Chapter 15: SIMILAR

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“Now get in the car, we have a long drive, ” he demanded. I got into the car since I'm sure that it wasn't an option. "Where are you carrying me," I questioned.

“Home,” he muttered. Is he being serious. I don't know if to believe him or not. At first I kind of believed him until I realised that we were in the same place where we were last time. He stopped the car at a huge mansion. It was bigger than the rest of buildings and mansions that were near.
“I thought you said that you were taking me home.”

“la mia ossessione, You are home,” he smirked. What the fuck does he mean. He can't seriously want me to stay with him. I can't believe that I got myself  into this shit just because I need some information.  “I have something important to do love so just take time to look around,” he muttered.

I was about to fuck him up but he continued, “Oh and if you try to run then know that I would find and bring you back.” He walked off. Now I'm starting to think that he isn't joking. Fuck it... I'm not staying here. I tried to make a run for it. I could see the door when I got stopped.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” A man said while stepping in front of the door so that I can't leave. I was about to pull out a dagger and kill him but maybe I should stay a little longer. Patience is all I need right now.

“ let me leave now and I won't tell anyone," I cried out so that he'd think that I'm terrified.

“I can't. It was the boss orders plus no one is going to help you even if you told anyone,” he smiled. Shit now I'm realising that Axel planned this out but I'll leave at the right timing. I had nothing else to do so I walked around and the place was huge. There were a lot of bedrooms. Plus extra rooms for certain purposes I'm sure. It had a basketball court in his house plus one outside. Then I entered another room and it was a library.

There were so many books. The place was full of it and it was organized neatly. I pulled out one and I began reading to buy time until Axel returned. I was so indulged in the book. I flipped the page to see what happened next and a smile appeared on my face. It was a sex scene.

“la mia ossessione, it this what you like,” someone murmured from behind me. I immediately closed the book. I knew it was Axel. His lips were brushed against my ear. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as he continued, “ an enemies to lovers romance.”

“No,” I replied as I tried to move away but his hands pulled me in closer. “Its interesting since that is exactly the same for us,” he whispered.

“No,” I blurted out.

“la mia ossessione, don't be angry. If you want we can recreate that scene that you were reading,” he murmured.

“If I had to recreate that scene then it would be with your brother.” I smiled with my reply. His smirked turned into anger. I knew that saying that would aggravate him. Axel got angry and took my hand and carried me to a room. “Take some rest.”

“No,” I argued.

“Don't let me have to inject you,” he warned. Axel closed the door and left the room. I was thirsty and I saw something looking like water so I drank it but then it burned my throat so I knew that it was alcohol.

A few minutes later I fell asleep. I woke up by the sound of my door opening. I saw Axel enter the room. I looked at the clock that was besides me and it was 11:30 pm.

“What are you doing,” I questioned.

He wrapped his arm around me while pushing me on the bed. His lips brushed against mines,“la mia ossessione, change your clothes.”

Is he stupid. How can I change when I don't have clothes. All my clothes are at my house. “How do you expect me to change my clothes.” He pointed at the walking closet.

I went towards it and there were many outfits. All were just my style. There were comfy clothes, skater girl clothes, old money but my favorite from what I could see was the dark chic and luxury glamour.

I wanted to wear a dress but all were short and I don't know where he is taking me so I don't think its a good idea to wear it. “What's the problem,” he asked noticing that something was on my mind.

“All the dresses are short,” I replied.

“la mia ossessione, wear whatever you want. I can fight,” he winked before leaving the room for me to change.

I wore a black dress and he drove us to a building. It was in the same private area. We walked in and there was a fight. There were two guys fighting. There was a blonde guy with blue eyes and the one that was beating his ass was taller than him, had black hair and hazel eyes.. He also had no shirt on.

 He also had no shirt on

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The guy with the black hair won the fight

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The guy with the black hair won the fight. He looked familiar but I still didn't really know him. The blonde guy was bleeding. The one with the black hair came towards Axel and they greeted each other so they are clearly friends. For some reason it made me realise that he was probably one of the 5 devils. I know about the rest but him.. I wasn't sure about him.

“Oh my god, is he injured,” I blurted out. The guy with the black hair replied,“ I'm sorry was the blood on the floor not a good indication.”

He continued, “ of course he's not injured dumbass but if I wanted then he would've been.”

“Fuck you,” I yelled at him.

“Who is this girl that you brought here Axel. She's feisty,” he muttered.

“She's ... ,” I cut Axel off,“I can introduce myself I am Sofia Torres. I don't need to know your name though.”

“Why,” Axel questioned. “Don't you want to know his name,” Axel added.

“Clearly his name is asshole,” I replied. Axel had a grin on his face while the guy was looking at me in a weird and shocked way. As if he knew who I was. Nah that would be weird, but we kind of looked similar. Our eyes, hair and something about him but sometimes I think too much.

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