Chapter 12: TRUTH

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I was in a rush to win this fucking race. I was up against Zade. Apparently he is also a racer. He is not the best since Axel is but he is known as the second best which I'm sure pisses him off. Zade had dark blonde hair, blue eyes and he's almost the same height of Axel. He had no shirt on and many tattoos were showing.

 He had no shirt on and many tattoos were showing

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Axel wasn't here

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Axel wasn't here. Everyone told me that he owned racing but he didn't show up today. Maybe because we were racing in broad daylight. I think Axel only race at night.
Zade and I made a bet and I am not backing down. I love racing, and I felt in the mood to race so why not.

Everything went black. I woke up in my house with a doctor leaving my room. I looked at myself and realised that I got into an accident. The good thing was that I wasn't hurt badly. This is probably gonna sound fucked up but I did that purposefully.

I turned my head to see roses on the desk, next to my bed. Maybe Zade left those for me. I honestly can't remember what happened. Next time I should plan it out better instead of intentionally getting myself in an accident. The doctor walked back into my room and now is my chance to find out about the roses,“Who brought these roses.”

The doctor replied,“ He didn't say his name and I couldn't really see his face but I noticed a few things.”
Shit. Wait...maybe if I hear anything about the person then I might know who it is.“Please tell me.”

“Okay. He was an attractive guy. He was tall, had black hair and gray eyes,” she murmured. Axel? It was Axel. I know for sure.... I mean who else would it be. Axel has gray eyes, black hair and is very attractive. She continued, “ I thought he was your boyfriend. ”

“No he isn't but why would you think that he was.”

The doctor smiled,“Well when he found out he immediately called me. He was the one that brought you here and he beat up a guy for making you get in the accident. ”

A guy..  I hope that it wasn't Zade. And why would he beat up anyone for me. “But---,” I got cut off by the doctor as she continued, “ he sat at your side while you were sleeping. He held your hand and he was crying. He thought that I left the room but I was still there when I heard him say that he was sorry for not being there for you when you needed him. He also said that he liked you.”

Now I know his weakness. Who would've thought that I just needed to get myself in an accident to help me with my plan. I showed the doctor a picture of Axel that I got from Zade. I wanted to make sure that it was him. “yes that's him,” she stated then started packing her things. “When did he leave.”

“A few minutes before you woke up,” she replied then left. He liked me. He cried for me and he beat up some guy for me. It should be easy to manipulate him.


It was night and a few people came to my house. At first we were partying but then Victoria came up with the idea that we should play truth or strip. It wasn't a bad idea and everyone agreed.

“Victoria are you attracted to anyone in this room besides your boyfriend,” I questioned.

"Hmmmm," she breathed out. Her boyfriend face getting red with anger. I know she loves to tease him. "Yes," she blurted out and it got everyone's attention. "Who," her boyfriend murmured.

"Sofia," she replied giving me a wink. I could hear the sound of my door opening. Though I am living in a mansion, I could hear echoes of a door opening. I have the front door to enter, a back door and an escape door just in case. Inside the mansion there are 6 bedrooms. Then there are around 7 more rooms that are for entertainment purpose.

One of the room is actually a basketball court. I don't understand why that was there but I guess my dad liked it. I know exactly which door I heard. It was the front door to enter. Everyone was in the same room with me and I don't think that we were expecting anyone else so I just brushed it off.

'Who's next," I exclaimed. "I am," a hoarse voice replied from behind me. I turned around and I saw Axel. What was he doing here, not that I didn't want him here but how did he know that I had a party. He made his way and sat next to me.

The room was filled with silence. Victoria was continuously watching Axel and I didn't know why. "Victoria why don't you ask someone a question," he said looking at her. Wait... do they know each other. Victoria is my friend and I didn't tell her about my secret.. Its important that I finish what I started first then I wouldn't care if anyone found out about my secret but I just don't understand how she knew him. Or if he knew her.

"Axel do you like her," she questioned then pointed straight at me. All eyes were on Axel and I. He looked at me making intense eye contact as he removed his black hoodie. He always had a black suit on but I guess he finally decided to wear something else. After removing his hoodie, I could see his abs and his tattoos. He had a lot but it looked good on him.

"Damn," I thought to myself after seeing him remove his hoodie. His body was perfect, almost too perfect.

Axel then turned to me and stated," My eyes are up here ." I looked away as he continued,"Do you like me Sofia."

"Hmmm,"I said pretending to think about it. I kept eye contact with him," idk... I think I'll strip," I said while removing my top.

Did I like him? Of course not.. But since I figured out that he liked me all I have to do is play along. His eyes widened but then he looked back up again intensely looking me in my eyes.

The game continued as Victoria asked her boyfriend a question. I felt a hand wrapped around my stomach. I knew it was Axel. He leaned his head to my shoulder then whispered," If I asked you to have sex, would you."

I immediately rolled my eyes. Doesn't he think that he's moving too quickly besides that's not part of my plan.  "Would I," I smirked trying to make him think that I would. I smiled then took off my skirt.

His eyes trailed down my body quickly before I felt a hand on my inner thigh as he tickled it. My body froze but It felt good. "You may not have directly answered, but I still got my answer," he smirked.

"Is that so," I teased him remembering everything the doctor told me earlier. The doctor told me what he said but until he says it himself then I guess I'll never know the truth. Not that I care to know the truth...either way I am just using him and then I'd probably kill him afterwards.

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