Chapter 26: GAMES

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I was on an empty street at a red light. I was waiting when 2 cars pulled up besides mines. I turned to the left and I saw Ace then I turned to the right and I saw Axel. What were they doing here.

I turned my head to Axel who wanted me to roll down my window. “What's up,” I questioned.

“You wanna race,” they asked. Ohh, they want to race me but unfortunately they're not gonna win. They both smirked and I saw Zade in the passenger seat next to Axel.

“If I do race, what do I get out of it,” I stated. The light turned green but I didn't move until I got an answer.
“If we win then you come with us,” he replied and I scoffed.

“If I win then each of you need to give me 500 each.... Deal,” I muttered. “Deal,” Ace replied. They told me where the finish line was and I grabbed the wheel. I didn't need the money because I already had lots of it but I just wanted to see their faces when they lose and hand me their money.

The lights turned green and we all drove off in a speed. Ace ended up in front of me then shortly after Axel also ended up in front of me.

I brushed it off as I was focused on winning. I smirked then got in front of them. I made it to the finish line, I won.

I parked at an empty parking lot waiting for them to stop. I got out of my car and they walked towards me with a smile. “You're not bad,” Axel muttered but I snapped back,“Well I just beat your ass, didn't I.”

They each handed me 500. I was about to walk away when they grabbed my arm. “Don't you wanna come with us,” Axel questioned. A smirk appeared on my face. I was already annoyed earlier but this is starting to piss me off.

I pulled out my gun and shot him. Zade and Ace was in complete shock. I was angry but seeing him bleed made me feel much better.

I saw Ace and Zade ready to pull out their gun so I knew that this would be good. I wasn't expecting to murder anyone today but why not.

“Get off her,” someone yelled. I turned and I saw Axel Ford and Damon coming in their motorbikes. “We were just messing with her,” Ace stated but Damon growled,“Mess with someone else. Not my sister.”

“I'm not an award for any of you to claim. Damon I know that you're protective but I can make my own decisions,” I argued.

Axel smirked then pat his motorbike for me to come and I did. I wasn't thinking. I don't even know why I got on the motorbike with him. My arms were wrapped around him and I could feel his abs and muscles. Axel growled at us,“ so you're fucking Damon's sister.”

“I can do whatever I want,” Axel Ford replied then left. Why did he say that... We're not fucking. He was going so fast that I had to tightened my grip on him. My hands were wrapped around him tightly.

“You all are friends," I questioned Axel. “Yea, Damon and I met when he was 16. Zade and I have been friends for a very long time,”he replied.

He didn't say anything about Ace and Axel. “And what about Ace and Axel,” I questioned.

“They're my brothers,” he grinned knowing that I was completely shocked. “Same mother, different fathers,” he chuckled.

“You can call my brother Grayson instead of Axel,” he continued. Why can't I call him Axel. I mean that is his name. “Grayson is his middle name,” he murmured.

“Axel Grayson Martinez.” I mumbled to myself. That's a nice name. “What do you call him.”
Why would his mother name him and his step brother the same name.

“I call him Axel,” he replied. That would be weird since his name is also Axel. “So why can't I call him that,” I sassed.

“Cause then we'll get confused as to who you're talking to,” he did make a point in what he said.

“Fine I'll call him Grayson.” there was silence for a while as I felt the nice cold breeze hit my skin. He was going fast on the motorbike but I didn't mind. I hadn't seen him in a while but since he's here then its a good opportunity to ask him. I remembered the time that Damon and I were talking and he told me that Axel Ford was the one that allowed me to get the serpent tattoo.

I already knew that he was Axel Ford since Damon told me and also since I knew the whole time but I still wanted to ask him. I wanted to hear his response. “ Are you Axel Ford.”

He didn't respond. I knew he heard me but instead he said nothing. I hate being ignored. “We are all really close. We create trouble together,” Axel exclaimed. He was talking about Damon, Grayson,Ace, Zade and himself. They probably have had much more fun that I had. I don't know why I didn't go with the guys. I actually was curious and maybe it might have been fun.


“You wouldn't enjoy going with the guys. They do shit and don't listen to anyone,” I told Sofia as I dropped her off at her mansion. She got off the motorbike and started walking up to the door but before closing it she smirked,“They'll bow before me Axel, I'm a nightmare.”

That sounds familiar. I remember seeing that somewhere. Not in the exact words though.

1 year ago....

I had been on a killing spree. That's the best way to phrase it. Those people messed with the wrong person and I'll kill every one of them for doing what they did to her. The only fucking problem was that when I arrived the people were already dead. The only thing left was a N.Q carving on their bodies and a note stating,“ I'm not a dream, I'm a nightmare.”

Sofia was 18 at the time and N.Q decided to show herself. While I didn't see her face I saw her hair and her eyes that shined in the light. She played me on my night and I could remember the dagger that she held by my throat but didn't kill me. After that we went our separate ways.

A part of me wanted more. She was mysterious and I wanted to know more but I was focused on avenging Sofia. I wanted to make those people pay but when I arrived to kill them they were already dead. N. Q striked before me.

The person knew that I was going to kill those people but somehow managed to kill them all before me. How did the person get pass me without me knowing. This person was fast, skilled and I hate to admit... More precise than me.

I had someone else to kill but when I entered he was already dead with a N.Q carving. This time the note was different. It wrote,“ You'll never find me or know who I am. I think you're getting rusty Axel.”

I felt eyes on me. What the fuck. I'm the one that plays tricks on people. I'm the one that put fear in others yet this person was playing a game on me. I play no one games, everyone were afraid to even think about trying to step up.

I will find out who this person is.

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