Chapter 36: TARGET

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Damon wiped the tears and kissed me on my head. “Alright let's go,” he declared.

Fuck I almost forgot that I have to get ready. “Damon I'm not going anywhere,” I responded.

“Really,” he added while pointing at my dress that was on the floor. Well he already know so why not tell him the truth,“Fine I'm going----.”   “I already know that you're going to attend the masquerade ball and I am coming,” Damon blurted out cutting me off.
“Don't dare argue with me baby Torres because you're not winning this one. I am coming.”

I gave in. Damon walked off while I changed into the gown. As soon as I was finished I walked down the stairs to see Damon in a black suit as he had a big smile on his face. His eyes widened and lit up.

I walked up to him and handed him a mask for his eyes. “You look beautiful baby Torres,”he murmured.

“For the love of all that is good and pure will you just shut up,” I grinned. He took my hand and placed a kiss on it. “Let's go,” he declared.

I looked out the window as he drove off. I just realized how beautiful the place is at night. The trees stood still as there was little to no wind. I watched as we exited Axel's private area and entered the city.

There was much more noise in the city of people talking or of the vehicles. I liked the city but sometimes I just preferred to be alone. People stared at Damon's car passing through. They knew that it was him since his name was carved on the car. Everyone was on a stand still, everyone stopped what they were doing and some were shocked while others tried to enter their houses.

People really feared the 5 devils. Anytime anyone saw Axel, Damon, Ace, Zade or Grayson's car then they knew that some shit was about to go down. The fear in their eyes as we passed through was exciting. I liked seeing fear in other's eyes.

Damon exited the city and entered a property that had a lot of security. The gates opened only for people that are feared and as soon as the guards saw Damon's car they wasted no time. We were in and Damon handed a guy his keys. “If this has even a scratch then I'll fucking kill you,” Damon warned him.

We entered the masquerade ball with the mask on and I recognized many people. I saw the Mafia King Vincenzo Black at the ball and I even saw the mafia leader of Russia Cruz Gonzalez. I'm surprised that a fight hasn't begun yet since I know that Cruz and Vincenzo are rivals. They absolutely hate each other especially since Cruz want to become the mafia king but unfortunately for him Vincenzo took that place. There were so many feared and dangerous people at the ball.

This place was full but I still managed to spot Devin the mafia leader here. I can't wait to kill him. He was dancing with some girl. I don't even think that he knows that his daughter is dead. “May I,” Damon placed out his hand. I rolled my eyes as I took his hand and we both walked to the dancefloor.

I watched over as the mafia leader was not far from Damon and I. I slowly passed my hand down to grab my dagger when Damon twirled me around and I ended up in someone else's arms. I looked up to see his eyes narrowed at me. It was Axel. His gray eyes widened as he looked at me. His hands were gripped tightly on my waist.

We were dancing. How the fuck is he here. I didn't even know that he came. I looked around and I saw Grayson. I knew it was him. I saw his blue eyes as he danced with a girl. Ace was dancing with someone then I saw Zade dancing with a girl. They were all here.

I looked back and saw Damon dancing with Adora. We all had the mask on but I knew that it was them. Did Damon tell them.. No he wouldn't. Of course they came. This is a ball for feared people and they all are feared.

“Miss me little nightmare,” Axel teased. I rolled my eyes,“ Sorry I didn't get that.. I don't speak bullshit.” I pulled my hand away from his and I was about to walk off the dancefloor when he pulled me close to his chest.

“Axel get out of my way.” I knew that he was here for 2 reasons, to kill the mafia leader for trying to kill me and he also wants to protect me and keep me safe. There he is. He was so close to me. Now is my chance. I tried pulling out the dagger but Axel stopped me.

He took me to a corner of the room. He placed his hands over me, blocking me from leaving. He slid his hands in my hair and I stared at his lips and he stared at mines. “You don't know what you did to me little nightmare,” he whispered as he pressed his head on mines.

The tension built up as he pulled out a cigarette. His hands still blocking me. His breathes sent chills throughout my body. Something about him smoking was attractive and I didn't know why. The smoke was going all by my face as he slightly moved his head. He looked at me as he blew out the smoke.

I looked to the side to see the mafia leader carrying the girl to a room. Fuck I almost forgot what I was here for. I pushed him off of me.

Shit I don't need distractions right now. He is a fucking stalker and he's obsessed. I need to focus. I walked off but Axel pulled me back. His hand led me to the wall. My back was against the wall until I quickly managed to pin him against the wall. I slowly backed away but he was too distracted at looking at me. His eyes were twinkling.

“I told you not to get in my way,” I murmured then pulled out my dagger. I threw it at him. Not to kill him but just for him to be injured so that he doesn't get it my way. “What the fuck,” I heard a yell.

I looked back to see that it was Grayson but then I noticed that all eyes were on us. Everyone walked out of the ball not wanting to get involved. While the crowd exited I quickly blended in and made my move. The mafia leader is my target and I have to kill him.

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