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My phone buzzed and it was Damon. Axel and I both glanced at my phone as it buzzed. Several missed calls and messages. I was hesitant on answering because he will ask question that I'm not ready to answer. “Sofia, He's worried,” Axel murmured..

I answered the call and had it on loud speaker so Axel was hearing the conversation. “Sofia I was worried. I called and I messaged but its fine.. Are you fine,” he blurted out all at once.

I knew that I would've had him worried and I care for my family but I am not going back until I kill Devin. “Damon breathe,” I murmured.

“I don't want to lose you baby Torres.” I didn't want to lose him either but just as he got revenge on our parents I want to get revenge and I will never stop until I do.
“Where are you.”

I can't let him know that I'm with Axel. “Damon I answered to let you know that I'm fine and safe. I don't want to answer any questions right now.”

“Sofia you need to come back so that I could---.”

“You could what Damon. You say you trust me,” I say cutting him off. “Yes,” he mumbled.

“Then I need you to do that because I am not coming back. I have things to finish. I am not going to be locked up in a mansion.”

“Its not like that.” Maybe for Damon he thinks it isn't like that but it is and I can't do that. “Yes it is and you know what it reminds me of, it reminds me that I had been locked in a mansion basically my whole fucking life until you killed our parents.”

“And you know what I don't want to be locked up or hide because I fear no one and I will kill whoever dares to stand against me,” I added. He stayed silent while I continued,“Damon please- I don't want to fight. I will be back I promise.”

“I heard that all Devin's money has been taken from him.” I didn't expect Damon to find out so quickly.
“Axel might be after you next.”

If only he knew that Axel was here with me and not the one that took the money. I took it and its just the beginning. My silence became a clear answer for Damon,“Its you isn't it.”

It didn't take long for Damon to find out. My plan earlier was to transfer all Devin's money to me but that was until Axel decided to jump into a lake even though he can't swim.

I was not going to let my plan fail so after I saved Axel, he asked me why I saved him and I had no answer to his question. I left him on the rock and I took the car but don't worry I did go back for him....after 2 hours.

He deserved it. By the time I went back for him I think he learned his lesson. He had 2 hours to think about the foolishness he did while I was busy transferring Devin's money to me. He knew we had a plan and yet he still decided to jump of a fucking cliff so he deserved what I did.

“How'd you know,” I chuckled.

“I haven't heard from you in days but that doesn't mean I'm dead sof.” Well since he knew that it was me then why not admit it.. I don't give a fuck about hiding it anyways. I want everyone to know that I took it.
“Yes I did.”


“Its personal.” The only person who knew the actual reason as to why I want to kill Devin is Axel. I never told anyone about it and well Axel knows the story about that whole kidnapping shit especially since I was trained to kill him. “You know Axel has been missing in days. Even his brothers don't know where he is and you're missing too. Do you know anything about that.”

“Bye Damon.” I couldn't reply to his question because then I will be telling him lies.

I ended the call on him. I hate this, because we knew each other so shortly I try for us to get along but yet I pushed him away. I will make up for it but only after I kill Devin.

I took my glass and threw it on the floor. All the pieces flying all around the floor. I cared for no one and now I feel threatened by the feelings that I am getting.

Love only brings pain so why am I going against everything that I said in the past. Not only was I angry about that but I was angry at myself for forgetting the rules I made.

The worse part is that I am lying to my brother. He is trying his best and I know that. Axel reached out his hand and I placed mines on top of his. He placed his hand on my waist as he slow danced with me.

“What are you doing.. We look dumb. Why are we even dancing.” Axel placed a finger on my lip as he looked into my eyes. I watched as he had a half smile while twirling me.

The way he began doing his little dance on his own made me smile but it eventually made me laugh. He walked up to me and raised an eyebrow so I knew where this was going. “Fuck you.”

“I think you meant to say thank you,” he replied.

Axel sat on the couch and turned to me,“Phase 1 was burning his mansion.”
“Phase 2 was draining him of all his money.”

“And phase 3,” he questioned.

I smiled, “I will kill him.” that's what I will do and I will enjoy it very much. Revenge is necessary.

"So what are we going to do," Axel questioned. I guess this is where our little adventure ends. I don't need him anymore I just made sure that he was near so that he wouldn't do anything besides what I tell him.

But I also kept him here to make sure that the other part of my plan is done. I don't need him anymore, I am going to kill Devin today so he is useless to me now.

I pulled out my gun," we aren't going to do anything because you won't be here anymore." I watched as his face dropped as though he wasn't expecting it. I am a manipulator and I am nightmare queen.. what did he really expect? "You are useless to me now," I added.

My gun was pointed at him and for a few seconds I just watched as all his trust that he placed in me slowly slip away. Usually that was the best part seeing my victims fooled but somehow this felt different.

He had more than enough time to grab a weapon but instead he stayed still as though he didn't care to die once it was in my hands then it didn't matter to him. "You are so perfect little nightmare. That's why I like you," he smirked. "You can do whtever you want with me and i'd let you,"he added.

I snapped out of my thoughts and my bullet went to his chest and he placed his hand over it but the blood continued to pour. “You're crazy. You can't manipulate a manipulator love,” he hissed.

“I've gotten this far, haven't I,” I smirked.

“I will get back at you.”

If only that was true. “You can't. You'll be dead.”


I tried swearing to myself that I hate her. The amount of times she used me, stabbed me and even shoot me. The more she was around me the more I knew I needed to get away. I said that I'd get back at her which I will do but I will not harm her, I simply cannot. I will not stop, I can't stop not after how madly in love I am with her.

I mean I'm not gonna lie and I mean this might sound psycho but everything she does is a turn out like damn she shot me.

How can I hate her, the way she had me wrapped around her fingers; her words, her body, her smile and eyes that made me question everything. I can never truly hate her because even when she hurt me it made me want her more.

She was driving me crazy yet I was enjoying it. Until she says the words- I am using you-... then I won't stop. She still hasn't said it so I will not stop because I know she is fighting it but how long can she really fight. She thinks that no one is there but I have always been here, right here this whole time. When she thought that she is not loved and pushed me away I still stick around. Can't she see that I'm right here.

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