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“How is Maddy doing,” he asked.

“She's fine..wait how did you know,” I replied.

“kinda obvious love,” he added.

He knew that it was Maddy that I spent time with, but as he brought up that subject I became tensed. He look his finger raising my chin so that I'd look at him. I had everything planned and this wasn't part of it, whatever this is. He might say it is love but I feel as if we are just having sex for pleasure. I never really expected me to go against my plan but one thing remains the same...Axel will remain a pawn in my game until I kill Devin and I have already found out a location on him so it won't take long before my dagger goes straight through his heart.

Axel placed me on top of him as he placed a kiss on my head. “Wait do you just want to fuck me so that you can forget your nightmare,” I questioned.

“No I want to fuck you because you're mine and I want you,” he replied. I was speechless, did he consider me to be his. “you never told me what's your safe word, little nightmare,” he muttered.

“serpent,” I replied without thinking twice and he shot me a confused look. “you already know why.”

“For me,” he smirked but I was quick to shut him down,“No.. ”

His hands grabbed onto my throat as he pushed me against the wall. It was holding me down so that I can't move. I found this specific moment to tease him," you're killing me."

"in a good way or bad way," he replied while still having his hand wrapped around my neck, keeping it steady on the wall. What does he mean by that. "is there a good way to die," I questioned.

"at my hands," he breathe out. "yes," he smirked. He release his hand from my neck and I move away from him.

He slowly placed his hand under my dress but I left it there. I could feel the need for him to be inside me but instead I could feel the heat between his hands being inches away from my wetness. “What do you feel when you’re with me, little nightmare,” he asked.

I snapped myself out of telling him the truth. I will never open up myself to him because either way we do this for the benefits. He will never love me and I will never love him. He placed me on top of him and a smirk appeared on his face since he knew that his finger and even the sound of his voice had me wet. His mouth latched to my clit as he flicked his tongue against me. As I bend my head back to the sensation he suddenly stops.

I looked at him impatiently but he was still waiting for an answer.” How do I make you feel,” he asked again as his fingers slowly moved in and out of me. “Alive,” I whispered. I shut my eyes as he replaced his finger with his tongue as he massaged me. He groaned satisfied as if I’m the best he's ever tasted and the sounds of his grunts and groans sent shocks as my orgasm pounds through me.

I arch my back as I came in his mouth. “What do you want,” he asked as he licked his lips, standing over me.

“Pain… mark me,” I replied and a grin covered his face,”Little nightmare it looks like you have a bloodplay and knife kink.” 

“You’d like it if I mark you. Wouldn't you?” I nod, hoping that he’d cut me with his dagger. I had already came yet I wanted more. I could feel my pussy clenching as it starved but instead I pulled down his pants about to kneel when he stopped me, “ No…Don’t kneel, little nightmare. Queens don’t deserve to be on the floor.”

I didn't expect him to not want me to kneel. Last time we were on the bed and I didn’t have to kneel but now since he is standing, I was more than willing to do it. I climb onto the bed and he follows me. I made sure to go on top of him as I kissed him from his neck trailing to his dick. “Now I don't have to kneel,” I smirked as I wasted no time.

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