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Sofia left me alone on a fucking rock but then again I did deserved it. Now I was not going to stay on a rock waiting for her. My brothers might not know where I am but Zade has been texting me frequently. It has been a few days since he messaged making me think he has trouble in paradise given his past story but everyone was more focused on me killing Sofia which is why I wouldn't know what's happening with him right now.

If you ask me its probably girl problems seeing that he has always had that in the past..god it made me remember the first time I saw him when he burned down a whole fucking police station for revenge. I don't just pass by and choose random people. My brothers wanted to join after I killed my father. I found Damon and I saw a boy who was broken and wanted revenge so I helped him but Zade was different. He had a perfect life until it all came crashing down. After all good things don't last.

My phone buzzed and it was a text message from Zade.

I bet you haven't kill someone in a long time - Z

I know you will enjoy some blood on your hands - Z

I haven't been spilling blood as I usually would and I don't know if I was doing it to show Sofia that I am good or if I was doing it because I was more focused on making her mine instead of killing fuckers. I didn't really need to prove anything to Sofia because I think that she liked danger and when people feared her.

Why haven't you messaged me - A

I was kidnapped - Z

god would I love to hear that story but now I was more focused on getting some blood on my hands.

Have you heard of the accusations on Sofia - Z

What accusations - A

Zade sent me a picture of all the shit that has been going around and I was fucking pissed. My brothers have been looking after everything for me and they were still making sure that everyone knew who were the feared ones. They killed 47 people who decided to think otherwise. Such innocent lives lost because they thought they stood a chance against us. Now my brothers have been keeping order but it looks like everyone has forgotten the leader of the serepnts. We are mostly called the 5 devils but on The night of the Serpent we are referred to as The Serpents.

Well its a good thing I had a back up plan incase something like this happened. I had a motorbike near and I had it here just incase Sofia got mad and decided to get back at me. Why the fuck did she save me anyway? I took my motorbike and I left immediately.

I had a half smile on my face as I watched the bastard run. I mean he can't even run straight. Despite his efforts to stay hidden no one could hide from me. He knew that I'd come for him after hearing the rumor. Now I already killed 12 other guys who helped him but I will not spare him. Spreading a lie about my girl is not just something I will take lightly. Fuck does he really think I'm in the mood for hide and seek, I had already done that early with his friend tim. I mean I gave tim an run and hide but I told him if I found him then he will die. The dumb fucker hid under the bed. That's the kind of shit that kids do when playing with their parents so honestly that wasn't the best decision tim made which resulted him to a tragic death.

Then after tim I went after mark and liam and they too had a chance of survival but they didn't play my game right. All they had to do was try their best to kill me and if you ask me that was a better offer than what I gave tim but unfortunately they suffered the same fate. The 9 other guys had choices too but they made the wrong one so long story short..they all died.

That was a long rollercoster but for this fucking bastard, He will not get an option. I signed as I pulled out my gun and shot him, the bullet hittiing him in the back of his knee. That gunshot made him fall flat on his face which would certainly leave a mark considering the fact that he fell on concrete that didn't look smooth...the amount of rough edges it was bound to leave his face with bruises.

"fuck you," he yelled as he holds his bloody knee and might I say that the concrete did infact fuck up his face. You're gonna kill me for a stupid b

I wouldn't finish that sentense if I were you. If you dare talk about my girl I will kill you and feed your remains to your children.

And don't you dare call her stupid when you're the one on the ground with a bullet to your knee and a fucked up face after that pathetic fall

Now usually I would just kill him or do it slowly by torturing him but I can see that he wanted to do something completely stupid. The knife in his pocket barely looks sharp and by his body movements, I could tell that he wanted to use it on me. Now I just wanted him to think for a second that he stand a chance so I allowed him to pull out him knife and a sign of victory washed over his face until I quickly ended it by using his own knife against him. The knife stabbed his other knee. I just wanted to make his pain even so now both knees were damaged. " sorry bastard.. I just really wanted both knees to be even," I grinned.

I wasn't done though. I snapped the same hand the he decided to hold his knife on and he screamed like a bitch as he stared at his useless hands and his legs which he knew he couldn't use anymore as he could barely move from just the pain that he was enduring. He moved his hand towrards the knife that pierced through his knee. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

Why is he so dumb and here I though he was the smart one because clearly the 12 others that I killed weren't smart enough. "Why would you bring a kitchen knife you dumb fuck and you were calling my girl stupid," I hissed.

"Let me go or I will fucking ruin you," he yelled.

"well shit, if you just asked then I would've said yes." I backed away and watched as he widen his eyes. He held onto the wall with one hand since I fucked up the other and he tried pulling himself up but he instantly drops back flat on his ass. How many times can I really fool this moron. "No playing with your food," Zade growled.

I didn't know that Zade was coming. "What gave it away Zade," I shrugged. “Didn't need company.”

“I thought you'd enjoy seeing me brother,” Zade pout. “I came to see the show,” he pointed at the bleeding bastard.

“you're going to burn in hell,” he growled at me and Zade looked to me knowing that the bastard fucked up.
“I am the leader of hell so I will enjoy watching you burn.”

“Is there anything you would like me to tell your children,” Zade asked him.


“I don't care," I say as my knife cuts through his neck as he looked pathetic choking on his blood. “Take him to shadow alley..leave his body there to set an example,” I tell Zade.

“Where are you going,” he yelled out but my silence made it clear to him and I knew that he realized that I was with Sofia. He probably didn't know how close we got but he at least knew that we were staying at the same place.

I walked out but stopped when I heard what he said next,“ I know that she is Nightmare Queen.”

My back facing him so that he can't see the shocked expression on my face but was I really shocked. The serpents always find you and you can't hide anything from us so soon enough Damon, Ace and Grayson will find out themselves. I honestly thought that Ace would be the first to know the truth about Sofia, don't judge him by his quietness because he might just surprise you. He is the smartest of all of us and even than me..I hate to admit, so if Zade figured it out then it won't take long for the rest to know.

“The NQ was vicious but god I didn't expect it to be Sofia. No wonder she shot and stabbed you several times. I have to say she is better than you,” Zade continued.

That, he is right about. Sofia was much better than me and I like that she had control. Everyone needs to know that she's the queen and we're just living in her world. I would love living in her world.

“You are not to let anyone else know,” I warned him.

“I wasn't going to. I want to see what drama unfolds when everyone finds out that she's the famous NQ. You know people actually thought that NQ was a man,” he replied.


I reached back at the rock and hid my motorbike near the lake. I was just in time as Sofia pulled up with the car and drove us home.

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