Chapter 37: TEMPTED

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I knew that she wasn't sleeping but I listened to Adora and I left the room. I knew that she would attend the masquerade ball so I got dressed. I informed Ace, Axel and Zade. We were all going to the ball. Axel, Ace and Zade brought a girl who would be accompanying them.

I didn't need to bring anyone. I planned on dancing with Sofia. Damon entered her room and I'm sure that he realised that she is awake.

Damon was probably talking to her so my brothers, Zade and I all left. She would never think for one second that I would attend the ball. I am only going because I want the mafia leader to pay for trying to kill her but I was also going because I want to make sure that she was safe.

I knew that she didn't need me. She was good on her own but I still decided to go. After a few minutes of being in the ball Damon and Sofia entered. Fuck she was beautiful. She wore a black gown. I don't even know if she noticed how beautiful she looked.

She mightn't have noticed but many people were staring at her. Damon placed out his hand to dance with her. That's when I made my move. I was dancing with some girl and I waiting until Damon twirled her. She landed in my arms.

She looked up to see my eyes narrowed at her. My eyes widened as I looked at her. My hands were gripped tightly on her waist.  She looked around to see the guys then she saw Damon dancing with Adora. Good thing I told Adora to tag along.

“Miss me little nightmare,” I teased. She rolled her eyes,“ Sorry I didn't get that.. I don't speak bullshit.” I loved her even more when she was angry. Everything she did, it didn't matter what it was..  I always loved it. She pulled her hand away from mines and she was about to walk off the dancefloor when I pulled her close to my chest.

“Axel get out of my way,” she argued but I kept her close to me. I could stare in her eyes forever. She was about to pull out her dagger but I stopped her. I don't know what I was thinking. I admired her. My eyes widened as I was mesmerized.

I took her to a corner of the room. I placed my hand over her, blocking her from leaving. I slid my hands in her hair and I stared at her lips and she stared at mines. “You don't know what you did to me little nightmare,” I whispered as I pressed my head on hers.

I just wanted to breathe in her air. I wanted her to waste my time. She knew that she controlled me but I wish that she knew that I love her. I knew that she wanted to kiss me but instead she pushed me off of her.

I turned around and I saw the mafia leader walking to a room. That's why she pushed me... She almost forgot what she was here for. I wanted him dead too but right now I just wanted her close. My hand led her to the wall. Her back was against the wall until she quickly managed to pin me against the wall. I smirked as I loved when she dominated me.

I watched as she swayed her body while backing away. I thought that she was going to kiss me but instead she murmured, “I told you not to get in my way.” She pulled out her dagger and threw it at me.  “What the fuck,” Grayson yelled.

She finally looked back to see that it was Grayson but then she noticed that all eyes were on us. Everyone walked out of the ball not wanting to get involved. While the crowd exited she disappeared along with them.

Ace walked up to me,“Shit. She threw a dagger at you.” I smiled as I pulled the dagger out of my hand. “I know. We had a nice conversation.”

“How much worse could a conversation go with her. Axel she fucking threw a knife at you... Are you not hearing me,” Zade argued.

“Yeah but she didn't throw it in a way to kill me. She just wanted me wounded.” A thoughtful look crossed my face then I added,“Perhaps maim me.”

“Axel she threw it at your head,” Grayson exclaimed.

“But I dodged and she knew that I would do that.”

“She was definitely aiming at your head,” Zade argued.

“Why yes she did throw it at me but isn't she brilliant though,” I smiled. I kept the dagger with me. Fuck she will always have my heart and I don't want it back.

I knew that she was tempted to kiss me just as much as I wanted to kiss her. Just like how tempted she was that night.

1 year ago....

I followed her and this time I didn't intend on losing. I didn't know the gender but now I do. Its a girl. Ace told me so himself.

She tried her best to lose me but I was focused on seeing her. She was a mystery that I intended on solving. She was precise and basically a ghost so why'd she want me to follow her.

Why all of a sudden was she ready for me to know who she was. N. Q always stayed in the shadows. Why come to the light on The Night Of The Serpents.

It was already night and it was dark as fuck but as she continued to speed off into the road leading to the cemetery all the lights were gone. It was basically dark. The stars barely shined. The street lights stopped at the beginning of the road that led straight to the cemetery.

I stopped at the road before following her. Why at a Cemetery? Why in the dark? Why did I follow her? All those thoughts ran through my head. I brushed it off and followed her. She was a distance from me but I still managed to see her.

All of a sudden it became quiet. I looked around and saw her motorbike was parked on the side of the road. There were so much trees and holes that were freshly dogged for bodies.

I thought to myself if she at least made a sound then I'd know where she went but she couldn't have made it far. My guess was that she was here, hiding, waiting for me to find her.



Fuck.. He was gone. Devin probably realised that I was here. It is all Axel's fault. I could've ended everything today.

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