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He will eventually bleed out so I wasted no time. I had somewhere to be. I hesitated for a second but I reminded myself that I feel no guilt because its a game I usually play to get what I want.

I took his car and I left for the ally. It took me a while to get my plan together and now it is finally going as I planned but why would Devin be at shadow ally. Being there is basically calling death to yourself but why should I care either way he has to die and he is making it much easier on me.

Once I kill him I'll just leave his body there to rot. I threatened a guy to tell me where Devin would be and that's what he said and any smart person would know not to lie to me so Devin has to be there. Doing what, I don't know and I don't care. All I know is he should've never kidnapped me.

As I walked into shadow ally chills swirled throughout my body. I could feel the cold breeze hitting my skin and eyes staring at me. It was night and it was dark and I could barely see a thing but even during the day the sun always failed to shine in here so it naturally stayed dark.

“Funny meeting you here,” I heard from behind. Ace and Grayson. What the fuck were they doing here. “Where is Devin,” I asked thinking that they probably had something to do with him not being here.

“Wait are you talking about a guy who had brown eyes, black hair and always wear a suit.” Grayson and his fucking games. “Stop playing Grayson.”

“Oh yeah, he was screaming like a bitch.”  He had a half smile on his face, don't tell me that they killed him. “What did you do with him.”

“We did nothing we came here after he was gone.” I don't believe one word he said. There's no way they didn't harm him. “You really expect me to believe that.”

“You have been with our brother this whole time,” he continued.

I managed to keep a straight face,“Maybe, maybe not.”

“So you guys fucked?” I honestly should've expected Grayson to say that. “No I'd rather fuck anyone but him.” I lied and I didn't know why but its not like they'll ever know what Axel and I did.

“Oh you might want to get a coffin,” I shrieked before leaving. This will get their attention. “Why.”

“To collect your brother's dead body.” I turned around just to see the pathetic expression on their face. Ace had a completely blank face so I had no idea what he was thinking but Grayson's face was priceless.

“Our brother cannot die,”he growled. Is he really so sure about that. “I think you're mistaking reality for a story book. This is real life which means when you get shot you bleed out and Axel was shot about 2 hours ago so you should get his body and bury it.”

“I don't believe you.” A smirk plastered on my face as I continued to make him question if his brother was really dead or not. I could tell that he was convincing himself that his brother is alive,“Good luck finding it.”

“I thought you want Devin. Why Axel,” he yelled.

“Don't you get it. Once I kill Devin then I will be your leader. Axel is dead and he has to get a replacement.”

The element of surprise. Oh how I loved doing that. They didn't see it coming. “You can't,” he hissed.

“Oh yea I can because the rule is once Axel is dead a new leader can either be chosen by him or if he dies before choosing someone else which he did then whoever has a serpent tattoo would be the next leader.”

“But you also----.”

Before he could finish his pathetic sentence I cut him off,“I was getting to that part Grayson... Anyone could get the tattoo knowing that Axel is dead and everyone would be fighting to rule but Axel made clear that he is the only one that can allow you to get the tattoo and he allowed me which means I am legally the next leader.”

“But don't worry I won't take over yet. I have unfinished business first then I will rightfully take my place. Have a great night boys,” I added. The things that you could do when you're feared and also when you know how to manipulate.

I had been planning this a while now and no one saw it coming but they should start opening their eyes and realize that they shouldn't underestimate me.

I will kill Devin but at least Axel is gone so now it will be easier for me to kill Devin and take over as leader. But Fuck..if Devin isn't here then where is he. I had been driving around for 1 hour now and I didn't even know why. I stopped at my mansion. God, I hadn't been here in a while.

Everything looked just the way I left it. I turn my head immediately after hearing a footstep. It could be Damon or Adora. Before I could get a look at the person, I felt a sensation on my head and I feel to the ground.


I slowly open my eyes and all I saw was blurry. I was in some kind of warehouse but my vision wasn't too clear. I touch my head and my hand was full of blood. Fuck...someone hit me on my fucking head.

“Rise and shine,” I heard and I could see the silhouette of someone sitting across the room.

HIS OBSESSION (18+)Where stories live. Discover now