Chapter 55: HATE HER?

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I woke up basically naked. I mean I did remember not having on any bra but I knew that I had on a dress so it was not a coincidence that I suddenly didn't have it on. It had to be Axel.

I looked over at the table and the amount of pills that were just lying there was insane. I grabbed the note that was lying on the pillow and it stated, “ I hate that you are stubborn but fuck is it cute. You look so beautiful when you sleep little nightmare but careful love..You should really start locking the door. God knows who would want to play with you while you sleep.”

I instantly knew that he was in here hence my dress is on the floor. He did probably mean what he wrote in that letter. I looked around and I was in a dark room. It was locked and small. I sat up on the mattress that was on the floor. The place seemed like a cage. I was on Axel's bed so what was I doing here.

The door nob turned and Axel walked into the small room. He stood tall over me as I stayed on the mattress. I wanted to fucking punch him in his face. He smirked down at me,"You will stay here."

“the hell you think you are,” I yelled back at him. He stared at me coldly without an expression on his face. I tried searching his eyes but he kept the anger with him.

“you are my prisoner. you agreed to it and usually my prisoners are kept in rooms like these,” he smirked. I tried to not believe it but the way he looked at me made me believe him.

All this time I though that we were enemies, we weren't but now we are. He is not going to go easy on me. This was revenge and he was going to make sure that it hurts but he'll have to try hard cause I'm not going to let him see me break.

In anger I blurted out the first thing that came to mind,“I should've kill your ass.”

He pulled me up from the mattress, pushed my back against the wall and had his dagger at my neck “You did that day. I'm reborn and now I realized the person you are. I'll never be foolish again.”

His dagger was sharp and I knew that it cut me. I felt the pain as the sharp tip began cutting me but I stared him in his eyes, unafraid of dead,"You sure about that. You're foolish and you'll repeat your mistakes."

“Aww sweetheart are you so desperate for me to take you on. Do you want me wrapped around your finger so that you can feel powerful.”

I watched as he left the room. I heard keys so I knew that he locked me in here. Before we were, fuck I don't even know what to call it, maybe enemies with benefits but now we're strangers. I had something that ached deep down but I ignored it. He can't hurt me because I don't care for him, I convinced myself. “I hate you,” I spat out loudly.

“I hate you more,” he growled and he said it so loud that I heard him even though he already left the room.


I didn't fucking hate her at all. Why can't I just fucking hate her? I am vicious and cruel, then why can't I be the same with her. Why am I angry that I'm doing this to her.

I straightened myself on the chair. "She tried to kill you, she has always played you because she knew she can. She never liked you nor will she ever because she's a heartless manipulator," I reminded myself. I had to be doing something wrong this whole time. It's probably me. Just like my mother said, "You will stay alone and you'll die alone. You will fall for a girl and she'll hate you. She might even kill you. This is your life, accept it. You're the definition of pathetic."

Remembering it made me get all the visions back. I hated my mother but her words were true. I fell in love and yet I am not enough nor will I ever be.

I hate her. I have to hate Sofia because it's all her fault. Her fucking smile, her voice, her attitude. I fell in love with it all. In a second you think you're on top of the world but then everything shatters. She shattered me and I fucking hate her for it.

Ace walked in and I pretended to not care,“ Sofia is bleeding and she will probably bleed to death so help her if you want, don't if you don't want to. Why would I care anyway.”

He looked to me and saw the dagger on the table with blood on it. I don't want him to think I care but fuck I hope he goes to help her.

If I go, she'll realize that I'm still a dumb hopeless asshole who fell in her trap. “Come on Ace, go help her,” I said to myself hoping that he does.

He stood there contemplating and watching me carefully, no doubt scanning me. He always had that about him. He'd always look at a person and read them.

He eventually left and I heard the room opening so I know that he went. Thank god. I don't want her dead. I'll kill her for hurting me but not right now.

I needed to get my mind off her so I left to do some work. I had unfinished business with an asshole who tried to attack the serpents.


“Should I be concerned about why you have a knife in your hand,” Sofia said with a smirk. I was still standing at the door where it was completely dark so I walked into the light, I held it out in the light so that she could see.

“Its my dagger actually, and no, you shouldn't,” I replied sarcastically. She rolled her eyes at me.

She had been in this room for a week. It was small and basically a cell. When I walked closer to her, all I saw was hate in her eyes for me. Her knuckles were bleeding so she was probably punching the wall or something, she was always crazy.

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