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Dusty POV
"Hello Keres, it's Endeavour...we need you to come to..."

Endeavour's phone call ran through my head as I make my way to the small maximum prison.
To say I felt a little worried about what I may be needed for is an understatement...
"Ah Keres...fantastic!" Endeavour says loudly as I'm let through the final set of doors. There stood a doctor, the police chief, Endeavour, Eraser Head and my husband...
"Hi everyone" I say feeling a little nervous...
Everyone was in full on hero gear...
My husband now taking on his more well known 8ft 2 squishy mountain form...
I on the other hand do not fit into my hero costume currently on a account of me being 5 months pregnant with triplets...
My bump is twice to size that I was when I was pregnant with Bean at this stage so at the moment the only thing that fits me really is leggins, cami tops, oversized hoodie/cardigans and my husband's clothes...
Although they are a little tighter than usual around the bump area!
So that's what I was currently rocking right now...
Leggings, cami top and my favourite cardigan which has small ghosts on it...
Tai got it for me as a suprise during my pregnancy with Bean.

"Gummy!?" Taishiro says clearly shocked that I was here
"What's she doing here Endeavour?" He asks clearly annoyed that his semi heavily pregnant wife was stood in front of him.
"She is needed I assure you, I wouldn't drag her out for no reason" Endeavour responds calmly to my clearly agitated hubby...
"So um...someone maybe want to tell me why I'm here? Sorry its just the sprouts are heavy!" I giggle putting my hand under my bump for support.
"Sorry Keres please sit down!" The doctor says pulling out a chair which I happily accept because like I said...
3 babies are heavy!
"As you are aware we recently raided a research centre..." Endeavour starts and I nod my head as I remember Tai, Kiri  TesuTesu and Tamaki had taken part in the recent raid of an illegal research centre which had been doing unspeakable experiments on human tests subjects.

"Yeah I know..." I nod shuddering at the thought.
"Well...a lot of the test subjects where children..." Endeavour sighs and I feel my stomach drop at his words.
"Jesus" I mumble slapping my hand over my mouth as wave of nausea comes over me.
"You okay Gummy you've gone pale" I hear Taishiro say as a giant hand rubs my back softly
"Y...yeah sorry..." I stutter out taking deep breaths and trying to keep whatever vomit wanted to crawl up my throat down.
"Why does she need to be here Endeavour she should really be resting..." Eraser says clearly unimpressed again because of my now funny turn.
"Due to Keres' amazing control of her quirk we were wondering if you two could possibly act as guardians for one of the children..." the police chief says and to say my jaw hit the floor was an understatement!

"What!?" Both Taishiro and I say at the same
"I understand that the circumstances are quite unusual...we would normally try and ask someone like Eraser who is currently acting as Eri's guardian however as I already explained you have a similar quirk to the young boy" Endeavour says to me and I nod my head.
"Of course you are under no obligation to say yes... you already have a young one at home and three on the way so we understand this would be added stress" the doctor says calmly to me and Taishiro who hasn't really said a word apart from the "what!?" Earlier.
"It would be a temporary thing until we can find a more permanent home for him... but we of course need to keep an eye on him and his quirk to ensure none of the experiments had long lasting effects...
Like I said the circumstances are a little unusal but we are sorry to say we've been struggling to find someone to look after him" the police chief joins in and after taking in what they said I look up at my husband.
"Would you mind giving my wife and I a second to discuss?" Taishiro asks and of course everyone agrees leaving the room.

