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I woke up basically naked. I mean I did remember not having on any bra but I knew that I had on a dress so it was not a coincidence that I suddenly didn't have it on. It had to be Axel.

I looked over at the table and the amount of pills that were just lying there was insane. I grabbed the note that was lying on the pillow and it stated, " I hate that you are stubborn but fuck is it cute. You look so beautiful when you sleep little nightmare but careful love..You should really start locking the door. God knows who would want to play with you while you sleep."

I instantly knew that he was in here hence my dress is on the floor next to the bed. He did probably mean what he wrote in that letter. Then the door knob turned and Axel came walking in.

He came right next to me and kissed my lips right before going to my neck. His hot breathes hit my neck and his lips brushed against the skin. " Get something to wear and come to the eating room."

He placed one more kiss on my lip before leaving the room. The eating room was huge. That room had a huge table and a lot of chairs. There was also a mini bar to the corner and a few games on the other side of the room. It all looked modern and so fucking expensive.

Everything in his mansion looked hand picked as if he liked things a certain way and each room was clean and decorated differently depending on what the room will be used for.

I looked over at the clock to see that it was 11:30 in the night. I didn't sleep long or at least I wasn't high for long. I walked into the walking closet and I pulled out this black corset dress. It was short and gave out a dark chic aesthetic.

First I took a bath and when I was finished I applied lotion on my skin and I sprayed my signature perfume that I always wore. I slipped on the dress and I don't usually wear makeup but if I do then its just a natural makeup look I go for.

Nothing too bold because its not my favorite but I think that the more natural it looks is better. I always liked it more than bold looks but instead of doing a natural look that I would do from time to time I just decided to apply some lip gloss and eyeliner and that was good enough for me.

I walked down the stairs and I had been in here already so I knew exactly where to find the room. I walked in and Axel stood by the door waiting for me. He took my hand and placed me on his lap.

"There are plenty of chairs," I mumbled to him but he insisted that I stay on top of him,"I prefer you to stay on my lap." He tied my hands up and I was confused. He asked me to come here and now he's tying me up.

I heard the door open and Ace and Grayson came walking in. "You didn't tell me that they were coming," I shrugged.

"The serpents have to eat love." Ace and Grayson sat near Axel and then came Zade. He sat on the opposite side of the brothers so he was facing Ace and Grayson. The chefs began bringing out the food and placing it on the table.

I heard the door open again but this time my face dropped. Damon came walking in. He sat opposite of Axel. He pulls me in his lap and I look at him in fury," you weren't suppose to add my brother to this."

He looked to me," I didn't invite him he came on his own." Now it made sense. He tied me up to make it look as if he was getting revenge on me.

Damon looked straight at Axel with anger in his eyes. Then he looked to me and I saw the sensitive side. Damon would side with me. Axel's brothers will always have his back but Zade. Who would Zade choose.

I knew that some shit was about to happen especially since Damon had a half smile on his face. I thought we were here to eat. The Serpents stared at each other in complete silence.

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