Chapter 13: GHOST

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1 year ago...

Fuck. I hanged up the phone and I went straight back home. It wasn't bullshit that Damon called me for. Someone decided that they wanted to be brave. Someone burned down one of my buildings.

I already paid for it to be built back but we are not going to take this likely. All of us went in our motorbike already knowing who did it.

We all went to pay a visit to an officer. “How'd you feel when you did it,” Damon growled. We broke into his house and he knew not to try anything stupid. He looked as if he saw 5 devils. Fear in his eyes and having no where to run. “Please leave me alone, what are you going to do to me,” he cried out to which Axel replied,“ I love it when they beg but they still end up dead.”

Zade smirked, “What are we going to do to him.”
“What are we going to do to you,” Ace smiled repeating what Zade said.

“Unfortunately for you officer, we need to set an example,” I growled.

Damon stated,“No one should have the courage to do what you did.”

“No one should go against us,” Zade smiled.

“Because if they do,” Ace mumbled.

“Then they'll end up just like you,” Axel muttered.

“Dead,” I finished off our little speech. Then shot him straight in his head. “This will teach anyone who ever tried to go against us,” I told the guys and they all left on their motorbike while I went my own way.

I went back for the guy that tried to force himself on Sofia. I never forgot what he tried to do. She pushed him off and Victoria helped her but now he needed to die. I approached his house and the doors were already open which was strange.

The place was messy so its either he didn't clean here in a while or someone had been in here. I walked up to his room and his door was unlocked. He was already dead. But I didn't kill him so who did. The person used a dagger. I could tell by the mark that it left. On the persons arm had a carved out initial N.Q.

I don't know anyone who would do it with those initials. All I know is that the person was precise like me leaving no trail of any mistakes that would reveal their identity. The killing seemed personal and lastly the person aimed perfectly at his heart making him die instantly.

This person was evil, precise, quick and new in this business but who was it. I don't even know if it a guy or girl. This person was basically a ghost. Came on when ready but hid back without being traced. Almost as good as me.


I have my targets pointed out. They would never be able to hide from me. Axel Ford is another problem that I'll handle when I find fit.

Usually I'd move the bodies but the guy I killed earlier I left his body in his house. I saw when Axel pulled up at the house and confusion hit his face.

I've been doing my killings low key but now its the right time to let Axel know that there is someone else. Someone more precise. Someone he should fear.

There has never been anyone better than him but now there is. He looked around knowing that he was being watched. I smiled to myself as he looked around.

I sat on the roof of the building that was opposite to the man's house. Why not have some fun. I walked towards the light just enough for him to see me.

Of course he didn't see my face since I had on a mask. It was a black mask with a red snake on the right side of the mask the tail under the eye and the head right over it.

I waved at him as I wrote something on a paper that I took from the man room after I killed him. I left it on the roof. I know him so well that he will come and read it. I made my exit and I will see him soon. Why not mess with him on his night. After all the night is not over.

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