Chapter 35: MELTDOWN

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"Fuck," I exclaimed as I woke up. Flowers and balloons were besides the bed and Axel was right next to me. His arms wrapped around me while his eyes were closed.

I looked around to see Damon and Adora sleeping on a couch then Ace, Grayson and Zade on another bed that was across from the one that I was on.

I hate the sad stuff and I know that as soon as they see me awake then they'll want to talk and that's the last thing I wanna do right now. I waited for everyone to get up. They didn't want to leave the room but I was pretending to sleep because I wasn't going to get up just to talk about how I'm feeling.

"We should stay," Axel hesitated on the thought of leaving.

"No," Grayson argued. For once I actually agree with Grayson on this. I need to be alone.

"Why not," Axel insisted on his decision.

"She can handle herself," Zade responded but Axel hissed,"Do you not think that I know that. She doesn't need any of us but still I want to stay with her."

"Axel she will wake up but I think we should give her some alone time," Adora reasoned with him. For some reason they actually listened to Adora. Wait does she know that I'm awake. No, there's no way that she realised that I was pretending.

I peaked as I saw everyone leaving the room except Adora. She sat on the bed and I quickly squinted my eyes. "Don't worry I'll make sure they stay out," she whispered.

"Also I love our tattoo," she giggled. I peaked as she walked off. Well she's smarter than the guys since only she knew that I was awake. I couldn't fool her but at least I fooled the guys.

I have no time to waste. I have a lead and I need to get things done. Adora would do anything to help me so I have time to sneak out. I know exactly how to do it without getting caught but first I have to get dressed for the masquerade ball that I am going to attend.

Its either a red, black or blue dress that I wanted to wear since that is the colors that are allowed but I was still contemplating on which dress to wear. Fuck it.. I grabbed the black gown and a black mask that would cover my eyes then I heard the door.

Shit. I dropped the things and sprinted to the bed but Damon caught me awake. "Don't even think about it baby Torres," he warned.

I pulled off the blanket and sat up on the bed. "I'm trying my absolute hardest to understand things from your perspective but I just can't get my head that far up my ass," I snapped at him.

"You have your entire life to be a jerk why not take the day off baby Torres, " he suggested. He sat on the bed next to me and I knew exactly where this was going and I had no time for any if it.

Maybe I was being a little rude to Damon when all he was trying to do was be there for me but I wasn't going to apologize.

“So when did you become a killer baby Torres,” Damon grinned. A smirk appeared on my face knowing fully well that I had become Nightmare Queen. Damon doesn't know it yet. In fact no one knows except Axel but it was only because I slipped up by saying my line.

People know that there is a NQ but no one knows if it is a man or woman. Most people think that it is someone that Axel knows. Rumors were that it had to be one of the 5 devils from the night of the serpent. I mean why on earth would they think that Axel, Grayson, Ace, Zade or Damon was NQ.

I mean I am very precise so no one figured that it is a woman. It does kind of make sense that everyone would think that the 5 guys had something to do with it and because of that the police never interfered. Axel was the leader of the night of they serpent. It is his day but his brothers, Zade and Damon are basically his close friends that are also feared so it does make sense that they do shit together on that day.

“Didn't see it coming but between me and you. I like you better like this. We're the monsters our parents created,” Damon smirked.

Damon looked to the direction of the walking closet and saw the dress on the floor. "Where are you going baby Torres," he questioned.

"How did you and Adora meet," I replied since I had no idea on how to reply to his question.

"You're dodging my question," Damon argued. There was absolutely no way that I am telling him so I insisted,"Just tell me."

"We were friends at first," he said with a smirk.

"Ooh friends to lovers," I teased.

"Shut up," he grinned. We sat there and I just realised how happy I am that I met him. I never wanted siblings but I'm happy that I have one. "Damon if you're waiting for me to care then I hope you brought food because its going to be a really long time," I mocked.

“I know that I never asked this but how did you not run away from our parents,” he questioned

“I don't know,” I mumbled. Why didn't I run away. I had many opportunities to do that yet I didn't. Was I waiting for them to love me.

I continued,“You know I barely saw them but this one time I saw our mother. She came into my room for the first time in years and I don't know why but I actually thought that she wanted to see me or that she missed me but instead she said,"Sofia don't be a pussy. You're a monster, act like one ."

“Imagine not seeing your daughter in years because you shut her out and that's the first thing that she said to me,” I added as I could vividly remember when it happened. Its sad when you realise that you're not as important to someone as you thought you were.

“I know that saying all too well baby Torres,” Damon blurted out. “She told you that,” I asked.

“Yea,” he muttered. Well they were shitty parents. I came to realise it and I am glad that they are dead. I don't even want to think about the fucked up treatment I would've gotten if they were alive.

They never deserved Damon and I. We are much stronger without them. “hey, I'd go wherever you go. I would sacrifice myself for you and I will bend hell if I have to just to protect you,” Damon whispered making me tear up.

Of all the shit that Axel had done this is the best thing he ever did in his life. Damon and I would kill and die for each other. We were not as close as him and Axel... and I would never expect him to choose between me and Axel because I know that it would be a hard decision for him to make.

Axel helped him and they were friends since Damon was 16. I only met Damon a few weeks ago. We do love each other in our own way but Axel and Damon are brothers and I will never question that but if Axel does anything to get in my way tonight, which he will, then I will do something that I wouldn't regret.

Blood is thicker than water but family is thicker than anything else. I wrapped my arms around him. his eyes burned with love. I could see how much he cared. He hugged me back but in confusion. This may be our last hug. I don't usually like hugs but Fuck I'm going to miss him and I never wanted to lose him.

“I will always stay with you baby Torres,” Damon whispered making my eyes get gloomy and tears flowed down. “I love you Damon,” I sobbed making him pull out of the hug.

“Don't say that,” Damon yelled but I calmly stated,“But I do.”

“I love you too but you never ever say those words. Please tell me that we're always going to be close. I can't lose you baby Torres. Why are you now saying this. Are you okay baby Torres. Please tell me,” Damon expressed.

“I just wanted you to know that you didn't fuck up by leaving me. I love you and I'm happy that I met you. I love you,” I replied.

“Since I'm the big brother, I'm sorry that I wasn't better at it until now,” he whispered.

Damon is the first person that I ever told that I loved. I don't cry either but I came to realise that Damon does mean a lot to me even though I tried to fight it.

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