Chapter 25: CLUELESS

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I looked on as Damon and Axel looked at each other, Knowing that one person was going to win the race. “Hi Sofia,” a voice murmured from behind. I turned around to see Zade.

“I knew something was wrong ,” I smirked as he questioned,“And why is that.”

“The place was more peaceful until you came,” I sassed. Ace and Axel turned to us and saw Zade. “You two know each other,” Ace questioned as him and Axel greeted Zade . I'm guessing that they're friends.

“I did a tattoo for her,” he replied. My eyes were turned back to Damon and Axel as they both placed a bet on who would win. “What'd you get princess,” Axel questioned but I didn't reply since I was more focused on the race that would begin soon. “She got a serpent tattoo,” Zade told him.

“Axel was the one that allowed her to do it,” he continued since they both were shocked. “But no one else is allowed to have that tattoo,” Axel looked to me.

“You might want to back off Axel because if Ford finds out how you're speaking to her then he might kill you,” Zade grinned.

“Would he honestly kill his brother,” Axel replied. Wait are they really related or is he just being sarcastic. “For her.. Yea,” Zade smiled.

“She is important because why else did he allow her to get the tattoo. He would never allow anyone to get that. What's so special about you,” Ace questioned.

“She's Damon's sister,” Axel muttered while shooting me a look. Damon and Axel both bet money on who would win. The crowd was fired up. “Wait you're Damon's sister,” Zade asked.

“Yea,” I replied. Uhh, the amount of times that I've been asked this question. I think that they're all friends. Ace,Axel,Zade,Damon and Axel Ford all seemed close.

“The race is starting, shut the fuck up,” Ace yelled as the cars both drove off. It was hectic as both Damon and Axel tried to pass each other.

Some people were screaming Axel's names while the  others were screaming Damon's name. They were almost at the finish line and just like that that both tie.

Axel being the racer king decided that only one person should be the winner. “ Our girlfriends should race then we'll find out the winner between you and I.”

Damon came into the crowd and brought up a girl. I didn't know that he had a girlfriend. Axel then entered the crowd and walked towards me. Ace, Axel,Zade and Damon were all in shock and so was I. I wasn't his girlfriend.

They watched as he gave me his keys and I murmured, " I'm not your girlfriend."

" yet" he smirked. Zade, Ace and Axel all grinned with his response. He continued,“Plus I slightly trust you to win.”

I sassed back,“So you don't think I would.”

“Well you're good… I guess,” he muttered making the guys laugh.

I'll show him that I'm not to be messed with. “You guess,” I replied. I gave him back his keys."it doesn't make sense that I race since you don't think that I'll win."

“ You have to race because I need to beat Damon,” he growled. We'll see if he really needed me. I'm not letting him get off this easy, “Really… then beg me.”

Damon,Zade,Axel and Ace all looked at Axel. “He would never do it,” Zade mumbled.

“Well then I guess he'll have to find someone else to race,” I sassed then was about to leave when he yelled,“Wait.”

“Please finish the race for me,” he said in a soft tone. Everyone was shocked. “Shit, he never begged a girl before,” Axel said in surprise.

“Fuck off,” Axel Ford shot back. Honestly it was hard with two of them having the same name but they both had different eyes.  I took the keys and got into the car.

Me and the girl that Damon asked to race for him both shot each other a look. She had red hair, brown eyes and  the same height as me. I reved my engine and look at her. I'm racing against her.

As soon as I heard go, I put my foot on the gas and started speeding off. She was trying to cut me off. I drifted around the corner and made eye contact with her again. I smirked then continued to change gears and continued to go fast.

She came up next to me then started getting ahead of me but I wasn't worried. I used my nitrous and passed her back. I beat her to the finish line.

Everyone cheered and gathered around me. I placed my hand out to the girl,“ you were fast but not fast enough.”

“We'll see about that next time,” she smirked. “I'm Adora Blaine,” she continued.

 “I'm Adora Blaine,” she continued

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“Sofia Torres,” I replied.

“And yes I am Damon's sister,” I added since I didn't want to hear the same thing that I've been asked several times already. It's annoying that I've been asked that many times.

Damon came towards me and whispered,“ I forgot to tell you. We're all friends. Ace,Grayson,Zade,Axel Ford and I are all friends.”

Who is Grayson. Am I always the clueless one. Damon and Axel came over and Axel and I were declared the winners. “You looked good begging,” I smirked then took my car and left.



1 year ago....

I looked at him to see how angry he got. That will give him some motivation. I smirked at how stupid he looked. I took my motorbike and was about to leave his private area until someone pulled me from behind.

I began wiggling and twisting trying to get out the person's grip. I heard a guy say,“ this is the one.”

Then another saying,“ this motherfucker.” It had to be the Serpents. I felt pain in my back as soon as they threw me on the ground.

“What do we have here,” the blonde haired one said. I knew that it was Zade Emiliano. I still had on my mask so they couldn't see my face and my hair was inside my hoodie.

I stood up and they all chuckled thinking that I was dumb to stand. “What are we doing lets kill the fucker,”another guy said and I noticed immediately that he was Axel Grayson Martinez.

“Well let the person stand first. It looks at though you're struggling. Need help,” he chuckled and it had to be Damon. I never knew his last name like I did with the rest. We had the same eyes though. Ace Martinez stood to the side saying nothing. He just looked at me as I got up.

I didn't wait for them to attack. I striked first, knocking Damon, Zade and Grayson down. Ace looked at me with a smirk and I had no idea what he planned nor did I want to find out.

I got on my motorbike and was about to leave when I felt a hand pull down my hoodie. My hair was in the open and I sped off without looking back. I heard a motorbike coming behind me and I turned to see Axel. The rest of the Serpents stayed where they were probably on his orders.

My hair was blowing freely in the wind as he chased behind me.


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