Chapter 39: RIVALS

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I will find Devin but right now I am more focused on entering the mansion without getting caught. I mapped out a whole plan but I just hope that it actually works. I walked pass the gates and I climbed through my window that I left open when I sneaked out earlier. There was a letter on my pillow. "You think when you wear that mask that you’re powerful, think again." In this letter it had the same smiley face as last time and it wasn't written with a pen, it was clearly blood. It was the same person. I totally forgot about this since I had to try to kill Devin then Axel was in the way. I threw the letter under my pillow.

He could've told me that to my face, why'd he have to send a letter. I walked back to my window and slowly closed it. I tried my best not to make a sound. "That was easy," I mumbled to myself.

I had a little grin on my face. I can't believe that I didn't get caught. "I wouldn't be smiling so soon baby Torres." I turned behind and I saw his tall, dark silhouette.

I should've just used the front door instead. I sat on my bed and Damon stared at me. I know where this was going. "Look Damon before you say anything---."

"I am trying to keep you safe from Axel and you sneaked out," he growled, cutting me off before I could finish my sentence. I know that Damon is trying to make up for lost times but I can handle myself. "I don't need protecting.. Trust me."

"You met him," he rolled his eyes. Honestly its like I couldn't hide anything from him. I was like an open book that Damon could see right through. "Mmhmm," I grinned.

"What did you do," Damon questioned. I smiled as the memories came flooding back to me. "Gave him a little injury."

"Sofia," he hissed. I know that Damon chose me over Axel but I knew deep down that he still cared for Axel. I knew that he didn't want Axel to get hurt. They are brothers. "Damon you know that I can't stay hidden forever. I don't hide and I never will," I warned.

"Hiding is for pussies," Adora backed me up as she entered the room. Adora and I got along just fine. We were partners in crime. "I wouldn't expect you to understand Damon.. Not everyone is born a girl," I sassed.

"What's that suppose to mean," Damon growled making Adora giggle. "It means that we are smarter than you. We won't back down," Adora stated. I could tell that Adora liked to aggravate Damon. "You injured him, right," she asked.

Damon rolled his eyes at us. "Yea."

"Good," she murmured. I knew that Adora liked Axel. She knew him before she met me but she supported me and she would never turn against me. I knew that she was my friend. "We're going out. You joining," Adora asked.

"Nah." I had a long day so I think that I should sleep. Besides I didn't want to third wheel Damon and Adora. I waved through the window and yelled," Bring back some food for me.. If you don't then I won't open the door and you two would have to sleep outside."

I locked my bedroom door and I placed my hand in my pants. I closed my eyes with the sensation. I started going faster and faster. Soft moans escaped me as I bit my lip.

"Fuck," I whimpered as I bit my lip but my heart stopped when I heard my bedroom door. It was locked so I knew that no one could get in but Damon and Adora just left so how are they back so soon.

I couldn't stop though. I ignored the door and I continued pleasuring myself. I shut my eyes closed forgetting that I heard my door. "Ooh," I moaned. I grabbed onto a pillow and I started grinding on it. I went faster and faster until I knew that I needed to come.

I threw my head back and I slightly opened my eyes. What the fuck.. My door was opened. I quickly threw over the sheet because I thought that it was Damon but there was a piece of paper on the floor. "Roses are red. Violets are blue. Get to the light switch before I get to you," it wrote.

It had to be Axel I was about to walk back to the bed when I saw another note. "It would've been much more pleasurable if I was the one fucking you. I know that you wanted to scream my name love. I bet you wonder what it would be like if I was inside you," it wrote. Shit.. Don't tell me that he was watching me. I looked around but it was no use.. I'm sure he already left.

Why would he come here. He knew what I did. I made everyone lose their fear in him. I made him look weak. He's suppose to stay away from me or take revenge but yet he was watching me.

It was his fault that I didn't get to kill Devin. I'm not taking any blame. I mean did he really expect me to kill Devin in the church.

I know that Grayson,Ace and Zade are fully pushing him to get revenge but maybe I need to push of more. I don't want him. He is hot but that's it. He is a stalker and he never loved anyone. I need to make sure that he stays away from me but I also need to make sure that he stays out of my way.

We need to be rivals. It is the only way that he'll stay away. Does he really think that his power over everyone would make me fall for him. Every girl is crazy over him as if he's some god but he isn't. He doesn't scare me and I wasn't interested.

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