Chapter 8: BET

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Sofia loved racing but unfortunately for her she cannot race at the abandoned road that she would normally race at since once you are 18 you aren't allowed there anymore.

She is 18 and I know that she would still want to race. She has been asking people about any places that she could go. I sent a girl to talk to her and Sofia listened and came to my territory. I was looking at her from a distance as she roasted one my men then I decided to make my entrance.

No one ever call me Axel because of fear but today I asked everyone to say Axel. I don't want them calling me Mr. Ford because then she would know who I am. She would know that I am the psychotic manipulator.

Anyone who finds out my last name instantly realises who I am. All the people that are in the race are people that I know from a while now and they normally call me Mr. Ford but not today.

I walked up to her maintaining eye contact and I could tell that her heart was racing. I questioned ,“You want to race me.” She was tough but she couldn't hide the fact that she was scared of me, she couldn't even get a word out she just nod her head in response. “I have never lost a race love,” I smirked trying to push her limits. I want her to talk back to me.“Well then this will be your first,”she rolled her eyes. A smile appeared on my face with her response.

Everyone looked on as she accepted the challenge. I couldn't take my eyes off her. Even though she was intimidated by me she still managed to try her best to be tough. I liked her confidence. She noticed me staring at her and murmured “My eyes are up here.”

“I know. I actually passed science with an A.” I could tell that she wanted to win me badly. She also loved to win a fight or conversation but I am stubborn so I wouldn't let her.“Put your money where your mouth is,”she mumbled.

“Okay. You can have my car and one hundred million dollars.” One of my men said,“Axel that is the highest amount of money that you've ever bet before.”

She smiled upon hearing the guy. “The highest amount huh, are you trying to impress me with your money,” she murmured to me. I didn't answer her, instead I kept staring her down. She turned back to me,“Okay and what do you want if you win.”

I know that I am going to win and I know exactly what I want when I win. “I'll tell you after I win the race love.” I got into my car and she got into hers.

We both drove off in full speed. I looked at her once more before locking my eyes onto the highway that we were driving on. She yelled to me,“You didn't shut down the highway.” That wouldn't be fun if I did. I repiled,“Why would I.”

She looked at me since we were both driving at the same pace then talked into the mic “Are you crazy.”

I most certainly am. “Yes.” I don't stop for anyone. I know for a fact that I wasn't going to stop. I didn't give a fuck that there was a kid in the car that both Sofia and I were trying to overtake.

Little does Sofia know, I am not stopping. We were so close to the car and she pushed breaks. I reached
the finish line and I won. She came with her car then she slapped me on his face,“ You could've kill them.”

Now usually everyone is afraid to look at me let alone touch me since I'd kill anyone who dares to do it, but when she did it. Fuck did I want her to do it again. She was bold and she didn't care.

“Yeah but they're not dead love,”I smiled. I never let anyone hit me let alone slap me but she is so fucking gorgeous when she is angry. “Want to race again,” I questioned.

She got into her car trying to prove that she is indeed a good racer. We both raced again but this time she won only because I went easy on her.

I saw the excitement on her face then I broke the news to her,“I already won the first time so you have to give me something love.”

“What,” she questioned.

All I want is her.


I knew that I could've win the race but patience is a key to getting what you want. I purposely allowed him to win because I need some information. I'm gonna play along and he will never suspect a thing. I honestly expected more from him especially since he too is a manipulator but I guess he's too slow.  I looked at him to see him contemplating on what to ask me for. He came towards me backing me up against a wall. “I will fuck you,” he replied. He can't be serious. “What.”

He removed his hand that caged me against the wall. A grin on his face then whispered to me,“Just kidding. I'm actually gay.” What!  I can't believe that he's gay. “Really.”

He smiled, “No but I got you to shut up.” Anger started flooding over me but he started to laugh. He continued,“You looked so confused yet excited when I said that I would fuck you.”

I pushed him away then tried to leave but he grabbed my waist then pushed me back against the wall. “I will pick you up in an hour,” he said while backing away.

Why does he have to pick me up. Either way this could help me with my plan. I just need to play along even pretend to be his friend or like him and then I'll strike slowly. I bet he knew all along what he wanted if he won which is exactly why I allowed him to win. He got into his red car and drove off.

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