Chapter 28: CHANGED

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I placed my gun in his mouth. "I'll see you soon love," I whispered then I hit him in the head with my gun. His body dropped to the ground. That should keep him asleep for a while.

1 week later.....

I was making dinner in the kitchen while blasting Chase Atlantic music. Music is like a comfort to me. I heard the door bell and I stopped the music just to make sure that I heard right.

I heard it again so I cleaned my hands then walked towards the door. I opened the door and there was nobody. I was about to step outside to see if I can spot anyone when I saw an envelope lying in front of my door.

I picked it up from the doormat and in front of the envelope was a writing instead of an address "TO LITTLE NIGHTMARE" in bold letters.

I walked back inside my mansion and I opened the envelope. I pulled out a bunch of pictures. They were all pictures of me.

I smiled then sent an envelope to someone. A nice little surprise was inside of it.

We are enemies. We continued to get on each others nerves at times but this, I'm not sure I can do this. We can't stand each other. After a while I made my decision and I went to his masquerade ball. I wore a red dress since it was his weakness.

I entered and all eyes were on me. Everyone had on either black or blue. Axel forbade anyone who came to the ball, red was not allowed since it was his weakness but I don't play by the rules. I was dancing with Zade when he said,"that's a nice dress."

I smiled knowing that I would get Axel's attention. "But I know someone who would like it more," he continued. He spinned me around and I ended up in someone else's arms,"he's right I do like it better," he responded.

Everyone eyed us down. "You are such a new person la mia ossessione. You really did change, Nightmare Queen." he smirked. Well at least he knew the name that people fear to call besides him. He didn't fear me nor did I fear him. "It took you long enough to figure it out, huh" I smirked. I was using him this whole time.

"Nice to see you to Mr. Ford," I continued. "Don't ever call me that little nightmare," he stated trying not to cause more attention than we already had on us.

I smiled. Things really changed but he was still the same. I knew that I had him wrapped around my finger.

1 year ago....

I woke up in an unfamiliar environment. I was kidnapped by the mafia that my parents worked in. He wanted me to become like Axel Ford. He was feared, untouchable and precise.

No one dared to do anything to him. "Okay so why aren't police taking down his ass," I questioned. Why do they want me to be like him.

"See that guy over there... he's an officer," The man replied. What is an officer doing here. "What." I mumbled to myself but he heard me.

"Yea. they don't necessarily like him but they rather be his friend than enemy," He continued. I'm sure that Axel doesn't trust anyone. He knew that people fear him and he knew that no one wanted to be his enemy. "What about axel."

"He hates them all," he smiled. I knew it. He doesn't trust anyone then why would he have them with him or at his parties. "Don't you know who his father was," he added.

I know who Axel is but I never heard about his father. "Who."

"Fernando ford," he said and somehow I felt chills. "Fernando who."

"Only the best man to live. cruel,evil ,merciless but hell he was good," he muttered almost in jealousy. "Look he got to people who thought that they were untouchable, how did he do it, no one knows. He got to people who had high guards and thought that they weren't going to die. Hell he even got to ghost," he continued.

"Ghost..," I murmured but he cut me off, "Yes... people who were considered untouchable. The ghost were considered either dead but most people believed that they were alive."

"Were they. "

"Not anymore," he smiled. So the ghost are people that were considered impossible to kill, I guess. He said not anymore.. Does that mean. "He killed them," I questioned.

"Yes. so naturally people knew that his son would be the same," he muttered. "Was he." I never met Fernando Ford and he is actually dead now but he seemed pure evil but at the same time good in what he did, he never got stopped.

"No his son Axel Ford was worse. He was the devil himself. Vicious, psychotic, and mostly precise... even better than his father," he said.

"He was insane, literally psychotic. But he hated his father, he was the worst man alive to others but also to his own son. Axel killed him," he grinned. Axel killed his father. Why would he do that.

The mafia leader left me in the room after telling me the story. They had me training and doing their dirty work. I refused but was tortured to do it. After a while he finally told me why I was there," Axel will come for you after all he is obsessed and when he does... You will kill him."

"Why me," I questioned?

"Don't worry we're just using you. Once you kill Axel, you will get respect and fear because you killed someone who no one dared to even look in the eyes...," he muttered.

"Once you do that, it'll be easy for me to do the rest," he continued.

"You'll kill me and you'll get the respect and fear," I blurted out after realising that I'm bait. " you caught on so quickly, You're smart... Almost made me sad that I have to kill you," he whispered.

They had me only for a weak and I was completely different. I was precise, quick and not a person to mess with. I finally made my escape.

I was running away from the mafia leader that kidnapped me. I was exhausted from all the running but I had to escape. My breathing was heavy and tears streamed down my face. I was in the middle of no where.

I heard a car and hope filled my body as I knew that I would be safe now. I waved my hand, hoping that the car would stop.

I felt relief as I saw the car slowing down. I heard the door open and I questioned, " can you drop me off to my house." I saw a tall, muscular man step out of the car and he had gray eyes.

I knew that it was Axel Ford. He had been stalking me since I was 16 . I didn't know until the mafia leader told me. He knew that Axel was obsessed with me and eventually he would know that I'm missing and he would come for me.

The mafia leader wanted me to kill him. I got into the car and pretended to not know him. He helped me but he wanted everyone who kidnapped me to die.

I became the Nightmare Queen. I got my revenge. Everyone who forced me to change....died. I killed them. I always reached to them before Axel did.

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