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Sofia POV:

"I don't want to hear that song Sofia,” Axel yelled out while covering his ears. I stopped for a minute and sat back saying nothing. " what,” Axel said as he looked at me confused as to why I got so quiet.

"Ohhh I see," Axel smiled. "What,” I blurted out and it made Axel chuckle a little. " you don't like when I say Sofia, ” he said while acting all proud as if this was a big deal. "No I don't care what u call me. ” I didn't want him thinking he was right yet he was. Why did he call me Sofia. I mean it is my name but still. I guess I'm accustom to him saying other things instead.

I mean why should I care. I definitely don't care. He can call me by my name. It is my name after all. "Don't worry my love I just said it for the sentence because your name is hot plus I like the name Sofia mainly because my girl name is Sofia but since u got all mad at me I'll address you better next time little nightmare,"he winked.

Ughhh he's so annoying. I don't care. I really don't. He did sound kinda hot saying my name though. Wait, what am I even thinking. I like when he says other names for me even though I want to kill him for it too but when he said Sofia its almost as if I didn't want to hear it. I need to leave his mansion as soon as possible. I've been by him too long and now I'm expecting certain things.

" it doesn't matter. Sofia sounded great too,"I smiled as I changed it to something that he wanted to hear. Why did I do that. I don't care that he wanted to listen to something else so why did I change it.

Anyways its time for business. Axel's face got serious and there was no more him enjoying the song and dancing and god was that painful to watch.

“Why is money missing,” Axel growled and even I got chills throughout my body. I'm sure the guy is shitting himself right now.
“We put our trust in you yet you stole,” he added.

The guy just stood there like a fucking statue. I don't have all day for this. “just fucking admit it pussy, either way he’ll kill you for lying and if you tell the truth he’s still gonna kill you for stealing,” I  yelled out at him, my voice echoing in the room.

“No one was talking to you whore,” he spat out. Axel walked into his space and was about to say something when I pushed Axel and pulled out my bat and began hitting the man. “I wanted to kill him for even mentioning you but Wow..take control look powerful,” Axel said while looking proudly at me.

I don't why but somehow that made me feel something. Knowing that he was proud of me. What am I thinking. I stood over the guy and said,“you might have to repeat yourself, I didn’t hear you with the loud sounds of my bat hitting you.”

“You think you’re powerful cause you have the serpents,” he argued. Now that just pissed me off ,“I don’t need the serpents..I'd kill when I like and how I like.”

“Now you’re in big trouble,” Axel said to the guy just adding more fuel to the fire.

“You have zade and axel. Are you waiting to get ace, axel and damon too?” the man added.

“Eww.. Damon’s my fucking brother,” I replied in disgust. Honestly I was over this guys bullshit “Send regards to satan for me..goodbye.” I killed that stupid motherfucker.

I turned to Axel,“Zade?”

“Yea everyone thinks that you slept with him and me,” Axel replied while shaking his head. “Well you did actually sleep with me tho,”he winked.

“Eww zade is my friend and we were high..that’s all,” I said trying to clear up that stupid assumption. “You two were in the same bed so everyone just assumed the worse,” Axel continued.

I mean I guess that part is understandable. “And the rest..why would i want the rest,” I argued. Axel just smiled as I got mad. He didn't even answer me so I repeated myself,“Why’d he think that I want the serpents.”

“Girls either want to be with any of us for power or money. Some want us because it’s rumored that the Serpents fuck hard. Only it isn’t a rumor, it’s the should know,” he grinned.

“No,” I blurted out to which he added,“Really, do you want me to remind you.” He got into the car and I did the same. The drive was quiet because I was trying to wrap my head around this whole thing.

“Ooooh Sofia look there's a coffee shop,” he smiled like a little kid. He actually said my name so cute. If he wasn't my enemy he would've been so cute. He stopped the car and got out of the car. He began to cross the road happily as if he hadn't drank coffee this morning already.

I watched out the window as he walked when I saw a car speeding down. I didn't think twice I got out of the car and pushed him out of the way. I fell on top of him. “Sofia please leave these things for when we reach home,” he blushed.

“What the fuck,” I blurted out as I moved from on top of him. “I saved you. That's all it was.”

He rolled his eyes. He's such a diva, I swear. He came out of the store with a cookie. I thought he was gonna buy another coffee. Thank god he didn't.

He gave it to me. Chocolate chip cookies are my favorite. I took it and ate it with a smile on my face. When I turned to look at him he was already staring at me,“ what,” I questioned. “nothing, I was just looking at you,” he replied.

Axel and I spent the rest of the day driving around and doing little pending errands. By the time we were back at his mansion he got ready for bed. I think he probably already fell asleep.

On the other hand I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep. I was horny for no reason. This had to be the worse timing ever. I walked into Axel's room to see him asleep on the bed. He looked so perfect.

I was about to walk out of his room but instead I kept remembering how he said i could ride him. There's no way I'm gonna do that. But he's sleeping right now and i need it so bad.

I slowly got on top of the bed then on top of him. He had no covers on him so I was on top of him just there. I was contemplating til eventually my horniness got the best of me. I began to slowly ride him.

Eventually it began feeling so good and I began to move faster. Axel grunts and I opened my eyes,“oh shit you're wake.”

“yea princess, I can't sleep when you're moving like that,” Axel replied with his eyes wide open. Axel quickly moved and I got pinned down. He began aggressively making out with me. I gave out little moans. “You should've told me you were this horny my love,” he smirked.

“Let me check,” he added as he placed his hands on my wetness. I was soaked. He wasted no time as he placed his fingers in me. I began pushing myself closer to him but he stopped me from doing so.

“what do you want,” he questioned but it was hard for me to get my words out. Every time I opened my mouth to talk a moan escaped my lips instead. “tell me princess, what do you want from me right now.”

“I want you to fuck me,” I blurted out breathlessly. Axel wasted no time he quickly took off everything and his dick slid right into me.  I scratched his back as he kept thrusting. Hearing him make noises made me even more wet. He was enjoying it as much as I did. He placed kisses on my neck and then began making out with me again.

I was so close my eyes immediately closed and his name escaped my lips,“Axel.” From that moment he stopped and I opened my eyes immediately. Why did he stop. I saw him looking at me with a smirk. “Say it again,” he begged. God did he sound so hot.

“Axel.” with those words he began going faster. I was out of breath. I grabbed his face and started kissing him. That was all he needed too. We both came at the same time. A scream escaped me and then a more relaxed feeling passed through my body.

Axel got off the bed and stormed off the room. I got confused. I pulled the covers over me and hugged the pillows when the door opened again. Axel came walking in. He came straight to the bed and began cleaning me up.

In that moment I just kept staring at him but he was more focused on me. When he was done. He came right next to me and hugged me. I didn't argue or say anything. I allowed him and it actually felt good too. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

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