Chapter 65: BIRTHDAY

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I woke up as I felt him jump on the bed and I rolled my eyes as I slowly tried to drift back into sleep. "Sofia,"he whispered but I pushed him off ,"not now Axel."

"sofia, sofia, sofia, sofia, Sofiaaaa," he continued as if he was a child. "Axel stop it." He kept shaking me so that I'd wake up fully.

"you're like a child," I say as I pulled the blanket over my face. For a second there was silence as I smiled to the inside until he started again.

"Sofia...Sofiaaaa ," he continued and each time he became more louder. Basically beginning to sound like a shout. "Sofia ."
"Sofia ."
"Sofia ."
"Sofia ."
"Sofia ."

I grabbed my pillow and hit him with it. "what was that for," he says.

"for annoying me." I got off the bed and looked at the time. Why'd he wake me up so early. "You will come to my birthday party," Axel demanded.

I was left in shock. He's a . I didn't know that his birthday was .

"Who the fuck would throw a party for you," I questioned. No offense to Axel but I would never think that anyone would do something like that for him. "Maddy," he replied.

"Oh ,"I gasped. I should've known that Maddy would do that.
"You are coming." I turned to him with a smile. There is no way that I'm going. "That sounds like an order."

"It is," he smirked. He knew that I don't take orders so what made him think that I'd listen. "I will tell everyone that you're nightmare queen," he said with a grin.

"Are you threatening me," I growled. "Yes," he replied.

I looked away as if his threat didn't matter to me. "Well that won't do me anything." Ace and Grayson walked into the room and I was confused. What would they think of me staying in Axel's room. We were suppose to keep it a secret.

"I'm not going to ask why she's in your room only because its your birthday," Ace muttered glancing at me. Axel turned to me with a smirk visibly showing. Please don't tell me that he's gonna do it. "Okay. Everyone do you know that Sofia is-," I cut him off and talked over him," Ace already knows."

"What..he never told me," he whispered back to me. "I knew about Zade but I should've known that Ace would find out."

"Go ahead and do it besides you, Zade and Ace know so only Damon and Grayson are clueless," I said almost challenging him.

"Trust me you don't want me to tell Grayson because he talks alot and everyone will know about it not just us," he said confidently and somehow I believed him. Grayson does seem like the type to talk. "Fine," I growled.

Ace and Grayson looked at each other in confusion probably wondering why I said," fine." I wasn't planning on going to a birthday party but fuck it. He knew I had no choice.

They all left the room so that I could get ready. Ace and Grayson already left to go back at Vincenzo's mansion. After a while Axel came into the room while I was in the shower. " Maddy demanded that I come now."

"It's okay. Go and I'll meet you there," I replied. The warmth of the water falling onto my skin made me lay back taking in the bath. "Just a little relaxation for at least a moment," I said to myself.

My eyes opened at the sounds of Axel's breathing. Was he still standing at the door? I looked towards the door but how would I know. The door was locked so I couldn't see if he was on the other side. I could have gotten up to check but the water on my skin made me change my mind.

"Sofia," I hear Axel say in a vulnerable tone. So he was indeed still standing at the door. "Yes," I replied as I passed my hand over my hair.

"I am giving Devin to you today and you can leave from here," he said with a hint of sadness. I could hear it in his voice and it made me break. "No," I stated.

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