🍋You are beautiful pt 3🍋

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Dusty POV
"Oh my god this place is amazing!" I say excitedly when we enter the place we will be staying! Turns out Taishiro had arranged for us to have the top room with its own private pool! So much for a small couples retreat!
"Taishiro how much did this cost!?" I ask opening the door to the private pool we had.
"That's a secret Gummybear" he chuckles wrapping his arms around me so they rested just under my boobs making me tense without meaning to. I just didn't want him to feel how squishy I am!
I hear him give a small sigh before removing his arms from me and I feel my stomach drop...I think I upset him!

But nothing else was said about it...
We carried on as normal but I could tell something was off with him. Even though we had fun there was an underlying awkwardness between us.
It was just a little after 7 when we got back to the room and Taishiro said he was going to go for a quick swim which I of course avoid once again earning a werid look from my fiancé.
"No worries" he says walking away and I feel my stomach twist in nervousness. I was ruining this break!
I don't think we've ever been so awkward around one another...
Even before we got together!

I unzip my bag to see the lingerie set I had stuffed in my bag when Taishiro suprised me just sitting on top of my clothes mocking me. I look over at my fiancé who was still swimming blissfully unaware of the argument I was having with myself!
Biting my lip I swipe it up and march into the bathroom where there was a huge ass mirror...
Stepping out of my clothes I disregard them and quickly slip into the set I had bought.

             ^^^ This set ^^^^

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             ^^^ This set ^^^^

"Okay....you just have to look up" I mentally tell myself...I need to look in the mirror! Swallowing the lump in my throat I make my head look up and look at myself in the mirror....
It barley takes a few seconds before I burst into tears, turning my body so I can look at just how bad I look. How the hell can I expect him to want to look at me when I can't even look at myself!
I must have been too lost in thought and picking out areas that I needed to work on because I didn't realise the bathroom door was opening.
"Hey Gummy are you in....oh wow holy shit!" Taishiro's voice says with a tone of suprise. My first reaction was to wrap my arms around the middle hoping to hide myself from him.

"S...sorry..." I mumble through hiccups and sniffles
"What for? You look amazing!" Taishiro says looking me up and down "Why you crying gummybear?" He asks sadly walking towards me.
"B...be...because I..." I start but I couldn't get my words out.
"Look Gummybear there is something I've been meaning to say but I just didn't know how to bring it up..." He sights pushing my shoulders down softly and making me take a seat on the edge of the bath while he kneels in front of me.
"O...okay" I sniffle looking him in the eye as best I can while mine are currently trying to evict any moisture from my body!

"Gummy...I'm a little worried about you baby. You've been working out more, you don't really eat, you're always in these baggy clothes and you tense up everytime I toutch you somewhere that isn't your shoulders..." He says softly using his hands to wipe my tears away. I hadn't quite noticed that he had noticed such a change in me...
Here I was thinking I was being sneaky!
"What's going on?" He asks
"I...I'm fat" I mumble sadly
"Come again?" He asks clearly confused by my statement
"I was looking at what kind of wedding dress I may want and...I just...I guess I just realised that I don't look like that...and I don't look like how I use to when we first met I'm bigger now! I can't even look at myself in the mirror at the moment and I guess I was afraid for you to see how I look right now!" I sob covering my face with hands.

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