Chapter 47: NIGHTMARE

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Maddy and I always create trouble wherever we went. We killed 3 people on our way back. Its not that we wanted too its actually because they pissed us off.

They should've never tried stealing from us. they didn't know that they tried robbing the psycho killer and nightmare queen but I mean the audacity of those people. The look of their smirk turning into fear was very pleasant. Maddy laughed while wiping the blood from her face.

That taught them a lesson to not steal from anyone and it's not like they really had a choice either way since we we're not going to take that likely. At least they won't trying stealing from anyone else. It really wasn't our fault that they're dead. “What's up with Axel and Vincenzo.”

“Why do they hate each other,” I added, breaking the silence that made the drive awkward.

“I mean, I don't really think they hate each other,” Maddy replied. That's absolute nonsense. The look that they give each other clearly states that there's bad blood between them.

“Yeah but there is some bad blood. Axel hates being around him and I think Vincenzo feels the same.”

“A few years ago when Ace and Grayson just started working for Vincenzo. He sent them to do his work for him. Grayson messed up,” Maddy shrugged.

Grayson messed up. It doesn't seem like something he would do. “What do you mean.”

“He almost destroyed everything that Vincenzo built so naturally Vincenzo was going to kill him. Axel stopped him. He might pretend to hate everyone around him but I know that he has a soft spot for his brothers,” Maddy explained.

“Of course Vincenzo forgave Grayson and they became really close. Grayson and Ace are his trusted men. He has been really close to them and Grayson forgave Vincenzo but Axel--” she stopped while glaring at me.

“Axel never forgave him,” I blurted out. It does make since but that happened years ago and I think that Axel should forgive Vincenzo just like his brothers did.

“I think that he just want to keep his brothers safe just in case Vincenzo ever does anything like that again,” Maddy continued. It doesn't make sense at all. If Grayson forgave Vincenzo then Axel should too. Does he think that something like that would ever happen again. Maybe he just want to be prepared in case it does but I know that nothing like that would ever take place.

I dropped Maddy off at Vincenzo's mansion. Now I have to go back to that fucking forest. It's not bad but its so far away and driving there takes hours.



A few days ago Sofia blackmailed me so that I'd come with her. She thought that I am a fool and that I listened to her when she is completely wrong.

I can never be blackmailed and two can play the game of manipulation. I mean she actually thought that I was afraid that she would be the new leader. I only came with her because I want to make sure to kill her but then after what happened between us I don't think that I want to do it anymore.

I was suppose to kill her so that I will regain my status and people will fear me. At first I was here to kill her but now I am here because I want her close. I knew that somehow there was a reason for her blackmailing me but after she slept with me I don't know if she decided to forget whatever her plans were.

She is still hunting Devin down and even though she involved me in some of her planning she still acted suspicious and I knew that she had other plans that I didn't know about.

She already tracked him down and its only a matter of time before she goes to kill him. I just wonder if she just  slept with me because she is using me or does she actually like me.


Sofia was gone when I woke up. I panicked on the thought of losing her. I wanted to take the other car and go after her but I have to trust her. In the note it says -“ I will be back and I hate the gift.”

She needed some time alone and I wanted to be understanding. I knew that she could handle herself but yet I still wanted to protect her.

I was so bored but I did a few changes in the bedroom. I rearranged the things and I even practiced my shooting. It was quiet out here so no distractions.

She took all day and it was already night. If I had to guess then I'd say that she was with Maddy. I know that she can't meet Adora because of Damon so I'm pretty sure that she's with Maddy. I sat on the bed trying to stay awake until she arrives but my eyes slowly gave up on me.

A few years ago....

Are you sure Ace.” I am the big brother and even though I act like I despise them which sometimes I feel like murdering them... They are still my brothers and I'd bend hell just to keep them safe.

“We want him gone too,” Axel said in fury. I don't know what happened to them when they were sent away by my mother for their protection but ever since we met and reconnected.. Something felt wrong.

They were so numb. Axel was angry and he showed his anger while Ace probably had hate in his heart yet stayed silent which scare me. I could read right through Axel and maybe try my best to help him..not heal him because I can't even heal myself but I can get revenge.

With Ace was a whole different story. I didn't know what he wanted which is why he was called silent but deadly. God knows what he'd do when he's angry. “Does he know,” Ace questioned.

A smirk appeared on my face. “I'm sure he does.” We walked through the front door to hear music playing. This would be the last song he'll ever hear. As we entered his room he was laying on the bed without any weapons to protect himself. He knew that this day would come.

“Hello father,” I growled so that he could look at us.

“Its disgusting that you talk to your step brothers. They're a disgrace and a stupid mistake that your mother made,” he argued.

“Well you're gonna die so it doesn't matter who I talk to,” I sassed. Ace and Axel wanted no part in his murder but they wanted to watch him die.

His blood rushed down . flowing profusely without stopping. I could see relief on my brothers faces as they looked at the dagger that I placed on his heart. We did torture him first before I killed him. What sense would it make if we just gave him a straight death. We wanted him to suffer first then I stabbed him straight in his heart. Its not like he has anything in it either way.

My brothers walked out of the house but I wanted to make sure that my father was dead. “Stay here,” I told them.


“Get your hands off them.” My heart skipped a beat when I heart Axel yelling that repeatedly. I ran up the stairs and his eyes were shut closed but I knew that he was having a nightmare.

“Wake up. Its just a nightmare,” I murmured. The movements of his body while yelling made me realise that he was fighting someone. I placed my hand on him trying to calm him. “Its okay,” I added.

Axel opened his eyes as he tried catching his breathe. He took deep breaths as I held his hands tightly. His eyes glared at me and I demanded him,“ Tell me.”

“He had it coming. All the years I spent of bad treatment.. He deserved to die,” Axel growled.

I didn't bother asking him who he was talking about because I knew that it was his father. Devin told me that Fernando treated Axel like shit.

“My brothers were there when I killed my father. I told them to wait outside so that I could make sure that my father was dead but when I came out of the mansion cops were everywhere. I threatened the officers and I made sure that no harm came to my brothers,” he frowned.

I knew that he cared about Ace and Grayson. “I defended and protected them. The things that's I'd do to keep them safe. My brothers would never go to jail on my watch,” he added.

“After that day... I was feared. My name was uttered everywhere. I will be remembered for centuries,” he continued. I don't think that he ever told anyone that story of his brothers. Maybe I was the only person he told and he felt much better to let it out.

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