Chapter 64: SCARING ME

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Axel walked into the room and I quickly hid that something was wrong. Axel had a smile on his face and he didn't care to hide it.

He took my hand and carried me to a door. "I've never been in this room Axel." I have been in all his rooms except this one since it was locked. He took out his keys and opened the door and I was shocked. An art room.

"I did it for you but I also did it because I like art," he whispered. I didn't expect Axel to be the artistic type. What do you mean by, "I did it for you."

"I don't know if you remember but you drew me once," he said while pulling out 2 canvasses. He handed me paint and brushes. He began painting something but I wasn't sure what it was yet.

"I don't recall," I replied. I lied. "besides you were probably the only thing there for me to draw."

"no..there were many things in nature but yet you drew me liked me since then," he chuckled.

Axel looked over to me since I didn't respond. "I'm listening to you. I'm just not paying attention," I grinned.

I turned back to look at Axel but he was too focused on what he was painting so I did the same. Axel kept looking over at me while painting which was weird.

I smiled as I was finishing up mines. He turned to me," Are you done." I smiled then turned mines to him. I painted a half decaying butterfly.

Axel looked at me confused," why did you choose to paint that little nightmare. "

"I-- I don't know." Axel moved his canvas and came up to me. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want but you know that you can tell me whenever it feels right love."

I placed my hand on Axel and his eye lit up. "The decaying side symbolizes sadness and grief while the beautiful side means that I can have a new beginning."

"Sofia I knew from the moment I entered the room. I knew from since then that something was wrong..tell me," he says.

I turn away from him. How can I tell him that I was raped. He will leave me and see me as a disappointment. Men always think that if a woman gets raped its because she dressed like a hooker. They blame the woman instead of blaming themselves for being sick evil people.

"It's alright. I'm right here," he reassured me.

"Axel Devin he---." Axel looked at me as I tightened my grip on his hand,"He raped me and I hate myself for it."
After that I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt all the air closing in. I began freaking out, screaming at myself. Hating myself for it and remembering it.

I felt his hands warp around me gentle but firmly. Warmth and comfort is what I felt. He held me as I was screaming. He held me as my tears soaked my clothes and still I tried to hide it.

Tears drip down his face as he hugged me making me break again. In his room our hitched breathes were the main sound in the room but I could also hear the sound of his heartbeat.

I felt warmth and safety as I returned the hug. Before letting me see his face he got up and left the room. Fuck.. I knew that it would've been too much for him.

I will always be too much for anyone. I stayed in the room curled up to the corner as tears stream down. Hate is what I have for myself. I wish I could've stopped him.

This is the exact reason why I wanted no one to know. God knows where he went while I sat in the same spot for 20 minutes hoping that I wasn't a disappointment. My phone buzzed and I saw a message from Zade. I was left in complete shock.

The door opened and Axel came in but made sure to lock it back so that no one could come in. " Did you do it," I asked looking up at him.

"Do what," he said trying to dodge my question. "Zade messaged me. Did you do that to Devin," I asked once more.

Zade message stated," devin is severely injured but not dead."

"Yes I did it. I injured him but I didn't kill him because I want you to kill him," he replied.

Did he hurt Devin for me. I began crying and I couldn't hold it back. For the first time I cried in front of him.
"I'm sorry,"he begins to apologize and felt guilty.

"I'm a monster," he looked away ashamed but I took his face in my hands. "No you're not," I replied to him. I placed my finger on his lips for him to stop apologizing.

"don't feel guitly or sorry. its the most romantic thing in the fucking world," I whispered.

"please hold me," I say almost begging. His eyes were glistening with the tears that could run down his face anytime soon,"please don't cry."

Axel showed me the painting that he did earlier and I placed a kiss on his lips. "I will give devin to you," he says and I immediately reply," No I never back down from a challenge."

"Little nightmare please know that I care for you. I don't just want to fuck you. I like you just the way you are. I will never be like some evil men that it has in this world."

He continued, " don't hate yourself. You could've never known what would've happened. You are not a disappointment and I will always be here for you."

I stayed still not being used to anyone telling me something like that. I was different that people he would like or want. I was broken, paranoid and I'm a manipulator. "You know it's okay to trust people..I trust you," he smirked.

"So quickly after I stabbed, shot and slapped you," I grinned and he smiled," Sounds vicious when you bring it up love."

"What if I shoot you again will that tear down your pathetic bubble of trust," I joked.

"Little nightmare I thought you were smarter than that...I would just get another bubble," he replied. I rolled my eyes as I laughed. "Fuck everyone can always trust me," he whispered.

Axel and I left the art room and we both went straight to his room. He threw on his oversized shirt on me. It fit me like a mini dress. He took of his clothes and was left in his boxers as he wrapped the blanket over us and hugged me tightly. I felt safe and happy. Happiness is not something that I've ever really felt.

With my parents since I was younger I was never happy. I got older and even when I felt joy at moments it always goes away easily. Agreeing to be someone's toy is fucked up but I'm happy that I did it.

I am the happiest I've ever been since I came here. I did have angry moments and moments where I was sad but then Axel made it better somehow. I slowly close my eyes and before I fell deeply into sleep I hear his sleepy voice mumbled, “ you're never getting rid of me little nightmare. ”

But I have to. I mightn't want it as much as I did before but I can't keep you Axel. I can't have you even when a piece of me is wanting you..I know I can't.

Your love is scaring me and I've never been scared about these things before.

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