Chapter 29: TROUBLE

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When I got kidnapped a week ago, it was Axel. He was calling me Little Nightmare instead of la mia obsessione so that I wouldn't figure out that it was him but I already knew that it was him all along.

He realised that I was the Nightmare Queen and its because I made a mistake and said a piece of the line that I would normally write on a paper next to the people that I killed.

"I'm not a dream, I'm a nightmare." that's what I always wrote on a paper and then I would leave my initial on the body. When Axel dropped me off I accidentally said," I'm a nightmare. " I guess he figured out that it was me.

"Why are you here, little nightmare," Axel whispered but I am sure that he already knew the answer. "There's one more person that I have to kill."

"I know you're after him too but he's mines," I said as he spinned me around. I was just using Axel and I would've gotten away with it if I hadn't said a piece of my line. At first I was using him for information but then I realized that he knew nothing so I wanted to make sure that he was distracted so that I could kill the last person on my list. All this time I had been pretending so that I could do everything on my own timing but now since Axel know who I am then there is no need to hide. He just needs to stay out of my fucking way because I want to be the one to kill the last guy on my list.

“What about that night,” he said with a smirk. “What night,” I asked.

“Don't play dumb N.Q,” he growled. “You wanted me to hunt you and I found you. You liked it didn't you. You wanted more but yet you left and kept away from me.”

“I liked it but you should know that I get bored quickly,” I muttered as he tightened his grip on me. “I knew that you were Nightmare Queen, Sofia.”

“No you didn't,” I argued back. Now that he found out he is acting as if he knew all along. “Oh but I did. That night I looked into your eyes while your dagger was at my throat and I realized that Nightmare Queen and Sofia eyes are the same.”

“If you knew then why'd you act as if you didn't know. All this time when you stalked me and I pretended to be an innocent girl,” I continued.

“I knew Sofia but I like to play along. You should know about that. I continued to stalk you even more after I realized that night that you were indeed N.Q.”

A half smile hit his face as he continued,“I was most surprised when you decided to talk to me. I must say your manipulation is good but not enough. I knew something was up. Why would you talk to me then pretend as if you didn't want to, yet still come back.”

"What are you like obsessed or something," I said sarcastically and he immediately pretended to be offended,"Meeee??? Obsessed??? With you????" he looked straight at me but this time with a smirk ,"Absolutely. Yes, yes I am. "

“Sofia I knew that you were Nightmare Queen since a year ago,” he whispered and it kept repeating in my ear.

I hadn't notice before since I was deep in our conversation. Everyone was staring at Axel and I. Everyone left the dancefloor. Axel and I were the only ones that were dancing while others looked on.

I saw Damon, Adora, Grayson, Ace and Zade looking at us. I could tell that Damon was angry that I was dancing with Axel but he had every right to be mad. He is blaming himself for not being a good brother so now he is trying to protect me in every way possible.

Damon doesn't know that I don't need saving. They all will find out soon enough.

1 year ago...

One by one I killed them. I kept the best for last. The only person left to kill was the mafia leader. He went into hiding when he realised that I was killing all of his men. I will find him. I like a good game of hide and seek.

Uhhh. There Axel was. He always stalked me since I was 16 but after I got kidnapped and got out, he has been keeping an eye on me all the time which made it impossible to finish what I started but I have my ways and I made sure and got it done. After Axel took me back home, he had been on a killing spree. He wanted everyone dead who took me.

I was at my mansion and I could see him hiding behind a tree. He probably doesn't even know that I saw him. I had been playing dumb all this time but I already knew everything. I kept it low key so that no one would suspect me.

I did like Axel. He did come for me just like the mafia leader said he would but he is obsessed with me. He doesn't actually like me so it doesn't matter.

He was good but I was better. I was more precise than him, more faster than him and more smarter than him.


Axel and I got off the middle of the dance floor and we walked towards Ace,Grayson,Adora,Damon and Zade. "What are you doing here baby Torres," Damon questioned but Axel responded,"She came to finish something."

"Are you fucking his sister," Grayson smirked knowing that Damon would get angry. "He's not my type," I murmured and everyone looked at me.

"Are you sure about that Little Nightmare," Axel asked.

"Positive," I smiled. He had a smirk on his face. I don't know if it was because I dissed him or if he enjoyed when I sassed at him. "I have things to do so anyone who gets in my way.. I'll put a fucking bullet through your brain," I sarcastically said.

"Wow," Zade looked shock. "Its always the quiet ones," Ace added. I smiled knowing that he was right.

"Hey... I bet that she's better than you Axel," Adora stated and Axel looked at me. His eyes met mines and he couldn't take them off me. He replied,"Of course she is... She's a Queen."

"You never told us that your sister was a killer," Grayson murmured to Damon.

I walked towards the bar to get a drink and Adora came along. "We never actually talked last time," she said. Honesty last time we met was hectic. It was a race and my mind was elsewhere. "I know ." We both had a few drinks and we were probably already drunk.

"So you and Damon," I added to which she replied,"Yea." well I like her and I think Damon has a baddie in his hands. She and I were not that much different. We were not afraid and we did whatever we wanted. "Axel and you," she said but I cut her off,"No."

"He likes you," she said but I know that he doesn't like me. How could he... He is a stalker. "More like obsessed," I mumbled.

"I can tell that he's not gonna stop until you give him a chance. I think that he actually liked you," she murmured as she pointed towards him. He was staring at me... There are so many people here that were interested in him yet his eyes were only on me.

He looked at me as though he... Wait why am I even thinking about it... No he doesn't. "Want to go create trouble," she asked. Oh yes... I definitely like Adora. "Why not. That's what we were born to do."

Adora and I managed to leave Axel's mansion without being seen by the guys. It was hard at first because Axel eyes were on me but I managed to escape, I always do.

At this point Adora and I had been doing shit. We trashed a few houses and now we were going to get a tattoo. We both got our tattoos on our hand. We both didn't like big writings so the tattoo was small. Hers wrote," Want to create trouble."

Mines wrote, " Why not. That's what we were born to do."

Adora was just like me. We both liked trouble, couldn't seem to get out of it. Now we were waiting for the guys to come get us. “Are you sure that they'll come,” she questioned.

“Trust me, they have to. They'll want back what we stole.”

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