Chapter 63: THEY KNOW

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It didn't take him long to pull up at a building. I wonder what shit he had in stored for me. We walked in and it was a fighting arena. People were gathered around but as I expected there were only men. What the think that women are powerless. I looked to the side to see a big sign in red stating NO GIRLS ALLOWED.

Men fail to realize how powerful a woman can be. This bullshit of men being better is absolute fuckery. The only thing that I wanted to do was kill every one of these men in here and show them just how much power a woman can have. “What are we doing in here Axel.”

This was honestly the last place I wanted to be right now. “GO ahead, show them how much power you have,” he replied.

“woman aren't allowed,” I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Its so fucking stupid. All these assholes sitting around thinking they're better than everyone else.

“I think its time you change that,” Axel grinned. I blushed a little but I'm sure he saw it. My eyes widened seeing Axel a different way. I liked him this way. He felt the same way about it. He knew that us woman are powerful..everyone else just needed to accept it as well. I never knew how much of a feminist he was until now.

I walked into the ring and all eyes were on me. “sorry pretty lady..why don't you make yourself useful in someone's bed,” the guy in the ring said.

“You should've told your mother that before she spread her legs. Unfortunately she fucked up and gave birth to a pussy,” I sassed back aggravating him. I walked up to him and kicked him in his dick before he could argue back,“ you were saying.”

Axel smiled as if he was a proud mother looking down at me. “you will pay for that,” he said looking up at me.

“ooohh I'm scared,” I said in a high pitched voice. The bell ran signalling the beginning of the fight. Axel started cheering me on at the front row.

He stood back ready to punch me but I moved quicker as I kicked him in his balls yet again. “Not man enough now, aren't you.”

The insults just made him more pissed. He got up again and this time tried to grabbed me down but I punched him across his face.

Blood fell on the floor and I gave him a busted lip. Blood was also coming from his nose. “Don't underestimate me,” I say as I won the first round.

He went to the side to get water and Axel came up to me. “I should tell you something.”

“Not now,” I yelled at Axel. I had no time to talk. My main focus was beating this asshole. The bell rang again for the second round and I went in strong.

He came up and I was about to punch him until I felt a small vibration on my heat. I immediately got carried away and before I knew it I got punched in the face. I spat out blood and Axel ran into the ring punching the guy continuously. “You fucker,” he growled.

“Touch her and you're dead.” I got up from the ground and pulled Axel away from him. “Fuck you,” the guy yelled back.

“What did you say,” Axel muttered walking back to the guy. The guy looked up and it seemed as though he realized that he fucked up. He now noticed that he was talking to Axel Ford the leader of the serpents.

“Axel don't.” I stepped in front of Axel,"I'll finish him myself.” We got a water break and I walked to my end to drink some when I remembered that I felt a vibration.

“If you didn't cut me off then I would've asked you if you liked the toy,” he murmured.

I stared at Axel and I knew that immediately that I had a vibrator in my underwear. “Well that was your fault,” I yelled at Axel. If it wasn't for Axel I would've finished the stupid guy.

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