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I walked inside the house and made sure to lock the door. I sat down on the couch and my mind was all over the place and my thoughts were taking control of me. I was thinking so many things at once. I was about to go on my phone to call Axel when I heard s sound coming from the kitchen. I immediately got up and grabbed the knife that I hid under the couch a while ago and I made my way to the kitchen.

"What the fuck." I placed my knife on the table and looked at Ace who was eating cookies and pouring himself a glass of milk. "What are you doing here." I questioned.

"Just passing by...but I should be asking you what you and my brother was doing outside a few seconds ago,"he replied. I rolled my eyes at him then I grabbed a cookie from his hands. "Rude much," he said as he took another cookie from the box.

"By the way, your house needs decorating. It isn't giving a homey vibe," he stated and honestly he was right. I never really thought about it until he said it. "I can help u," he added. "Since when do u help,"i say wasting no time in my response.

"Don't make me change my mind," he growled and just because he had attitude, i did too,"I don't care if u do."

"Ugh girls are so confusing,"he murmured but I heard it quite clearly. He's the confusing one not me. Since when is he nice. I do have a big house so I guess some help would be nice. "fine," I shrugged and he immediately smiled,"i have plenty ideas," he added.

He showed me a few ideas on his phone and I liked them so we got started. We started from the kitchen then to the rest of the house. Finally we reached my room and he searched my closet and found sheets that suit the aesthetic of the room and we started removing the old covers from the bed.

Ace looked over at me and his eyes soften "you know, I too was like you. You probably would disagree but I was keen on revenge just like you. I had hate in my heart and I was confused on everything just like you. The only difference is that I had hate for my own mother which made it hurtful. But I'm telling you all this for a reason. You see even after I finally got it I wasn't happy in the end and I'm still not. Yes I'm happy she's dead but the pain is the same."

After hearing Ace words. I realised that I'd end up the same way as him. I'm making the revenge my goal and once its over I'll still be in pain and have no idea what to do from there.

"Leave devin alone for a week and if you really need it to get him out of your head. If you think you need that then do it but before you do take time to think things through then go get him if not then we'll go together and kill him if you want," he added. Ace is right. What would I do after devin is dead. After all the chasing what else does my life have in it. I do enjoy making people suffer but that's not gonna keep my occupied all day.

" I haven't really thought of my life besides my revenge. All I've been doing is killing out the people who ruined me the most and now that its almost over I don't know what's after it," I stated.

" You don't have to worry about Axel or me going to kill him anymore. You'll never see me again. I left his mansion and now you and Grayson don't have to worry. I have no plans. Life has nothing to it anymore," I added. As we were finished in my room I sat on the bed and so did Ace.

It was silent until Ace began talking " I felt the same after I got free from my mother. I had nothing, I felt as if I had no purpose and my life would be a cycle of nothing but then I became a serpent and I work for vincenzo and I also have businesses that keeps me occupied so I believe you will find your way and your path."

I know Devin is with Axel and I want my revenge but I can get it whenever I want. I don't need to rush it. Everything I've done was for nothing. Hurting Axel, doing so much just to reach to devin. I should've talk to Ace since the beginning and maybe my story wouldn't have been for nothing. Me continuously going for devin and being stupid. I know Axel would keep his word so I'll listen to Ace and wait a week. I could still go after Devin and kill him now but after realising that ace and I have been through the same thing. His advice is important and I know deep down I'll end up just like Ace and feel the way he felt even after revenge.

More than ever I'm finally at peace knowing I don't have to chase devin and he is in one spot. I'm going to listen to Ace and start on the one thing I've always wanted. "Thanks Ace," I smiled and he just gave me a look at if he hated being thanked.

"I should go now," he said as he checked his phone, no doubt its probably concerning Vincenzo. He does so much so of course he'll be busy. I'll forever be nightmare queen and I'll continue to be her and just like Ace I'm gonna have my own thing and do my own thing. And of course I'll still keep people afraid of nq. It is fun and I do love the thrill of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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