Chapter 41: FOREST

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People normally say that Axel is a man of a few words but since he got into my car he just wouldn't stop talking. I should just kill him, right here, right now. His brothers aren't here to save him but then what good would that do. I want him to do all the work for me while I plan out my idea to kill Devin.

Axel will get in the way which is why I am only letting him do what I want him to. The rest I can do on my own. I pulled up at Devin's mansion and guards surrounded my car.

They pulled out flashlights as if they were blind and couldn't see who was in the car. It is literally bright with the sun and my window isn't even tinted.. yet they were shining those lights. “Turn the fucking light off. Are you blind,” I yelled.

Axel grinned and he whined down the widow. “Mr. Ford,” a guard trembled as he saw him. “Open the gates,” he told the rest of the guards.

Axel turned to me,“ that was easy.”

“Well thank god he opened it because he's afraid of you because if he didn't then I would've kill them all,” I replied. I knew that Devin wasn't here. He is a pussy and i knew that he was hiding but he can't hide forever.

I walked out the car and stood in front of the door as Axel stood behind me. “He had such a beautiful home,” I smirked.

“had,” Axel questioned. I pulled out my lighter and I turned to Axel. “We're burning it down.” A small giggle escaped Axel. I watched as we burned the mansion. The guards stood back without trying to stop us. Axel enjoyed doing these things. Messing with people, making them have fear but I'd be lying if I say that I didn't enjoy it too.

This will get him angry. If he stays in hiding then I will continue to mess with him. I burned down his mansion but if he test me then I will do much worse.

Axel got into the drivers seat this time before I could. I was suppose to drive not him so what was he doing. I sat in the passengers seat when he broke the awkward silence,“Okay where are we going now.”

“You're coming with me. I just have to figure out where to go,” I replied.

“It was fun watching this house go to flames but I think our little adventure is over,”  he grinned and I can't say that I didn't expect that answer so I have a backup plan.
“Well I don't think it's over just yet... You will come with me because if you don't then I will reveal that I have a serpent tattoo and I will take over as the new leader of the devils,” I smirked getting his attention.

“Is that a blackmail love,” he asked.

“Call it whatever you want but you will come with me,” I threatened.

“Where are we going,” he asked sounding helpless.

“We can't go to my mansion because your brothers will know,” I stated.

“We can't go to your mansion because your brother's, Zade and Damon have their mansion near yours and they'll know if I'm there,” I added.

“We can't go to any of Damon's hotels because he'll know we're there. So you have any ideas,” I finished.

“We could go to my mansion,” he smirked. Uhhh this is exactly why I didn't want to go anywhere with Axel. I literally explained why we can't go to his mansion yet he still proceeded to say that we should go to his mansion.
“How hard did you fall when I pushed you... We can't go to your mansion.”

“I have another one,” he murmured. I know that Axel has a lot of mansions but still I don't think that we would be safe. “I know. You have several mansions and buildings but won't your brother's also know about all of them,” I argued.

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