Chapter 7: RACE

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It has been two days after my birthday party and I have been enjoying myself since that day. I loved racing since I could remember. Something about being behind the wheel and racing made my heart beat faster. I have finished school so now I am just enjoying life.

I have been doing racing low key after my parents died. I was 16 and it was a way of getting my head off of things. It is obviously illegal but I still did it anyway. There is this abandoned place with a nice road that is easy to race on and some other people who are under 18 race each other. We keep it low key so that we don't get in trouble.

It is only the high in power people that race like a guy named Alexander. His father is in real estate and his father is high in power. He has a great reputation so the police would never do anything to Alexander.

Once you decide to race you need to make sure that your family is high in power just in case you get caught. I know that police don't normally go through that abandoned road so we never got caught.

The only problem was that once you turn 18 you cannot race there anymore. The age limit is only 16 or 17. I am 18 so now I can't race there anymore even though I want to. I have been asking people if there is any other place and there is.

A girl gave me the place that I had to go since she was also going there. The destination was not that far. I took my car and I followed hers. We stopped and there were many cars, people and a lot of women. I got out of my car and I speculated watching all the nice cars.

A few men came up to me. “This is your car,” he asked while looking at it. “Yes.”

“Wanna race babygirl and I will take it off your hands.” I smiled then replied,“Nah. I want a worthy component not a pussy.”

He felt embarrassed and he went back to his car while the the other men laughed at him. He was trying to mess with the wrong person. Another guy said,“Well then you should race Axel.”

“Axel.” I wonder if he was a worthy component.

“Yeah. He is the best,”the guy exclaimed. I smiled at him.  I wonder where he is. I looked around but I don't know why I was looking around since I don't even know what Axel look like.

I saw a car pulling up and the guy pointed the car,“He is the one that you were looking for.” The crowd ran up to him, shouting his name. Everyone knew him and they adored him. The guy that talked to me went up to him and told him about me. I saw him pointing at me. I could see his red car as he stood in a distance.

I can't even see Axel's face since that crowd was covering him. I saw that crowd clearing the way for him to pass and he came up to me.

Oh my god. He is the same one from the party. He was the one that danced with me and he was staring intensely at me. I cannot forget that night. Nothing happened between us but still he thought he had me wrapped around his finger. When we were at my birthday party, I didn't know his name but now I do and I already know who he is.

I may pretend to be all innocent but I'm not dumb. He came in front of me,“You want to race me.” I nod my head in response. “I have never lost a race love,” he smirked.“Well then this will be your first.” A smile appeared on his face with my response.

Everyone looked on as I accepted the challenge. Apparently he owns racing. He is the best and he never lost a race but that made me want to race him even more.

His eyes kept trailing down my body. “My eyes are up here.”

He smiled,“I know. I actually passed science with an A.” Uhh is he trying to be funny. I just want to race and win.
“Put your money where your mouth is.”

“Okay. You can have my car and one hundred million dollars,”he replied.  Wow, that's a lot of money and I already knew that he'd do that since he is trying to impress me. With his reputation he could afford any price.  A guy from the back came up to him and said,“Axel that is the highest amount of money that you've ever bet before.”

I smiled upon hearing the guy. “The highest amount huh, are you trying to impress me with your money,” I murmured to Axel. Axel just stood there silently without replying as if I didn't just ask him something.  I turned back to Axel. “Okay and what do you want if you win.”

Axel smiled,“I'll tell you after I win the race love.” He got into his car and I got into mines. They hooked up speakers in his car and in mines so we would be able to talk to each other. They started counting and the race began.

We both drove off in full speed. I looked as we drove ahead and I realised that we were going in a highway with other cars. I never raced with other cars in the way before.

While racing I talked into the mic,“You didn't shut down the highway.” His voice then replied,“Why would I.” What the fuck does he mean. We are endangering people lives by racing here. I yelled into the mic“Are you crazy.”

“Yes,” he replied. Uhh, he is so fucking annoying. We were both at the same pace and we almost reached to the end of the race. There was a car in front of us and I know that I can pass him over once I reach closer to the car.

Axel and I were both trying to get in front of one another. The car was in the way but we both didn't stop hoping for the other one to back down. We were reaching closer to the car and Axel wasn't stopping.

I could see a child in the car. I am sure that he would stop. We got closer and I pushed breaks. Fuck, he wasn't stopping. I reached at the finish line and he won. I got out of my car and slapped him on his face,“ You could've kill them.”

“Yeah but they're not dead love,” he smiled. What the fuck is wrong with him. I am sarcastic too but he is just pissing me off. “Want to race again,” he questioned.

He was indeed a good racer and a good component. I smiled and got into my car. We both raced again but this time I won. That felt good.

“I already won the first time so you have to give me something love,” he muttered.


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