Chapter 4: BEGINNING

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2 years ago....

So many guys noticed her, I mean who wouldn't. But unfortunately for them she liked older guys.When I take her for myself we will definitely have a age gap and to people it's not right, but you're not the one going into a relationship so people need to start getting their head out of their ass..peoples business shouldn't concern others besides if that's what she likes then it's fine. Fucking sue her but that wouldn't change what she liked.  I was watching her at a distance. She was talking to Victoria while holding a drink in her hand.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. She looked so good. She was enjoying herself and she looked distracted from all of the bullshit that she wanted to forget. All of a sudden a tall guy walked to her and wrapped his arms around her. He was her friend. She would never date him but I hated how he was so touchy.

Her eyes lit up as she smiled while looking at him. He placed a kiss on her head. Anger took over me. She's mines and no one else's. I wasn't going to take that likely.

I waited until the party was over. She hugged him then left. He was all alone, good for me but what an unfortunate pity for him. I made my way just before he could enter his car,“ don't get too touchy with Sofia because next time, I will fucking kill you.”

I need him to remember my threat so I shot him before leaving. He wasn't dead but he was definitely injured. He is innocent, he did nothing wrong except for going near my Sofia so he had to get punished for it.

After handling him, I went straight to Sofia's house. I go there everyday just to admire her. I stared at her through the bedroom window. It gave me a perfect view of her. She just got out the shower and changed into her pajamas.

I guess that she had a feeling of being watched since she started looking around. I honestly thought that she saw me but she just sat back down to complete her homework that was due tomorrow. She had a week to get it done but she was busy enjoying her life so she is doing it now just so that teacher don't give her detention.

She looked so annoyed while doing the homework. She  always got high marks in all her subjects but after her parents died she didn't care much about school. She wanted to do other things. She was still getting great marks but she just hated the school. She got up again and looked around more than before. Does she know that I'm looking at her.

She came towards the window and I quickly hid behind a tree. There were many trees behind her mansion, there was no where else to go. After her mansion, there was a huge land then trees that led up to a cliff.

She got a good view of the city from here. She brushed it off then sat back down to finish the rest of her work. I watched as she sat on her bed listening to music then eventually falling asleep.

After what I did to her friend, Well I think he learned his lesson because he never touched her again. He barely talked to her. It was just the beginning for us. She will be 17 soon and then I just have to wait until she turns 19.

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