Chapter 69: A NEW THREAT ?

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He placed his hands on my face and the other pressing on my waist as he kissed my lips. The type of kiss that made me feel safe. Although he was plenty things, he was also considerate. I know he's sad and I'm sure he hated that he cried in front of me. In fact to me it didn't make me think of him as weak. It made me see that he's human too, at least piece of him has feelings. The feelings he somehow wants to give to me. The little that he has in him was all mine.

But how could I trust that. I simply can't. I'm fighting something in me that I can't explain and its killing me. I can't even put words together to say how I genuinely feel. Am I that broken or am I stopping myself from understanding my feelings.

Why am I even thinking these things. Axel pulled me in and passed his thumb on my lips as he looked down at me with watery eyes, “ is this okay? , are u fine with me touching you. ”

My eyes widened. I-... I've never been asked. Why does he care. I looked into his eyes and its like I can see me. It's like he's the male version of me. He always stalked me and did whatever he pleased and so did I but today he's everything but psychotic. He's a good guy but he just did bad things. And with his words I felt peace something that I longed for. Even if it was for just in this moment I enjoyed it.

“I'm fine,” I replied as I pressed my lips onto his. I can feel his little smile. “ I'll let the world burn for you princess,” he smiled. That's the Axel I know. He seemed like he got a hold of himself and pushed that vulnerable side away. His little smirk made me smile as he pushed me down and started kissing my neck.

He slipped his fingers inside me and moans escaped me as he went in a slow pace. I started moving my hips to make him speed up but he pushed me down. He moved his tongue from my neck to my tits then straight down to my pussy. I grabbed onto his hair as he continued to eat me out.

My body shakes in pleasure and I knew I was gonna cum. He immediately stopped and came up to my lips. He kissed me ,“ you taste so good little nightmare. ”

I looked at him and he grinned knowing I was needy. “ what do u want, ” he questioned. “ ruin me,” I smiled and he looked at me as though he wished he heard this sooner. His clothes and mines were off. He didn't wait much longer til he slammed his dick into me making me scream out. “you're suppose to scream out my name, ” he whispers.

He didn't slow down. It was just deep, fast and rough thrust and I didn't mind it. I grabbed onto his back and my nails were piercing his skin. He aggressively kissed my lips and I came. My body was tired but he kept going. He wasn't done yet. Instead of moans I was breathless but it felt great. I knew I was gonna cum again. And i knew Axel was gonna cum this time too. His groans made me figure it out. He slammed into me one last time and we both came.


Axel was in bed right next to me. It was silent for a second and it felt great. In that moment that's when I remembered something.
“Why were you sending threats to me,” I questioned.
“What–,” Axel was about to say something when I cut him off,“The threats,” I say with a smile. I'm sure he's gonna lie or pretend like its not him. I mean he's literally looking at me confused right now.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he replied and that's when I got up and took them out. I had them in my hand and walked back to the bed. I pulled out the two letters. He opened one letter and read it out loud,"You think when you wear that mask that you’re powerful, think again." He took the other one,"You’re not the type to run away from problems but you should. I’ll hunt you down if i have to."

“Little nightmare, I didn't send these letters,” axel said but this time looking concerned. “then who did,” I say looking at him as if he would know. “when did you get these,” he added. I started to think back on the very first time and that's when I remembered, “a while ago but i thought that you were the one sending it so i brushed it off.”

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