Chapter 59: ANOTHER DAY

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I woke up with him watching me. It almost scared the shit out of me. It reminded me of when he'd watch me from far. Always staring and wanting to be near. I remove the covers and slipped on a dress.

Axel kept his eyes on me, not taking them off me even for a second. I heard the sound of the door which probably meant that I should leave Axel's room now. It could either be Ace or Grayson.

I turned around to leave when I saw a girl walking in. She was not someone that I saw before and she was definitely not his maid. She was beautiful and she had blonde long hair and even blue eyes.

Somehow it pissed me off. What was she doing here and why did she walk into Axel's room without knocking first. Her dress was extremely short and it seemed as if she wore it so that it could be easy to slip off.

I stood there in rage. I was so mad and I didn't know why. Axel can have any girl that he wanted and its none of my fucking business yet I stood here watching as she walked up to him. His eyes moved away from me and he stared at her. Looking at her up and down.

She went staright to him and sat on top of him. "You can leave now," he looked over to me. I felt nothing but anger and I refused to leave. She turned around and looked at me,"Who is she."

"no one important,"he replied, then he aimed his words to me," this was nothing." Something about his words made me feel empty. "this was just part of the deal we made. I could give you more of it too, just ask babe."

"I won't," I growled. "fuck you then," he sarcastically muttered. His eyes shifted away from me and back to the girl. He nodded and she began kissing his neck and her hands were all over him.

I was not going to stand and watch. I was pissed and I was ready for a fight. I walked up to Axel and pulled on the girl's hair and pushed her off him. "You bitch," she growled but I smirked,"that's how he likes me." I punched her in her face and blood began running down her nose and her lips were busted.

The door opened and Grayson came walking in. "fun," he laughed. Everything stopped for a second and I just realized what I had done. I punched the girl just because she was kissing Axel. What the fuck is wrong with me. I don't own Axel and I can't stop anyone from wanting him. "Leave," Grayson growled to the girl and she ran off.

"Why do you always ruin the fun, brother," Axel muttered to Grayson and then winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him since I was still mad. Grayson began speaking in Italian telling Axel something which made Axel's smirk drop. It was something serious.

Grayson walked off and Axel began putting on his clothes. Dressed in all black. I was more concerned when he pulled out his weapons. "So you're just gonna stand there and pretend as if i'm not right here," I growled and he just smirked at me," yea basically."

I grabbed a knife from the table near me and threw it at him. Axel dodged the knife and looked at me in pure shock," someone's not in the mood, I see."

"tell me what the fuck is wrong," I yelled at him and that's when he got back serious. "Zade is gone."

I felt everything stop for a second and for some reason I felt shattered. "Fuck..No he was the only one who I---No it can't. Who would do that to a serpent." My tone changed from sad to angry and revenge is what I became hungry for.

"Well that's why we have to find him and ask him," Axel shrugged and then I became completely confused,"what the fuck do you mean."

"He's not dead." I needed a moment to let Axel's word sink in. "but you said gone."

" missing," he added. I threw another knife at him and luckily he dodged it again. "dick," I growled at him.

"ass," he hissed back at me. I brushed Axel's bullshit off because now there was something more important to do, which was finding Zade.

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