Chapter 19: DANGER

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This had to be a hallucination. I walked to the bathroom and I noticed the words on my mirror.

Written with my red lipstick. I read the words over and over again. “ I can't wait until you're mines, little nightmare. ”
“ I can't wait until you're mines, little nightmare. ”
“ I can't wait until you're mines, little nightmare. ”

That was the name that the person on the phone called me. My breathe was shaky and I quickly took out my phone. I whimper hopelessly as my hands were shaking. I dialed Damon's number. He was the only one that could probably help me.

He gave me his number when he came at my house but I never called him... Please answer, please answer...
"Hello,” he answered. “Damon, please come now,” I cried out.

“Stay where you are. I'm coming. You'll be fine,” he panicked.

“Please hurry,” I mumbled with my hands shaking.

"I'm on my way, please don't be afraid sof, I'm coming, ” I could hear the sadness in his voice as if he wanted to protect me.

“There you are,Little Nightmare,” a deep voice echoed in my room. I froze. Fear build up. I ran to the bathroom, my phone felt to the floor but I had no time to pick it up.

I am usually not afraid of anything but what happened today never happened to me before. I was still a tough girl and I try my best to show no emotion or fear but I couldn't control it after hearing that the person was following me. Things still scare even the most toughest person.

I could hear the breaths of the person as my ears were on the door, listening to his breaths made me shake in fear. The door pushed open and I screamed out but I heard a calm voice,“shh, its me.”

I was in Damon's arm. “There's someone in here,” I yelled but Damon replied,“ Don't worry I'm here now and I checked the house.” I realised that I was in his arms so I pulled away. I was still mad at him,“I don't need a babysitter.”

“You sure about that,” he replied then continued
“Still sarcastic huh.”

I turned around to drink water when I heard Damon say,“What the fuck.” My glass fell on the floor, shattering on the floor. I was already scared and he wasn't helping my situation. “What the hell is wrong with you,” I yelled at him.

“You have a serpent tattoo,” he looked surprised. The tattoo was visible since the dress that I had on showed it off. “Yes, why,” I mumbled.

“It is forbidden,” he stated. I forgot that getting this tattoo would make people question if I was his property but I only got it for one reason only..
“What the fuck do you mean,” I asked with a fake tear falling down my eyes.

“There is only one person that is allowed to have that tattoo,” he responded with fear in his eyes. “Who,” I questioned.
“Axel Ford,” he said as it echoed throughout the room. he was talking about the psychotic manipulator. “Why is it not allowed.”

“He claimed the Night of the Serpent and he alone is allowed to have a serpent tattoo,” he said.

“Okay but its not like he'll know.” I took a bottle and drank some water. “Just be carefull” he replied.

Now I'm starting to get annoyed. I can handle myself,“Why.”

“Because it means that you're his property. Whoever is brave enough to get a serpent tattoo will be his,” he replied. I belong to Axel Ford. That is what Damon thinks but when I do what I have to then I will be no one's property. “The guy that I came to the fight with, is he Axel Ford,” I questioned.

“Yes. We have been friends since I was 16,” he replied. I acted shocked when in reality I already knew. "Do you think he is the one following me.” I trembled on just the thought of it. “No,” he said.  How can he be so sure.“How do you know.”

“That's not his style. He would kidnap you but stalking..  Nah, this isn't him,” he said strongly. He knew Axel so I believed him. But if it isn't Axel then who is it. The person seemed dangerous and the person is after me but why. There are so many people to stalk and I am not special. “You have brother issues,” Damon said making me snap out of my thoughts. I knew that he was trying to make me forget the shitty night that I was having but I don't have brother issues.

“What,” I said in a high pitched voice. I most certainly do not. “Well you have a strong dislike for me but come on we're family,” he smirked. I rolled my eye in annoyance.

“You are so pathetic,” I sassed. He left without even knowing what I went through so I don't give a fuck about him. My parents never cared about me, they treated me like shit. I wasn't allowed to leave the house and they barely spoke to me which is why I hate yet craved being loved. “I'm not pathetic,” he growled.

“You have no idea what I went through,” he yelled. I just wanted them to love me but they never even look at me so what did he go through that is worse than mines
“Then indulge me.”

“I fucking hate them. I was a sex toy, nothing else to them and I most certainly wasn't their son since they never treated me like one. I was locked in the basement all alone until I stood up for myself and left,” he growled with his eyes wet, I knew that he was still hurting.

I didn't know that they did that to him. That never happened to me but they did treat me like shit. “You killed them,” I questioned.

“Yes,” he blurted out. I was shocked. He continued “But don't act all sad because I know very well that if they treated me like shit then they probably did the same to you. I didn't know that you were my sister, I heard your crying but I never saw you so I thought...”

“You wanted to protect me, you thought that you helped me by killing them,” I mumbled.  All this time I thought that I had bad parents but he went through worse. Tears ran down my eyes with just the thought of what he went through. He thought that I was a sex toy as well, he didn't know that I was his sister.

“I know that you want to hold on because you wanted to be loved but I wanted to be free so that I wouldn't go through any of the shit that was happening to me here in this very mansion,” he sobbed.

“I'm so sorry,” I stated then hugged him. Both of us were crying like children. “But I also hate you so don't get it twisted,” I smirked getting a laugh from him.

“Feeling is mutual baby torres,” he replied.

Damon stayed the night to make sure that I felt safe but I have plans for tomorrow because I did feel better that he was here but I can't expect him to stay here forever. He had too many bad memories in this house and I didn't want him to relive it so I made a decision. I know that I would continue to be in danger especially since I am not sure if the person found out about my past so I had to think of something.

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