Family call

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Dusty POV
I was busy typing way at my computer once again working on reports which is i swear all I do! But I don't mind it really...I like having an excuse to keep going into Fat's office! I had my music playing and I couldn't help but wiggle my shoulders every now and again...I swear if anyone watched the CCTV footage of my office they would think I'm mad. (Play song at top if you want)
Suddenly as my music is blasting I hear my phone start to ring. I look at it and see that it's my mom calling me on facetime...smiling I slide the accept button up, turn my music down and set my phone on my desk as my family load up on my screen
"Hey babygirl!" My mom shouts excitedly
"Haha hi mamma!" I call back and then suddenly a load of footsteps can be heared as my 3 big brothers pile into the screen
"Hey babygirl!" They all shout
"Hey Wyatt! Hi Homer! Hi Tate!" I say excitedly...luckily I can't see my dad...don't get me wrong I love my dad but he doesn't agree with me doing hero work.
"How's our big shot hero doing!?" Homer asks me and I roll my eyes
"I'm doing good...I'm working with two work studies at the moment and they are both amazing!" I then go on to explain about Kiri and Tamaki
"Wow they sound amazing!" Tate says amazing and I giggle
"Yeah they are!" I say suddenly there is a ding on my phone and when I look it's Fatgum asking me if I want anything from Starbucks...he read my mind! "one second family" I say picking up my phone and texting back that I want a large hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows
"Who ya texting?" Wyatt asks
"Oh it's my boss he asked what I wanted from Starbucks" I say pressing send and popping my phone back down
"Oooo ya boss hu?" Wyatt continues
"It's not like that" I mumble
"Babygirl you look like you've lost weight...are you eating properly" my mom says quickly and I roll my eyes
"Yes mamma I have been eating properly I'm just training 5 days a week so I'm toning up a bit more" I say standing up and showing them that I'm still my little tubby self
"Good we can't have you being all skinny and shit!" Tate says and I giggle
"Nope still fat" I say
"I've seen more fat on a chip!" Wyatt says and I laugh
"You sound like my boss! He always says I could do with some more fat because I'm always complaining I'm cold" I giggle
"He's right!" My mom says
"Is that Dusty!?" Comes the voice of my father as he makes his way into the camera shot and my heart sinks...great....just what I need right now...

Fatgum POV
I make my way to Dusty's office with her drink...I'm about to just walk in when I can hear her talking to someone
"Hi papa" she says
"Hi little piggy" comes a male voice with a thick Tennessee accent...why would he call her that?
"Honey don't call her that!" Comes a female voice once again with a thick accent and I'm guessing it's her family
"Dusty when you coming home to work on the farm and stop this ridiculous hero thing!?" her father asks
"Pa we've been over this a million times I'm not gonna be a farm girl...I like being a hero" Dusty argues back
"But honey listen....I've been speaking to the know the farm down the road?" He says....I feel like I shouldn't be lisiting go this but I can't stop now
"Yeah I remember the Jerbowskis...I use to babysit their youngest Carmillia...why?" She asks
"Well you remember their eldest son Jetson? Well I've been speaking with his father Lou and we think it's a good idea if you come home and marry him" he says and I feel a werid ping feeling in my heart...was I really getting jealous?
"Papa we've been over this..." Dusty says
"But piggy listen...his family are like the meat trade giants! You would be set for life!" Her father argues back
"Pa! I already told you I don't want an arrange marriage...I want someone who loves me..." she says in a firm tone and I feel a little proud of her for sticking up for herself...
"Well then I suggest you loose a couple of pounds...ain't no one going to marry you when you look like porky pig" he father says
"Pa!" I hear another males voice and that was it for me I just decide to walk into her office
"Hey Dusty you're order is here" I say pretending like I hadn't just heared the whole conversation!
"Oh great thanks Fat" she smiles but I can see that it's fake taking the drink off of me
"Oooo is that your boss!" I hear a guy say
"Yes It is now will you all go away i need to work" Dusty giggles
"No i wanna meet your boss!" Her mother says and she looks up at me with pleading eyes and I just nod
"Uh alright one second" she got and getting up and heading to the sofa with her phone and signals for me to sit next to her which I do
"Hi! Nice to meet ya I'm Fatgum" I say with a happy tone but I was really angry at her father for what he just said to her...
"Fat this is my family my mamma Rosemary" she says and her mom smiles and waves at me "my 3 big brothers Homer, Wyatt and Tate" they all give me a wave "and finally my papa Tom" she says and her father nods his head at me and I do the same
"I hope my daughter is working hard!" Her mom says with a big smile
"Oh yeah she is...she's my best employee! This whole building would go to dogs if it wasn't for her running everything" I say placing hand on her shoulder and she smiles at's true! she does keep things running smoothly for me so I don't have to worry to much.
"Yeah that sounds like our babygirl...she use to keep the farm running over here" her brother Wyatt says...I think it's adorable that they all refer to her as babygirl...she's clearly the baby of the family
"We'll be flying out to see you soon babygirl!" Tate says and Dusty's eyes go wide
"Tate that was meant to ge suprise you tit!" Homer says slapping acorss the back of his head
"Whoops I got a mouth like a river aye just keeps running" Tate chuckles
"Well thanks for letting me know because I need to find somewhere for y'all to sleep!" Dusty says with a smile
"Right anyway babygirl we'll let you get back to work...we love you! Keep making us proud!" Her mom says and blows Dusty a kiss
"I will mamma! I love you all too!" Dusty says
"Think about what I said about Jetson!" Is the final word that can be heard as her mother hangs up. Dusty leans back in her chair and runs her figures through her long black hair
"They seem nice" I say turning to her and she rolls her eyes
"Fat how long were you stood outside"she suddenly says
"W...what?" I stutter out
"Fat you're 8ft 2 I noticed that you were outside you dummy" she giggle sipping her drink
"Long enough to know that your dad isn't excatly the nicest man in the world" I say and she just smiles
"Yep that's my papa for you...he is very opinionated and he wants me to go back and be a small town girl" she giggles out
"Not something you want?" I ask her
"Nope not really suited for me...I mean don't get me wrong I miss the farm an all and maybe when I retire from being an hero I may want to have my own but like in the middle of nowhere because I can't cope with the whole everyone knowing your business" she says taking another sip "plus I definitely ain't going home is my dad thinks he can set up a marriage for me" be giggles
"Not into marriage?" I ask...I still feel a little jealous...
"No I's just that the Jetson guy is do I put this..." she says tapping her chin "the village bike? Kinda like everyones had a he's not really the marrying type plus he'd be down the saloons every night pulling girls left right and centre...everyime he has a girlfriend he always cheats so" she giggles and the analogy makes me laugh as well

Dusty POV
Fat and I talked for an little longer about my family and my home life before finally standing up and heading to my door because we both actually had work to do
"Hey...don't listen to your dad about your weight by the way..." he says as I sit at my desk and it takes me by suprise
"Haha yeah I'll try not too..." I say with a smile
"For what it's worth I wouldn't change a thing about you" he says before closing my door and leaving me in shock...I couldn't help but smile with a big blush on my cheeks...god damnit Fat...why you gotta make me fall for you!?

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