Chapter 31: TAPE

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I pulled up at a party. I knew that they were here. We all split up to look for them. There she was. She was drunk and yet still drinking. Adora was right there with her.

They were both really drunk. They were still looking for trouble even when they were drunk. Both of them looking at a guy who had a girl next to him. She has bruises on her. He looked like he hit her.

They took him into the washroom and Damon, Ace, Zade, Axel and I followed. As soon as we walked in we saw blood on the floor. The guys were impressed at how they beat the shit out of the guy. Damon and I were looking at them proudly.“ That's what you get,” Sofia said as she punched him in his face and Adora did the same as she said,“How does it feel to be a woman abuser.”

“Can't speak now huh,” Sofia growled.

“Don't ever do that again,” Adora added.

“Or else what,” the guy stated making Ace, Zade, Axel ,Damon and I get angry. We were all about to take out our gun when Sofia punched him again and muttered,“We'll fucking kill you.”

They both left the washroom and we followed them out. By the time we looked for them, they were on top of a table and began dancing to the music. “What the fuck,” Damon said as he stood besides me.

Axel came and saw them as well. “ your sister is really pretty Damon,” he smiled. Ace and Zade were also looking at her. She was indeed beautiful and I couldn't blame them for watching her but she is mines.

“Wait they got a tattoo,” Zade pointed at Sofia and Adora.
I looked at her hand and she had a writing and so does Adora. They got a tattoo together.

Sofia was getting closer to the edge of the table. Shit, what is she doing. She could fall. As soon as her foot reached the edge I ran to the table and caught her before she could fall. I held her in my arms and told Damon, “Take adora home.”

“What are you doing,” she questioned and I replied,“Taking you home.”

She began to twist her body, trying her best to get out of my grip but she failed. “No. I want to party,” she growled but I placed her into my car. I knew that my car was the only one that we came in but the guys are going to find another way to come home because I'm not waiting for them, I need to carry her home now.

I placed a blanket over her so that she could sleep while I was driving her home. I took my time while driving because I wanted to make sure that she could get some sleep.

I took her out of the car and carried her to my room. I was going to let her stay in my room and I would've go into one of my guests rooms when she grabbed onto my hand,“ Please stay.”

“No you need to sleep little nightmare.”

I was about to leave the room when she caught my attention,“do you love me.”

I honestly wished that I could tell her how much I love her and how much control she had over me but I can't “la mia obsesssione you're drunk.”

“Please tell me,” she pouted.

“I love you with my life. I will always love only you. I live for you and if i die then it would be with saving you. I wish that I could've said this to you when you're sober.”

“I don't need saving,” she said in a high pitched voice making me laugh at how drunk she was. “Well I do. I need you to save me Sofia,” I responded.

“Well tell me when I'm sober,” she smirked. Uhh, I only wished that I could. “I can't.”

“Why,” she murmured.

“Because you hate me when you're sober.”

“I don't hate you,” she whispered. “What.”
She didn't hate me.

“No one would love me. I don't love myself either,” she replied in a soft tone.

“Well I love you and even though you don't think that I do, I will wait and I will fight for you until you come to me. I will wait no matter how long it takes.” She then pulled me in and kissed me. I didn't want it to end but she's drunk and I know that I can't do this without her consent.

I pulled away and she mumbled,“ why did you let go... You're a good kisser.” I placed a blanket over her and played with her hair until she fell asleep. I planted a kiss on her head.

I stayed in the room with her but I didn't go on the bed. I sat on the couch just admiring her.


I heard her screaming and she opened her eyes. It was a nightmare. I ran towards the bed and I held onto her. “Are you okay.”

She finally noticed that she was hugging me and she pulled away. “What am I doing here,” she questioned.

“You were drunk.” I smiled as she looked at her hand.
“Fuck... I got a tattoo,” she said in shock.

“Yea. You and Adora.”

“Where am I,” she asked to which I replied,“In my house.”

She pulled out the blanket and noticed that she wasn't in the dress that she wore last night. She was in my shirt. She looked at me confused. I smiled,“Oh I forgot to tell you.. We fucked."

She looked at me in disbelief. “What..  No,” she argued.

“How would you know.. You were drunk.” I teased.

She started to question if something did happen or not. “Just kidding,” I finally blurted out. She had a look of relief on her face until I continued,“But you totally wanted me.”

“No,” she growled. I knew that she would say that. I got up to get my phone that was on the couch. “Listen to this,” I smiled.

I had it on a tape. I took out my phone and I played back the conversation. I didn't tape the part where I told her that I loved her. She listened to it and she heard the part where she said,“why did you let go... You're a good kisser.”

I could tell that she was nervous. “You kissed me,” she questioned.

“No little nightmare, you were the one that kissed me,” I replied with a smirk.

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