Chapter 11: RARE

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Sofia has good taste. She showed up in a red dress. It is my favorite color. I already trailed her whole body down every time I see her but after seeing her in her red dress she looked stunning. I couldn't look away.

She noticed me staring at her but I wanted her to see that I was looking. She murmured,“I think that I should buy you a watch.” I took one of her hands and placed a kiss on it. Her face turned red instantly and she blushed. I was still holding onto her hand but then I remembered her so I replied,“Why.”

“Because you said that you were going to come for me in an hour but you are 20 minutes late,” she sassed.

I smirked,“So excited to see me huh.”
“No,” she replied while looking away. I took her to my private area. I am surprise that she didn't think that it was strange that my car was the only one driving on the road. At first there were many trees but then she could see the building and mansions which were all owned by me. This was my private area.

There was complete silence until she murmured, “Are you even going to talk to me.”

“Honestly I wasn't going to, la mia ossessione,”I smirked. She looked away as if was thinking about something but then she said “So you're Italian.”

“No I'm French,” I replied trying to aggravate and tease her. Her face turned red again but this time in anger “Axel stop fucking playing.” I could tell that she and I would get along just fine. We both have a fucked up attitude.

“Fine but you're going to need to know what you're up against,” I murmured knowing that she would be confused and curious. She turned to me and questioned, “Which is.”

“Me of course,”I stated. Soon enough she will understand exactly what I am talking about.

“How fucking stupid are you to pick up a random girl that you don't even know! This is exactly how people get killed,” she said.

“la mia ossessione, Did anyone ever teach you not to go into a strangers car,” I muttered trying to win a point in the argument. She gave in, “Fine. You have a point asshole.”

She suddenly blurted out,“Well go ahead.” I got startled,“What.”

“Ask me questions and I'll answer it only if you answer the questions that I want to ask you afterwards,” she smiled telling me her idea. Little does she know, I don't need to ask her anything since I already know everything. “I don't need to ask questions. I already know all about you,” I responded.

She looked away and I could tell that she was convincing herself that I was joking. She changed the subject “Okay well then I need to know more about you.”

“Not just yet la mia ossessione. You'll find out soon enough,”I smirked. Indeed she will.

We arrived at one of my building and we entered. She walked in before me and she saw Zade. I have known Zade for a while now and he is a tattoo artist and other things but I wouldn't get to that. Zade came up to me and said, “nice to see you again Mr.F----.”

I quickly cut him off,“Good to see you too.” He almost said my name. Zade looked at Sofia then whispered,“she is wearing your favorite color.”

I smiled,“it suits her.” Zade and I looked at her with a grin. Sofia and I followed Zade to a room. The last door was the one that we entered. I told her to sit on a chair and she obeyed. I went near her ear “What tattoo do you want, la mia ossessione.”

She pulled out her phone then started going through it. She smiled then turned to me and Zade ,“I want a sword tattoo going down my spine with a serpent wrapped around it.” Zade turned to me,“The serpent tattoo is forbidden. ”

She was confused so I am sure that she doesn't know why that tattoo was forbidden. I got my serpent tattoo to show that I have reformed and reborn. After getting my tattoo it was claimed as mines. No one dared to ever get a serpent tattoo, it was forbidden.

I am not that stupid child anymore that felt pain and fear. I have my serpent tattoo to show that I am powerful and feared but also that patience made me into the man that I am known as today.

I didn't get my revenge soon enough but when I did, it felt good. My mother was married to my father who was very powerful. He had done terrible things but still got away with it. The police knew where we were living but never dared to kill him or even arrest him.

My mother left him and she was with a wealthy mafia leader. She gave birth to Ace and Axel but my father found out and killed him so my mother had no choice but to send Ace and Axel away for their safety since my father would kill them.

People took care of them and made sure that they were safe. My mother had no choice but to stay with him. I fucking hated them. They never deserved anything but pain. After I did what I had to do my name spread everywhere. Everyone feared me. Just like my father... I was untouchable. No police would dare to kill or arrest me.

And thats why when I did what I had to do, no one could stop me.


Why can't I get the tattoo.” Axel looked like he got snapped out of his thoughts. He murmured,“You can get the tattoo.”

The guy questioned,“Are you sure.” I was pretending to be surprised but I was smiling in the inside especially since I still am that good at manipulating. “Yes,” Axel stated to the guy.

I took off my top then laid down. He started tattooing on my spine. I felt little pain so it wasn't bad. Axel took a picture then showed it to me. It was the perfect size since I didn't want it too big or too small

 It was the perfect size since I didn't want it too big or too small

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After I got the tattoo Axel told me that the guy name is Zade. I walked to him and said,“Thanks for the tattoo Zade.” I hate thanking people but I needed to pretend to be this innocent girl.

Zade murmured,“You and a guy are the only two people to have a serpent tattoo.”

I smirked on the inside. I knew that me and a guy were the only two to have this tattoo,“What do you mean,” I questioned with a fake confused face.

Zade and Axel smirked then Axel replied instead of Zade,“Let's just say that it is Rare.”

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