The room is quite for a while before he breaks the silence...
"So...how do you feel about it Gummy?" He asks and I shake my head from side to side.
"I mean sure like they said we are under no obligation to take him in because of Bean and the fact we've got three more on the way but... he's still just a child baby he needs someone" I say looking up at him feeling my hormones take on a little due to fact I'm pregnant. But the thought of what all of these poor children and people went through makes me really upset!
"I mean I have no objections myself to taking him in but Gummy are you going to be okay with the potential stress?" Taishiro sighs seeming really at war between helping and worrying about me and the babies.
"I think we should do it baby, I know if it was Bean in that situation I would want someone to help" I mumble playing with the end of my long hair which I had messily shoved up into a high ponytail.
"Okay...so...we both want to do this?" Taishiro asks putting two giant hands on my shoulders and I nod my head.
A big smile shines acorss his face and he pulls me into a big hug.

A small knock on the door catches our attention and we quickly pull away from one another...
It's amazing we're married and I'm clearly pregnant with his children but still sometimes feels like we're a secret couple!
"Are we okay to come back in?" Eraser asks popping his head into the room
"Yeah sure thing Eraser" I smile as him as the other men pile into a room.
"You don't need to give us an an..." the doctor starts but I shake my head.
"Fat Gum and I have decided to take the young boy on" I smile and the doctor's uneasy look soo turns into the biggest smile ever!
"That is amazing! Thank you both...truly!" The doctor beams
"We shall bring him to your house after we've run a few more tests just to make sure" the Doctor then adds and I nod my head....

That's where I find myself right now, sat in our house a few days later waiting for the police chief to drop of the young boy Taishiro and I would be looking after.
"Gummybear your leg is bouncing" Taishiro says calmly putting his hand on my knee which was indeed bouncing.
"S...sorry I'm nervous..." I mumble
"I know gorgeous but try not to stress okay?" He smiles at me.
"No stwess mama" Keiichirou says from his spot on the floor where he was playing building blocks with Toshio...
By that I mean he builds around the bun who just lays there and let's him do what he wants.
"Haha okay Beanie" I giggle at my son who looked proud at himself that he had told mommy what to do.
*knock knock*
"Oh this is him" Taishiro says standing up and holding out two hands to grab him.
"If you say heev-ho when you pull me up I will kick you!" I pout with a playful smile on my face as I swear I feel like a bowling ball!

"No thanks I choose life" My husband laughs
"Mama booful!" Keiichirou chimes in
"Awww thank you Beanie!" I say smiling at him which he returns happily.
I follow my husband to the door where the police chief and the doctor stood.
"Evening Fat Gum and Keres..." the police chief says nodding his head
"Chief" Taishiro says nodding his head
"Allow me to introduce...Harimi" the doctor says moving to the side to reveal a small young boy whom I'm guessing is no older than 12 maybe 13?
He looked to be around 157 centimetres tall... easily 2 inches taller than me. If it wasn't for Bean I would be the shortest person in the house right now!
A fact I've accepted will be the case when the kids grow up...
Harimi had shaggy shoulder length black hair, golden eyes and was about average build for someone of his age...
I think
It's hard to tell through the baggy hoodie and baggy pants he was wearing!
I also notice he has a number of piercings: three helix piercings and one lobe piercing in the left ear and two lobe piercings in the right ear which I found rather interesting. Appearance-wise, he gives off the impression of "I'm a bad boy"

"Hi Harimi! It's nice to meet you" I smile at him but my smile wasn't returned...
Instead I was met with a rather harsh glare from the pre teen stood before me.
"Harimi say hello..." The doctor says softly to the boy but he just glares at him too...
"Don't tell me what to do!" Harimi growls at him
"He's feisty" My husband chuckles quietly a little looking down at me.
"Well I mean what he's been through...can you blame him?" I say back to him before turning to look at Harimi who was in the middle of being scolded for his behaviour from the police chief.
"Honestly it's alright...please don't scold him" I say waving my hands around a little in front of me making the police chief stop what he was doing.
"We apologise for Harimi's behaviour..." the doctor says bowing but we just shake our heads.
"It's fine" Taishiro says with a smile before turning to look directly at Harimi
"Welcome to our home bud we hope you like it here" he says kindly but once again no kind smile in return
Just a harsh glare....
But like I already said...
Can you really blame him?....

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