Chapter 3: SEX

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I am turning 19 tomorrow. I hope life could finally be more exciting. When I have on my mask I have power,  but when I'm here pretending it gets boring. I'm not really the paitent type. I have not dated anyone even though I have been asked by some guys in my class.

I never told anyone this before but I like older guys. At least 8 or 10 years older than me. So yeah fucking sue me but it's not going to change what I like... I like older men not the boys in my class. Boys have no clue what a girl wants. They are young and inexperienced. People are so judgemental in the world, that it sometimes feel like a crime. It's okay to have interest in older guys and it's not that big of a deal. That is totally my decision to make and no one else's.

I finally finished changing my clothes and I could've sworn that I saw a light from a camera but maybe I saw something else. Why would someone take a picture of me anyway but then again it could be that asshole. It could be the guy that I'd always get glimpses of.

My friend Victoria picked me up as usual. I attended my first class and I saw a red rose on my desk with a note. I looked around to see if I can figure out who put the note there but I honestly didn't know.

I opened the letter and all it said was,"You look very beautiful. " I don't know who put the rose on my desk but I liked it and it smelled even better.

Throughout the day and while in class all I wanted to do was to figure out who placed the rose on my desk.

It was the last class for the day and an ambulance came in our school. Everyone immediately looked outside to see what was happening including me. It was Chris, a boy from my class.

An announcement came on and he was dead. I didn't know who he was because I never talked to him before but I knew what he looked like. Some of the boys in my class knew who he was and mostly everyone was in shock.

How did that happen and when did it happen. I literally saw him in class so how did he die. His friend Josh was emotional since they were best friends. I heard him saying that someone killed Chris.

Whoever killed him is pure evil unless of course Chris deserved to die. Chris seemed like a nice guy so why would anyone kill him. School ended as soon as the news broke out. His parents came to school and even though I don't know what happened to him I still wished that I could help him because no innocent person deserves to die. Then again how would I know if he's innocent I barely knew him.

I got into Victoria's car since she was going to drop me home but Josh stopped us. "I thought that you should know that Chris was the one that gave you the rose and the note," He murmured then left since he was too emotional to say anything.

Victoria drove off once Josh left. She was talking to me but I'd be lying if I say that I heard anything that she said since I was busy thinking of Chris. I know that I had nothing to do with his death but I still wondered, Could it have been the guy that followed me and watched me.

Victoria dropped me at my house and as usual she stayed over to talk. I live on my own since my parents died so it can sometimes be lonely so its nice to have her company.

We both went to my room and I was pretty quiet since I didn't know what to say. "Hey, it is not your fault that Chris is dead besides you don't even know him,"Victoria tried to convince me so that I wouldn't feel bad but honestly I felt nothing. No remorse, no pain. I was just wondering who killed him and why?  because if Chris was indeed a bad guy then I would've had fun manipulating him.

"I know but it is sad,” I replied to her pretending to care. His death does bring up old memorises from my past.
I knew what it was like for me when my parents died so I could definitely imagine what his parents are going through. "What are you going to do for your birthday tomorrow," Victoria questioned.

"A party." I don't usually celebrate my birthday but I guess that this year is different.

"You are lucky that you have a whole fucking mansion," She exclaimed. I guess she is right and yet I am still ungrateful. I don't care for all of this, I cared about family but that was in the past when I was weak plus my parents are dead so it doesn't matter anymore.

My parents were rich. They were known people. I didn't even know what their job was until circumstances made me find out. Everyone knew who they were and they were feared.

I don't find it too suspicious since my parents are kind of intimidating so I could understand why people would fear them. My parents were killed when I was 16 .

I was allowed to stay in this house because of how feared they were. Normally I probably would've been placed in a Foster home but instead everyone was so afraid to even take the house away from me that they decided that I could stay and live in it by myself.

Victoria murmured ,"Are you sure that anybody would come."

"Why not."

"Well your birthday is also The Night Of The Serpent," she said. I hate that people always mention that.
"I know but we don't even know him and besides its not like he's gonna come to some party."

I already sent out invitations and I know that people would come. "Anyways do you have any plans for tomorrow besides the party, "Victoria said with a smile.

"Uhh, if you're talking about sex, then no."

As you can tell I am still a virgin . "You're going to indulge me in your sex experience, aren't you."

"Yes," Victoria jumped from the sofa to my bed.

"So Diego spit in my mouth during sex," She said with a smile.

"What." Eww, I would never let anyone spit in my mouth. That is just nasty.

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