
"Hey bud what up?" I say and as soon as I put the phone to my ear I'm met with a sobbing Harimi
"Dad, Dad I...I need you to come's hurt" Harimi says through hiccups and sobs.
Right in thar second my stomach hit the floor
"Harimi what's happened?" I ask
"I don't know...I wasn't feeling very well so I tried to call mom but she didn't answer, so I just got the train home. I came through the door and mom's just laying on the floor. I think she's fallen downstairs!" Harimi says trying his best not to stutter.
"It's okay bud I'm on my way. I'm going to hang up for a few seconds to call the ambulance okay? Can you call Tamaki for me to come and sit with your brothers and sister?" I say walking quickly back to my meeting.
"O...okay, will you call me back?" He asks with a shaky voice
"Of course I will ring you back as soon as I call the ambulance" I reassure him.
"Okay dad" he says in a small voice.
"Okay thanks bud, you're doing great! I'll be home in less than 10 minutes I promise" i say and he hangs up.

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