Chapter 30: FIND

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Before we snuck out of the house, we decided to take a few things with us because why not. I mean if it really meant something to them then why was it just lying around.

I mean honestly, someone could try stealing if from them. Firstly we needed a ride so Adora took Damon's motorbike and I took Axel's. Then we decided to do something bigger or at least something that would make all of them come after us.


A week ago...

I kidnapped her. I realised that she was nightmare Queen. She said the line that only nightmare queen wrote on the paper that she left next to the bodies. At first I brushed it off but then I realised that it wasn't a coincidence. She's a manipulator and so am I. She honestly thought that I didn't know. I remember that night at the cemetery and from that moment I knew that N.Q was Sofia.

Obviously she wasn't always like that. I stalked her at 16 but she only became N.Q at 18. She thought to herself that she'd hide her identity and I'll never know. I knew that she was Nightmare Queen from the moment at the cemetery. All this time I acted as if I was clueless when I knew a whole year ago. I tied her up but I should've known that she would escape. We were both pointing guns at each other as we talked.

She placed her gun in my mouth. She probably thought that I was afraid but all I wanted was to kiss her. She could control me and I wouldn't complain. "I'll see you soon love," she whispered then she hit me in the head with her gun. My body dropped to the ground. That kept me asleep for a while. She was good, better than me and I loved it. She could do anything to me and I would willingly let her.

When I woke up I was in my mansion. “What the fuck happened to you,” Axel questioned.

“Sofia hit me with her gun,” I replied then smirked as I remembered it vividly. “Looks like you got hit pretty hard,” Zade chuckled and Damon joined in,“About time, don't you think.”

“She's distracting you Axel,” Ace muttered but I growled,“I am focused.” I lied, I knew that I was distracted but it felt nice to be distracted. I want to get lost in her world and never come back.

I sent her an envelope with pictures of herself that I took but I received an envelope as well. I opened it and I saw pictures of myself. I smiled knowing that it was Sofia who sent it. She had been stalking me too.


I threw a party and red was the forbidden color. Everyone wore blue or black. She walked in and Fuck she looked beautiful. I was happy that she didn't play by the rules. She was perfect.

“Stay focused Axel,” Zade grinned as he saw how I stared at her. “I'm focused,” I replied.

She was dancing with Zade until she ended up in my arms. I pulled her in and grabbed onto her waist. “You are such a new person la mia ossessione. You really did change, Nightmare Queen." I smirked. I wanted her to hear for herself that I knew that she was nightmare queen. "It took you long enough to figure it out, huh" she smirked.

"Nice to see you to Mr. Ford," she continued. "Don't ever call me that little nightmare," I stated trying not to cause more attention than we already had on us. I hated that she called me Ford instead of Axel.

She smiled knowing that I hated it.. Things really changed but I was still the same. She knew that she had me wrapped around her finger but I didn't care. She could do whatever she wanted to me.

Sofia and I got off the middle of the dance floor and we walked towards Ace,Grayson,Adora,Damon and Zade. "What are you doing here baby Torres," Damon questioned but I responded,"She came to finish something."

"Are you fucking his sister," Axel smirked knowing that Damon would get angry. "He's not my type," she murmured and everyone looked at me.

"Are you sure about that Little Nightmare," I asked as I grabbed onto her hand. "Positive," she smiled but I knew that I was making her nervous. I removed my hand from hers and she realised that she was distracted for a second. I knew that she wanted me just as I wanted her.

"I have things to do so anyone who gets in my way.. I'll put a fucking bullet through your brain," she sarcastically said. I smiled knowing that she was not someone to mess with. "Wow," Zade looked shock. "Its always the quiet ones," Ace added. I smiled knowing that he was right.

"Hey... I bet that she's better than you Axel," Adora stated and I looked at Sofia. Her eyes met mines and I couldn't take them off her. I replied,"Of course she is... She's a Queen."

"You never told us that your sister was a killer," Axel murmured to Damon.

Sofia walked towards the bar to get a drink and Adora went along. They were talking and Adora pointed at me and Sofia looked straight at me only to see that I was staring at her... There are so many people here yet my eyes were only on her and it will always be on her.

“What the fuck,” Axel muttered making me look at him confused. “What.”

“Stop staring at Sofia,” he replied making the attention go to me. Ace,Zade and Damon were now focused on me.
“You're lucky that you are my brother or else I would've placed you in a fucking bag."

“Do you have a problem with him staring at your sister,” Zade grinned trying to get on Damon's nerves. “I wanna fucking kill him but Sofia should decide who she loves or not. I can't make that decision for her,” he replied.

“Well then you have to welcome me to the family,” I smirked to which Ace and Damon said,“What.”

“Trust me she loves me,” I teased. Anyways now I can focus on Sofia but she was gone. It's probably nothing but I am still going to check on her. I was about to walk off when Axel stopped me,“where are you going?”

I walked off without responding. I looked in the bar area but she wasn't there. Fuck, I now noticed how huge this mansion was and there were many people here so how the fuck am I going to find her.

I finally realised that Adora and Sofia was gone. Damon noticed it too. We left the guys to look for them and we realised that our motorbikes were missing. Nobody would dare steal from us so we knew that they took it but where did they go. Ace,Axel and Zade came outside and Axel muttered, “they stole our things.”

“What,”Damon looked at them confused. “Oh fuck, they took your motorbikes,” Ace grinned.

“Look at my fucking neck,” Axel growled. “Our chains are gone,” he continued. We all have a chain that is a one of a kind. Each of us have had the chain for 3 years now and we never took it off. It is irreplaceable so we can't get another one which is why it is important and valuable.

“How the fuck did they get it off of us, without us knowing,” Zade mumbled.

“How do you know that they took it,” Damon questioned.

“They left a note,” Axel said while pulling out the paper.

I took it from him and it wrote “ you assholes should really be more cautious with your surroundings because maybe someone might try stealing your chains, N and Adora."

“Who is N,” Zade questioned but I knew that Sofia didn't want anyone knowing yet so I replied,“Its not important, we need to find them.”

We stopped the party and everyone left then we went to get keys for one of my car when we noticed that all the keys were gone except for one. When did they manage to take my keys without me knowing. They took 19 of my keys and left me with one.

I took it and we all got into the matte black car. “Did they put where they were.” I was speeding and I wasn't sure where I was going.

“Oh there is something written in front but its not important,” Axel replied. Maybe there could be a clue as to where to find them. “Read it.”

It wrote “I need a drink.”

I smiled knowing where they are. You can run but I will find you Sofia.

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