Chapter 10: SERPENT

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I honestly think that he was just joking but what if he wasn't. I wanted to test him. Let's see what happens. What if he was actually coming for me and why is he even coming for me anyways. I barely know him and that is what intrigued me. He probably wanted me as one of his toys while I was going to use him as a pawn in my game.

I only know his name and that he is always sarcastic. I heard a few other things, Also that he is a definitely a good racer but then again if I didn't let him win then I would've beat his ass. I saw how he was looking at me and it honestly made me realize that he had intentions but so did I. I want to go with him and get my game started.

I went into my closet that were full of clothes but mostly dresses. I placed them each by their color. I wanted to go for a bold look so I took out my red dress. I haven't worn this dress yet so it was still new.

I got dressed and I just sat on the couch waiting. I looked out the window that gave me a good view of the city. The cars, the tall buildings and the trees. I had my own private property and my land was huge but from my window  I could still see the beautiful view.

Why am I even waiting. I looked at the clock on the wall and I noticed that the hour passed like since 20 minutes ago and he still didn't show up. Maybe he was just joking.

I was about to take off my dress when I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the hole and I saw him. It was Axel. He had a black suit on. I opened the door as his eyes were glued on my body. “I think that I should buy you a watch.”

He took one of my hands and placed a kiss on it then replied,“Why.”

“Because you said that you were going to come for me in an hour but you are 20 minutes late.”

I stepped outside of my house and I made sure to lock the door. He opened the door for me to sit in the front seat of his car then he got into the drivers seat. Before taking off he smirked,“So excited to see me huh.”

“No,” I replied while looking away. I know exactly where we were going. We were in a private area and only Axel's car was on the road. I could see some mansions and they were beautiful.  "How did you know where I live."

"I came at your house for your birthday," he replied. That still doesn't make sense. I never invited him but its a good thing he came since he is apart of my plan. "Someone gave me the invitation and I decided to come," he continued.

I mean I guess that he is trying to mess with my head so I just replied ,"Okay."

" la mia ossessione, Don't think too much about it, he smirked

I knew exactly why this area is so empty. I have never been on this side before. I actually knew that here existed but I just never came here before.
This is exactly what I am talking about. I haven't lived at all. Time to mess with a manipulator. I still have so many things that I want to do.

While driving I could see Axel eyes still looking at me.
“Are you even going to talk to me.” I don't see the point of a long drive if he is not saying a word to me.

“Honestly I wasn't going to, la mia ossessione,” he smirked. Why did he pick me up if he has no plans of talking to me. Wait... He spoke Italian so maybe I should try to start a conversation with him. “So you're Italian.”

“No I'm French,” he replied. He is so rude all the time. Honestly he is handsome but he has such a nasty attitude. Then again, I also have a nasty attitude but I don't give a fuck who has a problem with it. “Axel stop fucking playing.”

“Fine but you're going to need to know what you're up against,” he murmured. What does he mean. I hate it when people don't get to the point. “Which is.”

“Me of course,” he boldly stated. He is just trying to mess with me. It clearly made me realize that he wanted to use me too but little does he know that I'm gonna use him too.

“How fucking stupid are you to pick up a random girl that you don't even know! This is exactly how people get killed,” I teased him.

“la mia ossessione, Did anyone ever teach you not to go into a strangers car,” he muttered.  Well he does have good comebacks. “Fine. You have a point asshole.”

An idea came to mind and the first thing I blurted out was,“Well go ahead.” Axel got startled,“What.”

“Ask me questions and I'll answer it only if you answer the questions that I want to ask you afterwards,” I smiled telling him my idea. I just hated the silence in the car so at least if we talk then it would be less awkward. Also I wanted to get information.

“I don't need to ask questions. I already know all about you,” his hoarse voice responded.

I'm sure that he is lying. How would he know all about me. He doesn't know my dark secret but yet he thinks he knows me. We don't even know each other but I'm sure that I already figured him out while he was still clueless. “Okay well then I need to know more about you.”

“Not just yet la mia ossessione. You'll find out soon enough,”he smirked.

The car stopped and we entered the building that was right ahead. I walked in before Axel and I saw a guy with tattoos that filled up almost his whole body. He came up to Axel and said, “nice to see you again Mr.F----.”

“Good to see you too,” Axel replied cutting the guy off. I noticed exactly who the guy was and I knew what he was going to say. Axels last name starts with an F. The guy whispered something to Axel and he replied to him but I couldn't hear them. Axel then looked at me with a grin. Axel and I followed the guy to a room.

As I was walking through the corridor, I could see black doors in every corner. My curiosity increased. I was tempted to know what were in those rooms. The whole building was silent but I could hear talking coming from the rooms. The whole building was dark. There wasn't much light but honestly I liked the darkness.

The last door was the one that we entered. Axel told me to sit on a chair and I obeyed. Axel came near my ear “What tattoo do you want, la mia ossessione.”

I froze for a second. Axel took me here to get a tattoo. Maybe he does indeed know me. I always wanted a tattoo but I just didn't know what to get.

I pulled out my phone as Axel looked on to see what I was doing. I opened Pinterest and I started looking at some tattoos but none of them were interesting for me. I want something that could explain the person that I am.

I saw butterflies and name tattoos but that doesn't seem like something that I like at all. Then I came across a sword. A sword is perfect, it explains me so well. The sword tattoo represents authority, protection, courage, strength and power. Power is definitely something I have over people. These seem to be obvious meanings as the sword was used for striking down enemies. As far as the metaphysical goes, the sword symbolizes the penetrating strength of the intellect. that's when I knew that I wanted a sword tattoo but something was missing. The sword was too bare on its own so an idea came to me.

I smiled then turned to Axel and the guy,“I want a sword tattoo going down my spine with a serpent wrapped around it.” The snake is often a symbol of knowledge, wisdom, fertility, and patience.

The guy froze and turned to face Axel,“The serpent tattoo is forbidden. ”

I already knew that I would get this reaction but I pretended to be confused in front of them. I acted as if I didn't understand why having a serpent wrapped around my sword was a big deal to the guy. I knew the tattoo was forbidden. I mean Snakes tattoos are one of the most popular tattoo ideas for men because they can be interpreted in a variety of ways. Throughout history, the snake has been seen as a symbol of both good and evil; the former, because a snake sheds its own skin, making it a symbol of rebirth.

I think that it is just as powerful for a woman to have it. For a woman the snake is a timeless symbol of rebirth, temptation, fertility, power and more. So why the fuck would I not want that to be a part of my tattoo. The question is am I still as good at manipulation. If I am, then I will be allowed to get this tattoo.

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