Chapter 54: HIGH

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My eyes were filled with tears that would soon flow down my face. I didn't know all of the story. I thought that he would just hit her I didn't know that he raped her.  "you are the bravest person I know," I told Sofia.

"That's the thing I'm not brave. I'm afraid and scared that this pain will hunt me down for the rest of my life. I convince myself that I'm strong but I'm not and I do it so much that I actually convinced myself that its true but then there's this tiny voice in my mind that tells me that I'm not. I want to fucking fight it and I want to be brave," she cried out.

This whole fucking time us serpents couldn't understand why she needed Devin dead. We all thought that she liked killing but we never knew that she went through all of this.

She's just broken like the rest of us and she's been fighting demons in her head so that she could feel healed again but that won't happen if she doesn't kill Devin.

I'm sure that the other serpents doesn't know but does Axel. "does Axel know," I asked. She could barely speak, she just nodded her head as her dagger was pointed at my throat but I lowered it.

I placed my hand and cupped her cheeks and she couldn't hold it in anymore. She begins to cry and I couldn't help myself. Us Serpents usually hate affection or sad shit but I couldn't stop myself. I hugged her tightly as she broke down.


It had been a long ass day now finally I could get back to Sofia. I walked into my room to see her and Zade passed out on my bed with pills on the table. "What the fuck--" was my initial thoughts. I called some of my men into the room.

"Can someone explain this," I asked. Why did they take pills in the first place. I'd expect Axel to do this not Zade.
"We'll move him right away," one of my men say as another decide to fuck up,"We didn't know."

I pulled out my gun and pointed it at the man before he could finish his sentence. "She didn't fuck Zade. He is her friend and she would never do anything like that," I growled.

They took Zade and carried him to one of my guest rooms. He was passed out so its better he stays here where I can make sure that he's fine.

I pulled out my phone and typed in my password. I rewind the video to see what happened here but all I saw was Zade and Sofia talking. The speakers in the cameras stopped.

Someone tampered with it so that I wouldn't hear the conversation. If I had to guess then it was probably Zade.
Only a Serpent can get into my camera to change anything in it.

It is highly guarded so that no one could get into our camera system. Only us serpents know how to do that especially since Ace was the one who set it up. He was actually very smart for doing it in a way where we were the only ones that could access it.

He isn't the smartest for no reason. I continued watching the video and I saw Zade and Sofia hugging. It seemed as though she was crying.

I walked into the guest room that he was in and I threw some water over Zade and that did the trick. He looked high and very dizzy. Zade is the type of person when drunk or high sells out his secrets and tells the truth so it is a great opportunity to ask him.

"What happened to the speaker in the cameras. Why can't I hear the conversation between you and Sofia," I asked.

"You look beautiful princess," he replied while placing his finger on my lip which I was quick to remove. "Answer the question," I murmured.

"I don't know. We took some pills right after," he shrugged. He had to be telling the truth. If he didn't do it then who did.

I walked into my room and I locked the door. She was beautiful. She is mines. My dick was hard just looking at her.

She will be mines not that she has a choice but for now I need to see her. She had a dress on which I slowly pulled up and I pulled down her silk panty. I knew that she didn’t wear any bra tonight and a smile hit my face. They could fit in my hand perfectly. I pushed her thighs apart and crawled up the bed kneeling between them. I slip my finger inside her. She always sleeps with her head tilted to the right. Her brown hair covers the pillow. Fuck she always loooked good.

I pushed another finger in after noticing that her pussy is getting wetter. She was still completely fazed so I began getting more aggressive and her head moved a little as a small moan escaped her lips.

Her back arches as her nipples hardened and her pussy tightens around my fingers. I gently kiss her lips as I add another finger in making there be 3 in total. “Axel,” she moaned and I whispered in her ear,” yea it’s me little nightmare.” I finger fuck her roughly as my thumb rubbed on her clit. Even when high she knew that I was the one touching her.

Her body rocks back and forth as her tits bounce up and down. She gave a whimper as she was about to come on my fingers. I looked down at her knowing that I had control over her body and fuck it felt powerful. Her looking at me full of desires when close but fighting it when far. She wanted to be dominated and she will be mine. One thing for sure is that she owns me. I pulled out my fingers and carried them to her lips that were slightly parted as I smeared the cum on her lips.

I smiled before sucking them with my own mouth. "please Axel," she groans but I mumbled in her ear,"no I want you to say my name just the way you feel not when you're high."

She was still mostly high and she looked as if her head was spinning yet she opened her eyes slightly and argued,"I'm not high."

“really, what's your name.” She looked up at the ceiling maybe trying her hardest to remember and then a smile grew on her face as if she remembered it,“Azkel Sword.”

“what the fuck,” I say under my breathe as I gave out a laugh. “My name is Axel Ford but I didn't ask you to tell me mines...I asked for your name.”

She rolled her eyes as she mumbled something to herself. She looked to me as if she figured it out. “Or's Alex Sworn.”

“That is not my name little nightmare,” I growled. This wasn't of any use since she doesn't remember her name so I asked another question. “okay tell me your age instead.”

She titled her head facing away from me as she shrugged,“how rude of you to ask a woman her age.”

A grin escaped me as I titled her head to face me. Uhhhh...The look that she always gave me when she looked into my eyes. “what is your favorite thing to eat.”

“Strawberries,” she shrieked.

“you're allergic to that la mia obssessione.”

She got all defensive as she pushed me from near her,“no I'm not.”

I crawled right next to hear and held her down this time so that she can't move from the position I had her in. “I stalked you little nightmare so I am pretty sure that I am right.”

“YOU STALKED ME,” she yelled as her eyes opened widely.

“why are you yelling,” I asked her but instead she began fighting her way trying to get out of my grip,“stranger danger..a fucking stalker is in my room.”

I knew that she was definitely high because Sofia would have never ask anyone for help if she was in danger.. Sofia would've kicked my ass on her own.

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