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I kept rereading the same thing over and over and then looked at Axel who was also confused. Who could this be? Axel grabbed my hand and my eyes met his,“ you shouldn't leave because we don't know who this guy is.”

What I'm trying to figure out is how the person knows both of us. I mean everyone knows Axel but how does the person know me too. Is it somehow linked. I removed my hand from his,“ I'm  flattered that you're trying to make me stay.”

I looked at Axel one last time and then pulled out my knife and cut his hand. It happened so fast Axel looked at me mad,“ why'd you do that asshole.” I smiled and replied, “just something to remember me after I go.”

As I walked off he shouted loudly,“ you know usually people would leave after giving a hug or a kiss but're different but I like it. ” I didn't look back I just kept walking until I made it to one of Axels cars which I'm about to steal. He'll come back for it, I'm sure so we'll meet again soon.

Instead of going home I ended up going by Maddy. I saw a kid with Maddy. That's odd. As I made my way to her I overheard the guards talking. Apparently its an orphan. I called out to her and her face lit up. She ran into my arms and we hugged for what felt like forever. We just felt happy to see each other because we barely do.

“Where's Axel,” Maddy questioned looking around the room. “why'd you think he'd be here with me, ” I asked and Maddy just looked at me and smiled. “Axel is anywhere u are,” she added. “whether you see him or not, he's always where you are.”

“I just came to tell you I'll be going back home,” I say cutting her off before she could bring up Axel again. I gave her another hug and was about to leave until she grabbed my hand,“Sofia I know you'll hate what I'm about to say but Axel and you seem good together. You know, Axel and you have a lot more in common than you'd think.” I knew that she was right about me and Axel being alike but I just brushed it off with a smile.

I smiled at the kid and then left. Driving alone felt peaceful but somehow lonely. Something felt like it was missing. I could see Axel's stupid smile in my head. I could never tell anyone how I'm feeling right now. I like him. I do and I hate that I do but he just gets me so well maybe because he stalked me but either way being by him for so long made me get attached to him in a way.

Its like we were meant to be together but maybe in another life, not this one. We just have our own things and even if we fought everything keeping us apart it would never work. His brothers don't want me around after what I did and my brother would never want me with his friend and we have so much enemies. The main thing is devin. If I wasn't so insisting on killing him I'd be at peace right now but I just can't live knowing he's alive.

Besides all that Axel is my concern. He's a psychopath and how would I know that I'll always be his priority as he claims I am. I know all too well not to trust a manipulator. I guess he kinda grew on me and he's not that bad for an enemy that I claimed he was. One things for sure if he ever piss me off all my feelings now could change and we could play the hating game once again but we've been nice to each other at times and I'm choosing to remember that since I left his house.

I guess I can say he became a friend to me in a way. He's so similar to me anyways. The way we kill, our motives, skills and past. I mean he did a lot of shit but I'll let it slide for now because I tried killing him several times. Damn, I can't believe I hated him and we were like enemies and now I'm actually considering him to be a better guy.

Why am I even thinking all this. I need to focus on the...what the fuck.

A tinted black car was behind me. I immediately went into my focusing mode. I cleared my thoughts and moved to the other lane just to see if the car would follow and it did so I started speeding up.

HIS OBSESSION (18+)Where stories live. Discover now